
It’s a well-known fact that writing is regarded as a solitary occupation, but I have found out that though authored by a single individual, a novel is never the achievement of one alone.

My most sincere thanks go to all the incredible people at Simon & Schuster UK and to my editor, Jo Dickinson, whose great input and valuable suggestions made the story and the characters in this thriller come alive. Also, to my copy editor, Ian Allen, for his incredible work and attention to detail all throughout the manuscript.

Words can’t express how thankful I am to the most passionate and extraordinary agent any author could ever hope for — Darley Anderson.

To the fantastic team of extremely hard-working people at The Darley Anderson Literary Agency, I owe my eternal gratitude.

Thank you also to all the readers and everyone out there who has so fantastically supported me and my novels from the start. Without your support, I wouldn’t be writing.
