Chapter Thirteen

Nantucket Island

SHORTLY AFTER K ITTYHAWKE TOOK OFF FOR MAINE, STOKELY Jones, Ross Sutherland, and Sergeant Tommy Quick were having breakfast in the gleaming stainless steel galley presided over by Blackhawke’s executive chef, Samuel Kennard. Kennard was known by one and all aboard the yacht as Slushy. Since the early eighteenth century, this unsavory moniker had been the nickname commonly given to cooks aboard ships in the British Royal Navy.

“Slushy,” Stoke said, swallowing a mouthful of fried grits, “sit your ass down here and eat some breakfast with us. You been on your feet since five this morning.”

“Brilliant idea, mate,” Slushy said, in his thick cockney accent, and brought a plate piled high with bangers and mash over to the galley staff’s main dining table. “Don’t mind if I do, thank you very much.” Slushy’s substantial girth was all the proof you needed of his pudding.

“That’s better,” Stoke said. “I just can’t stomach eating when somebody’s standing there cooking. Must have been something in my childhood. Now, Slushy, you got shore leave this morning? Man, you got to see that whaling museum in town. I’m telling you, brother, those old whaling cats were some seriously badass dudes.”

“Better trust him on that one, Slushy,” Quick said. “Mr. Jones does not use the word badass lightly.”

Tom Quick, who was always heavily armed despite his crisp white crew attire, reported directly to Sutherland and had total responsibility for the security of the yacht Blackhawke. Quick was of medium height, lean, with a shock of sun-whitened hair and frank, inquisitive grey eyes. He had been working for Hawke for more than two years. Alex had met the U.S. Army’s number-one sharpshooter at the Sniper School at Fort Hood. Hawke had promised Sergeant Quick an exciting career and he had delivered in spades. Sarge, as he was now called, had helped to salvage Hawke from too many unsalvageable situations to count.

“Says it all the blooming time, though, don’t he, Mr. Sutherland? Badass?” Slushy said. Most major yachts of the world boasted chefs lured away from the finest four-star restaurants of Europe. Alex had hired Kennard away from a pub in Clapham Common, which, he argued, had the best food in all of London. Slushy was an innate culinary genius and could cook, literally, anything to perfection. Even the salted shark strips Sutherland was currently chewing on.

“Damn good shark this morning, Slush,” Ross said. “C’mon, Stoke. I’m headed for the ship’s library. Get a jump on that list we made last night.”

“That’s good, that’s good,” Stoke said. “My man Sarge here and I’ve been doing some checking on that sniper rifle I found up in the tree. I tell you, Quick here is a walking sniper encyclopedia. And I want to hear about you and Ambrose’s little midnight visit to the crime scene, too.”

“Well, later,” Tom Quick said, rising from the table. “Meeting with my team at nine. Good luck, good hunting, guys.”

“Sarge,” Sutherland said to Quick, “Security level aboard is unchanged, correct?”

“Aye, sir. Level Three ever since the boss got the call from the DSS about the incident up in Maine.”

“I don’t feel good about this, Tommy. Take her to Four.” Five was full on, wartime. They’d only been at Five once and that was in the middle of a firefight with Cuban gunboats during a very hairy military takeover down in Cuba.

“Aye, aye, sir,” Quick said, “Go to Four.” He saluted and he was gone. Four meant round-the-clock armed watches and a two-man team manning the video feeds from the underwater cameras night and day. It must be getting very sketchy out there, Quick thought, taking the steps to the upper deck three at a time.

An hour later, Stokely and Sutherland were in the library, hard at it. They had managed to eliminate a few names from the Enemy Register and had created a new chart headed Physical Evidence.

“Trouble with that enemy chart,” Stoke said, sitting back in his armchair with his hands laced behind his head, “Is that Alex Hawke got a price on his head in half the damn countries on the list.”

“Quite right,” Ross said, turning from the chart. “But you don’t get paid for shooting the bride.”

“Yeah, I been thinking about that. Guy who did that to Vicky? He was sending a signal. I can hurt you and I can kill you. But before I kill you, I’m going to put you in a world of hurt.”

“Yeah,” Ross said. “It’s definitely not a standard-fare contract hit. Have to be at least five names up there we might safely eliminate.”

“Scratch ’em,” Stoke said. “Mr. Congreve wants ’em back up there, he can tell us why when he gets back from Maine.”

As Ross drew a red line through some of the names, Stokely got up and went to the evidence chart, a big black Magic Marker in his hand. He wrote the letters SVD at the top of the page.

“Let me tell you a little bit about the sniper rifle this guy managed to leave stuck in the tree,” Stoke said. “Gun was a Dragunov SVD. That’s short for Snayperskaya Vintkova Dragunova. I’m pronouncing that best I can.”

“Russian,” Sutherland said.

“Bet your ass. Now, here’s the weird part. That gun sucks. So out of date, guy might as well used a goddamn flintlock.” Stoke wrote the manufacture date, 1972, on the chart, next to SVD.

“Accurate enough, I’d say, assuming the target actually was Vicky and not Alex.”

“Oh, it’s accurate enough, you got a good enough scope on it. Which it did, by the way. Best goddamn scope money can buy. Now, here’s the weird part.”


“I know a lot about this shit, as you know. I don’t want to bore anybody.”

“Bore me, Stokely, to tears,” Ross said, “Make me cry.”

“You asked for it, son. Okay. You see, while the SVD was mass produced in the old USSR in the seventies, they’re hard to come by these days. I mean, no serious shooter is going to go out and look for one of these things, know what I’m saying?”

Stoke was illustrating his points, getting everything down in writing on the physical evidence chart.

“Wouldn’t be professional, is what you’re saying,” Sutherland said, smiling.

“See? That’s why the boss likes you, Ross. You good, my brother. Now. This is the best part. While the gun itself is an antique, the scope is definitely not. The scope is a 10X Leupold & Stevens Ultra Mark IV. They don’t get much better. Multicoated lenses for superior light transmission and contrast. Bright, distortion-free image in any kind of light. And exposed knobs for easy windage and elevation adjustments. Bored yet?”

“You see any tears?”

“The Ultra Mark IV is brand spanking new. It has a range knob that goes from one hundred yards to one thousand yards with one complete turn of the dial. And that, little buddy, tells you something.”


“That Leupold scope? Total overkill. It’s strictly American military or American law enforcement. Joe Public can’t buy one for love or money. I called the head tech support guy at Leupold this morning just to make sure. These scopes are locked down tight. Got a big computer with nothing to do all day but keep track of every damn serial number.”

“So,” Ross said, leaning forward in his chair, “Our shooter has to be either a U.S. serviceman or police officer.”

“Both possible, but not very damn likely.”

“Right. For now, at least. So we’ve got an outdated Soviet weapon with a brand new U.S. scope mounted on it. Strange, but I’ll go with it.”

“I’m saving the very best for last.”


“This guy Sarge put me onto at Leupold? I talked to the tech guy. Name was Larry. Wouldn’t give out his last name. Security. Anyway, he asks me why I’m so curious about this particular scope so I told him the whole story about Vicky, beginning to end. He’s listening to me now, ’cause at this point he knows I’m ex-SEAL, ex-NYPD, and shit and the cat knows my ass ’cause of reputation or some shit, you know, and the U.S. Navy?”

“U.S. Navy.”

“Hell, Ross, Navy’s a major contractor with him, do a whole lot of business with his company, dig? Whole damn lot. You capiche what I’m saying here?”

“He had a certain incentive to cooperate.”

“There you go again, Ross! Shit! Let’s just say the boy took a very deep breath and let me into his total utmost confidence.”

“What’d he say, Stoke? You’re driving me mad here.”

“He said, what the boy said was, Stoke, you didn’t hear this from me. But. There’s one damn scope out there somewhere we just can’t account for.”


“That’s exactly what I said! Seems like about three months ago, somebody broke into the apartment of a Dade County SWAT team guy down in Miami. Killed him in his bed. M.E. guy on the scene said somebody drove a sharp object through both his eyes. Stole his weapon. Only thing he took.”

“Hold on. The SWAT guy had his weapon at home? That’s not how it works, Stoke. They lock them down at the HQ after every operation.”

“Shit, you think I don’t know that, Ross? Wasn’t supposed to have his damn sniper rifle in house. ’Course not. Against every SWAT reg in the book, you right. He was a bad boy. Weekends, he took his gun, a .50-caliber Barrett M82A1 rifle by the way, out into the ’glades, did himself a little gator shooting. Somebody watching the boy for a while, knew all his habits.”

“Knew weapons and scopes, as well.”


“Where exactly was this apartment?”

“South Beach.”



“How come Vicky’s shooter puts the new scope on the old rifle? Why not just use the .50-cal Barrett?”

“Thought about that. He’s more comfortable with the old SVD. Used it for a long time. The new Barrett is all funked out with new kinds of shit he’s not used to. So, he puts the good scope on the old gun.”

“You’re thinking this shooter is Russian, Stoke?”

“Russian, old Eastern bloc, maybe. Lots of pissed-off Commies running ’round the planet love to mess with Alex Hawke.”

“Chinese. North Koreans…”

“Them, too. But the Chinese and NKs, see, they got their own sniper rifles. Wouldn’t be messing with some outdated Soviet shit.”

“Middle Easterners might—”

At that moment Pelham appeared in the library, carrying a silver salver with a teapot and tea service for two.

“I daresay I hate to interrupt what is most certainly a most scintillating and fruitful discussion, but I thought that perhaps a cup of good Darjeeling might further stimulate the cerebral cells.”

“Pelham,” Stoke said, “You something else. You like some whole different species. Ordinary folks never know what the hell you talking about, but it always sound so good.”

“Most kind, Mister Jones,” Pelham said. “Will you be having tea?”

“I will be having tea,” Stoke said, a huge grin on his face. “Pelham, you been with Alex since the day he was born. We sitting here trying to figure out who could have the kind of hatred for Alex that would drive them to murder his bride on the steps of a church. Maybe you could add something. Why don’t you sit down there and listen to old Ross talk about his midnight visit to the crime scene?”

“Are you quite serious?”

“I’m quite serious as I ever get.”

“Then I should be delighted. My morning was going to be spent sorting through his lordship’s jumble of handkerchiefs. The linen and the silk seem to have cojoined. This sounds a much more interesting and worthwhile endeavor.”

Pelham lifted the tails of his cutaway and sat in the lovely old Windsor chair Alex had acquired at an estate sale in Kent.

“Good. We need all the help we can get on this. Now, Ross, tell Pelham and me what happened when you and the Constable went up to the church that night?”

“Ah, yes. The proverbial dark and stormy night. It was raining buckets, and my expectations were low. The crime scene had been, by that time, thoroughly investigated. But, the Constable reminded me, mere crime scene investigators are not to be confused with Ambrose Congreve.”

Stoke laughed. “Boy is a natural, ain’t he? Natural born copper.”

“On the assumption the shooter had spent the night or most of it up in the tree, we did a three-sixty around the base of the tree. Twice.” Ross reached inside his jacket and removed a small glassine envelope. “The Chief found this the second time round. It’s just back from the evidence lab at Victoria Street.”

Stoke took the envelope and held it up to the light.

“Don’t look like much.”

“It’s the stump end of a cigar, actually. Both wrapper and filler have been identified as Cuban leaf. There was a bit of foil label embedded in the wrapper. Lab was able to determine the brand. Cohiba.”

“So where does that take us? You can buy Cuban cigars anywhere.”

“Quite right. But the label indicated this cigar was not made for export. It could only have been purchased in Cuba.”

“Well, lots of them Cuban folks down there would like to bust Alex’s chops, but we killed most of ’em when we blew the shit out of that rebel submarine base.”

“Stoke,” Sutherland said, leaning forward, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Soviet sniper rifle. Got to be hundreds of them lying around in the one Communist country we didn’t even mention. Cuba. Russkies left ’em behind when they pulled out of there. Shooter could be Cuban all right. God knows, we pissed a bunch of them off down there and—”

“Cuba,” Sutherland interrupted. “The one name Alex asked the Chief Inspector to add to his list.”

It was then that Pelham dropped his teacup. It hit the floor with a tinkling crash and shattered, splashing tea on Stokely’s trousers.

“Good Lord!” Pelham exclaimed. “I must be losing my mind!”

“Ain’t no harm done, Pelham. Here, I can pick it all up and—”

“I’ve done the most dreadful thing,” Pelham said. “Absolutely dreadful. I must be getting perfectly senile.”

“What are you talking about, Pelham?” Sutherland asked. “You, dear fellow, are simply incapable of doing anything dreadful.”

Pelham took a deep breath and stared at the two men.

“You two are thinking the man who murdered Victoria was possibly Cuban?”

“We currently exploring that possibility, yes.”

“This may be completely irrelevant,” Pelham said, rubbing his white-gloved hands together anxiously.

“You trying to solve a cold-blooded murder, Pelham, ain’t nothing irrelevant,” Stokely assured him.

“Well. It was about a week after everyone returned from the Caribbean. After the very successful conclusion of what his lordship humorously called his ‘personal Cuban missile crisis.’ Vicky was a guest at the house in London, recuperating from the ordeal of her abduction at the hands of the Cuban rebels. Would someone mind pouring me a wee dram of whiskey? I’m feeling a bit off.”

“Hell, Pelham,” Stokely said, “It’s way past nine o’clock in the morning, I’ll pour you a glass.”

Stokely went to the drinks table and peered at the silver labels hanging from the necks of the various heavy crystal decanters. He’d never had a drop of alcohol in his life and was a bit unsure as to what was whiskey and what was not.

“It’s the one on the far left, Stoke,” Sutherland said. “Please continue, Pelham.”

“Well. At any rate, Vicky and Alex had had a lovely evening at the house in Belgrave Square. They dined alone. After dinner, I took them up and showed them the hidden room where I’d kept all of Alex’s childhood toys and mementoes. There was a lovely portrait of Lord and Lady Hawke there. Alex and I somehow managed to get the large picture properly hung above the fireplace in the sitting room. They sat for a long time on the sofa, just staring up at it. Quite an emotional experience for Alex, I must say, finally coming to grips with the death of his parents.”

“What happened after that, Pelham?” Stokely asked.

“Well, as I say, there was a beastly storm that night and I had laid a great fire in the hearth. It was a’blazing away and I left them sitting there, cozy and comfortable. I went into the pantry to take up my needlepoint. When I returned some hours later, I discovered they’d fallen asleep. It was about three in the morning and I decided just to put a fur throw over them and go on up to bed. That’s when it happened.”

“What?” Sutherland said gently, for clearly the old fellow was deeply troubled.

“I was on my way up to my rooms, you see, and I heard someone ringing at the front door.”

“At three in the morning?” Sutherland said.

“Yes. Madness, naturally, unless it was some kind of emergency which it wasn’t. I went down, turned on the exterior carriage lamps, which I had shut off moments before, and I opened the door. There was a man standing there in the drenching rain. He was wearing a black cloak and holding a large black umbrella. He announced, in an appallingly rude manner, that he was looking for Alexander Hawke. I informed him that Lord Hawke was hardly receiving at this hour. ‘Give him this,’ he said, and handed me a small golden medallion. I recognized it as having belonged to his lordship.”

“You later gave it to Alex?” Stokely asked.

“No. That’s the dreadful thing. I slipped it inside my waistcoat pocket and toddled off to bed, fully intending to give it to his lordship next morning. When I went down to prepare breakfast at seven, I found a note from his lordship saying that he and Vicky had risen at first light and driven down to Hawkesmoor for a few last days in the Cotswolds before she returned to America. I put the medallion in the silver box where he keeps all his medals. And, completely and inexcusably, forgot to ever even mention it to him. Since he never looks at his medals, I’m quite sure that, to this day, he doesn’t know a thing about it.”

Stokely, looking not at Pelham but at Sutherland, said, “What did that medallion look like?”

“It was a St. George’s medal,” Pelham said, “It had his initials on the reverse side. A gift from his mother. I noticed he wasn’t wearing it upon his return from Cuba and asked him about it. He told me he’d lost it down there.”

“It’s the medal Alex was wearing round his neck the night we rescued Vicky, Ross,” Stoke said. “One of the guards cut the gold chain and took it away from him. We were so busy trying to get out of there alive, we forgot all about it.”

“Pelham, can you give us a physical description of this fellow on the steps?” Ross said, excited.

“Well, I remember he kept the umbrella low, as if to hide his face. But when he turned to go, I caught a glimpse of him in the light of the carriage lamps. Most extraordinary. He had absolutely no color in the pupils of his eyes.”

Stokely and Sutherland both got to their feet at the same time.

“This guy,” Stoke said, his voice choked with excitement, “He have any kind of accent, Pelham?”

“Yes,” Pelham said. “A very distinct accent. Spanish.”

“The man with no eyes,” Stoke said. “Shit. Alex was right. We should have been looking at Cubans.”

“Scissorhands,” Sutherland agreed. “That’s what Vicky said all the Cuban guards called him. Chap who liked to cut up people with a pair of silver scissors hung round his neck.”

Stokely slapped his forehead hard enough to send the average man crashing to the floor.

“Ross? That SWAT guy got whacked down in Miami? Like I was saying, Dade County Medical Examiner said somebody drove a sharp object into his brain. Through his eyes. The M.E. said the object was probably a pair of very sharp scissors.”

“Stoke,” Ross said, trying to sound calm, “The serial number on the scope in the tree. He’d filed it off, right?”

“I was saving that part for last,” Stoke smiled. “No, he didn’t. I read that serial number off to my new best friend at Leupold. Identical match. All they scopes now officially accounted for.”
