Judy Rider settled down on the bed and lit a cigarette. She was bored with the late night television talk show and restless.

From time to time she glanced out the window. Pam and Chuck were still grappling in Chuck's Chevy. Poor Pam. Past thirty and still under the thumb of her mother.

Not that my life is so wonderful, Judy thought ruefully. Bob never seems to come home any more. I wonder if he really is working late. If he doesn't come home soon and fuck me I'll go crazy.

She inhaled deeply, seething with a frustration that was becoming part of her everyday life. Knowing Pam was probably getting fucked didn't help.

Still, she didn't envy her sister-in-law. Pam was almost an old-maid, although the term was no longer used much. Even though Bob was neglecting her lately, Judy had to admit she still had a fine life. She had two adorable sons sleeping nearby and a popular teenage daughter.

At the thought of her sons, the brunette's pussy twitched. She hated to admit it, it was much too perverse, but as the boys grew older she was seeing them as males and not just as her children.

Now she snapped open the beer she'd brought upstairs and lit a fresh cigarette from the old one. It was lonely being in bed without Bob. She couldn't help but remember the old days before the children were born. Their sex life had been so good then. Why did things have to change?

Sometimes she resented living so close to Bob's mother and sister. When the children were young Pam would help out by baby-sitting, but Maggie was always busy running around and getting fucked. Everyone knew it, but no one talked about it. Bob's mother was a very sexy lady who pretended to be pristine. What a joke. Judy sighed and sipped her beer. In the old days Bob couldn't get enough of her. He had known how to make her come and always took care of her needs before he took care of his own.

When they were newlyweds his cock was inside her most of the night and every morning. She could still feel the way it was in the old days when his shaft rested against her clit. He would stay inside her for hours at a time.

She had been a hot-blooded teenager and although Bob wasn't her first lover he was her favorite from the day they met. She had started fucking as a kid and met Bob when she was in high school. He had satisfied her as no other boy had. Somehow he knew precisely how to take her over the brink to ecstasy even as a boy.

She wondered if her sons took after their father.

Sometimes she thought about the first time she and Bob made out. Even now, after all these years, she could still feel his lips on her pussy. He was the first boy who ever went down on her. He had tongued her cunt until she wept.

Now she squeezed her thighs together as she thought about how his tongue had felt on her teenage clit. The first time he licked her clit she thought she would go through the roof of his car. She could still feel his tongue vibrating her little sex organ. She went out with other boys after that, but she was hooked on Bob Rider.

Now her fingers automatically found her nipples. She pinched them until they stiffened with excitement. It had been days since Bob had fucked her. Months since he'd fucked her good. Her pussy steamed with frustration. Some women lost interest in sex after they had children. Her cunt was as wet as a teenager's almost all the time.

Sometimes she considered cheating. After she and Bob had been married five years she had fucked around for a few months. But Jimmy was a curious four year old and seemed to sense something. She never cheated again.

Now she fingered her cunt and finished her beer. If only Bob would come home and fuck her. But he'd be tired or pretend he was, which was the same thing. It was always the same lately. She almost had to beg for it and then he'd throw her a quick fuck.

It wasn't as if Bob wasn't a virile man. His cock was as big and hard as ever when he was in the mood. And at moments like this when she'd had a few beers she had to admit Bob's lack of interest wasn't her only problem. Her gravest problem was her oldest son. Lately she thought about the boy more and more. She thought about having sex with him.

Incest! Even the word made her cringe. Billy, her younger boy, was a horny teenager who made her pussy twitch whenever he grinned, but it was Jimmy who made her cream her panties.

Incest. There was no denying she wanted to fuck her eldest son. Admitting it to herself made her feel better in a strange way.

She sometimes wondered if women transferred their love from their husbands to their sons when their marriages became routine. She certainly loved the boys more than she loved Penny. She loved Penny, but in a different way. Her love for her sons was sexual, while in her daughter she saw her own fading youth.

Sometimes she thought about Jimmy as a possible sex partner. She caught herself peeking into his room when he undressed for bed. If he noticed her staring, he never said anything.

Both boys were affectionate and ogled her tits constantly. Whenever they could, they would brush up against her and cop a feel of her tits. She thought it was adorable and didn't discourage the caresses.

Now, her beer finished and her last cigarette snuffed out, she yawned and abandoned herself to her thoughts. Bob was especially late tonight. Why shouldn't she play one of her favorite games? The game was to wonder what it would be like to fuck Jimmy.

Actually she'd fantasized about fucking both her boys. Once she pretended she was wearing a sheer negligee and Bob was working late. The boys had walked into her room without knocking and when she turned to them she opened her negligee and revealed her naked tits.

How their eyes glittered! When she thought they were good and hot she would fall onto the bed and wriggle her ass. Still wearing her nightgown, she fantasized she would open her legs and let them see her beaver.

They would gawk, approach the bed and whistle in unison. She would reach down and spread her cuntlips apart. Then she would…

Oh, God! The fantasy was making her so horny! She fingered herself imagining she was being touched by her oldest son. If only she had his cock in her hand. If that was incest, so be it.

She found herself opening and closing her fist. From the many times she's glimpsed Jimmy's cock she knew it was good and big. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and sucked. Jimmy, she thought. Come to Mother and let me take your cock in my hand.

Oh, how she would make him feel! She would move her fingers lovingly up and down his horny teenage dick. Boys his age were always hot. Why was it so wrong for a mother to help out her own sons?

Who ever said incest was wrong anyway?

She glanced at the clock, startled to find it was only eleven. From the silence in the street she was sure Pam had gone in the house. She fondled her pussy and pinched her nipples. Bob probably wouldn't be home for a few hours. Too late to fuck her and too tired. What the hell could she do but masturbate?

Her mind wandered again and again to Jimmy. From what she'd seen the boy had a big pair of balls as well as a good-sized cock. If he was her lover she'd take his balls into her mouth and soak them in her saliva. In her mind she flicked her tongue over his ball-bag and tasted the special flavor and aroma. She worked her lips as she masturbated.

"Fuck me, Son," she whispered. "Fuck your mother, honey."

The words startled her and she sat up. Her heart pounded and she was bathed in sweat. I must go and see if he's all right, she thought. These thoughts are so evil. God might be punishing me through my darling boy.

She closed the door behind her, clutched her robe to her chest and tiptoed down the hall. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath. Where was she going and what was she doing? It was all so crazy.

She stood outside Jimmy's room. My own flesh and blood, she thought. It was a momentous decision and her head ached.

Her pussy won out. It melted with hot desire. Surely it wouldn't matter if she just peeked into Jimmy's room and looked at him while he slept. Surely it wouldn't be a sin to look down on his sweet face and maybe catch a glimpse of his strong young body. She was his mother, after all. Who had a better right?

She quietly turned the doorknob and stepped into the room. Her heart beat so fast she felt faint, but there was no turning back. She was powerless to deny herself what she craved.

Closing the door softly behind her, she walked over to the bed where the sleeping teenager lay sprawled out on his back. Moonlight poured into the room and she automatically reached out to touch Jimmy's hair.

She flinched, pulled her hand back, and then let her fingertips graze his cheek. He stirred slightly in his sleep and she froze.

When she was certain he was sleeping soundly, she sat down on the edge of the bed. She took his hand in hers and pressed her hot lips to the palm.

Her pussy lurched. She gazed at him in the dim light and saw a man, not a child, and her pussy responded. She let her free hand fall to his chest.

Without thinking, she drew the covers back and gazed hungrily at his young body. He wore no pajamas and was still covered from the waist down. She thrilled to the touch of his smooth young skin.

My baby boy, she thought. She lightly stroked his nipples. My little man.

She stroked her way down to his waist and stopped, but she knew she had to see more of his body. She hadn't seen him naked for several years, but who had a better right to see how he had developed?

Her hand rested on his belly. He stiffened in his sleep, but his breathing was regular. Did she dare push the covers all the way down and peek at his cock and balls? She wanted to so badly.

As if moved by an alien force, she lifted the covers up and exposed his crotch. He was wearing shorts and she let her hand slip inside the waistband.

She felt his bush and almost stopped breathing. She couldn't stop now. She had to see and feel everything. She had to get a good look at his cock and balls or she'd never get to sleep.

Glancing over at the clock on the desk, she guessed that Bob wouldn't be home for a while. The horny brunette carefully pulled the boy's shorts down and her eyes widened as she gazed at his prick.

It was leaning against his thigh and he must have been having a wet dream because it was throbbing and half-hard. His shorts were down around his thighs now and she stared with hot eyes at his groin.

She knew she ought to stop right there and be content to just gaze at his cock and balls. But she wanted more. She had to touch him, caress him, feel his cock pulsate in her hand. It was a sin, a taboo, but she wouldn't sleep until she touched it.

She tried telling herself he was her son and she had a right, but still she trembled as she reached down to his prick.

When her fingers touched him, touched his cockbush and shaft, a thrill shot through her. Dear God, she wanted his cock in her mouth and her pussy! Just touching wasn't enough. It was never enough.

Closing her eyes to shut out the sight of him, she ran her fingers up and down his rod. He mumbled in his sleep, but she left her hand where it was. If he awakened, so be it. She couldn't turn back now.

The hot-assed mother felt dizzy with excitement. Her pussy moistened, wetting her inner thighs. Excitement made her aggressive and she gently wrapped her fingers around his fuckpole and squeezed.

He groaned in his sleep, but still she fondled him, almost willing him to awaken. His cock lifted up in her hand, no longer resting against his thigh. It was getting hard. Dear God, she was giving her own son a hard-on!

She rubbed his jizz-slit with her thumb and distributed the juice over his cockhead. The longer she fondled his cock the larger it grew.

Soon it was fully erect. She felt a rush of excitement and began moving her hand up and down his silken-skinned shaft.

She wondered how often he jerked off. When her boys were little, they masturbated regularly. Now that they were teenagers they probably beat their meat a half dozen times a day.

Do I dare take it in my mouth? she thought. What if Bob comes home and finds me in here?

She gazed down with loving eyes at her eldest son. She wanted to give him pleasure, the kind of pleasure only a mature woman can give a young boy. Did she dare?

Was it possible to give him an orgasm while he was sleeping? Would he awaken and be shocked? Or maybe he would be pleased. Billy was asleep in the next room and Penny just down the hall. Would they hear if Jimmy cried out and would they rush in to see what was happening?

Despite the unanswered questions and the dangers involved, the hot-cunted mother continued manipulating the boy's cock. It became so stiff she knew she wouldn't leave until she brought him off. How could she leave him like this?

But even as her mind whirled she knew she wanted to taste him. She salivated at the thought of taking his young dick in her mouth.

She loved giving head and Bob hardly seemed interested lately. Was he getting it somewhere else or was he just losing interest in sex? It was hard to tell, but she had a gut feeling he had another woman, or women.

One thing she knew. She had to taste Jimmy's prick. Her pussy seethed, but she wasn't yet ready to take that step. Sucking him didn't seem as perverse as fucking him.

Climbing to her knees over him, she bent down and moved her lips to within a few inches of his prick. She hesitated, opened her mouth and stopped, her lips grazing his cockhead.

A drop of his pre-orgasm jizz clung to her lower lip. She licked her lips, tasting him. How delicious he was!

Come to Mama, she thought with a giggle. Come to Mama, baby boy of mine.

Squeezing his cockhead, she coaxed another drop of come out of his pisser. Raw desire driving her on, she flicked her tongue out and licked it off. Closing her eyes, she savored the taste of him once again.

She wanted a mouthful of jism, but to achieve that she had to make him come without awakening him. Her head swam at the prospect as she kissed the tip of his cockhead.

He grunted in his sleep, raising his ass and seemingly trying to thrust his prick into her mouth.

Just where I want it, she thought as she rubbed her moist lips over his mushroom-like cock-knob.

She pressed her lips against his bush and his balls. She inhaled his man-boy aroma. Her fingers circling his cock-root, she opened her mouth wide and took his cock deep inside.

He stirred violently, but didn't awaken. She thought she might faint when his cock plunged into her throat. She scraped her teeth lightly over his cockshaft and tongued his pisser. His cock was actually growing bigger and stiffer. What a joy he was.

She glanced at the clock and calculated she still had a few minutes before Bob came home. She had to bring the boy off without awakening him. If nothing else she had to have a mouthful of come to put her to sleep.

Driven by raw desire and motherly love, she began sliding her lips up and down his prick. She bobbed her head up and down, fondling his balls as she sucked him.

At intervals he raised his ass and rammed his prick into her throat. She thrilled at his aggressiveness. Even in his sleep he was all boy.

She cradled his balls in one hand and used her other hand to gently pump his prick. She sucked just the tip, concentrating on moving just his cock-skin up and down his pole.

His cock and balls were wet with her saliva. On an impulse she moved a hand to his asscrack and toyed with his asshole.

He flung a leg over, hitting her in the head and pushing her down over his crotch. She held his prick in one cheek and then the other before letting it lodge in her throat.

She used her tongue expertly, making his cock jerk and throb. She gently inserted a finger in his asshole while she fluttered her tongue up and down his fuck-stick.

Then she plunged down, clamping her lips over his hard-on and burying her nose in his cock-bush. He groaned, mumbling something unintelligible in his sleep.

"Come!" she hissed. "Fuck Mother's face, darling!"

She prepared herself for the explosion she knew was moments away. She removed her finger from his asshole and began frantically rubbing her pussy.

She came when he did and his jism was sweeter than anything she'd ever tasted. It filled her mouth to overflowing.

At the end she stole back to her room and fell onto the bed. In less than five minutes she heard Bob drive up. Her pussy still burning with horny desire, she pulled up the covers and feigned sleep.
