Generally known as the author of Submarine!, a vivid account of submarine action during World War II, and Run Silent, Run Deep, a best-selling novel, Captain Edward L. Beach, USN, is nevertheless one of the most experienced submarine commanders in our modern Navy. Since 1939, when he was commissioned upon graduation from the United States Naval Academy, he has served as executive officer of the submarines Trigger and Tirante during World War II, and as Commanding Officer of the submarines Piper, Amberjack, Trigger, and Triton, as well as the fleet oiler, Salamonie.
Born in New York City and raised in California, the son of an equally famous naval officer and writer, he has served additionally as Aide to the Chief of Naval Personnel and, from 1953 to 1957, as Naval Aide to the President of the United States. He holds six decorations for combat, among them the Navy Cross and two Silver Stars. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for Triton’s circumnavigation.
He and his wife, the former Ingrid Bergstrom Schenck of Palo Alto, California, have three children, two boys and a girl.