“A family is a collection of strangers trapped in a web of DNA and forced to cope.” — MARIA VON TRAPP
“No luncheon shall ever present itself free from payment in coin or pound of flesh.” —WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
“All right, I admit to having cursed the darkness once or twice.” —ELEANOR ROOSEVELT
“Being rich is nothing when compared to being really, really rich” —BILL GATES
“What no one seems to realize is that there are no bathrooms on the moon.” —NEIL ARMSTRONG
“I do not mourn the loss of my hearing, and in fact, I foresee a time when popular music shall cause entire populations to long for my affliction.” —LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN
“Time is the unquantifiable commodity that greases the gear work of creation. But I prefer Russian dressing.” —ALBERT EINSTEIN
“The fabrication of quotes is like the manufacture of polyester. It may pretend to be silk, but suffocates when the climate is hot.” —MAHATMA GANDHI