My thanks to the following people for their help with this book: The brilliant Suzanne Gluck; my superb editor, David Highfill; Janice Deaner, invaluable reader and friend; Ryan Ernst, who lent his computer expertise and his face; Gabe Robinson, Dan Conaway, Elaina Richardson and the Corporation of Yaddo, Reiner Leist, and SJ Rozan; Anthony Romero, Manuel Marinas, and Saraivy Orench-Reinat, who corrected my Spanish without complaint or derision; the William Morrow/HarperCollins family, who continue to support me-Jane Friedman, Lisa Gallagher, Michael Morrison, Debbie Stier, Danielle Bartlett, Carla Parker, Lynn Grady, Carl Lennertz, Tavia Kowalchuk, Sharyn Rosenblum, Mike Spradlin, Christine Tanigawa, Brian McSharry, Juliette Shapland, and everyone else who has helped behind the scenes. For their creative effort beyond the call of duty, Betty Lew, Richard Aquan, and Jimmy Iacobelli deserve medals.

More thanks to my sister Roberta; my mother, Edith; my daughter, Doria; and always my wife, Joy.

To the many booksellers and readers I have met in my travels who have supported my work: Where would I be without you?

One final note: To truly comprehend the work of face-reading expert Paul Ekman, Ph.D., I recommend reading one or more of his fascinating books, among them Unmasking the Face: A Guide to Recognizing Emotions from Facial Clues, The Facial Action Coding System, and What the Face Reveals: Basic and Applied Studies of Spontaneous Expression Using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS).
