Chapter Sixteen Gotta Remind You

The next morning late, Mike leaving me at his house in his bed after I gave him a drowsy kiss and went back to sleep as he went off to work, I got up, took a shower, got ready for the day at Mike’s house and I went home.

I had Mooch in one arm, my bag dangling from my hand, my remote and key in my other hand and I let us in, dropping my bag and Mooch who started instantly yapping his puppy yaps toward the kitchen.

As I closed the door, I turned that way and stared.

Joe was standing there, hand leaned into the counter, phone to his ear, eyes, or I should say irate eyes, pinning me to the spot.

“Yeah,” he said into the phone, his eyes never leaving me as I stood frozen, staring at him. “You got it. Don’t worry.” He paused then he said, “Yeah, even when you get back.” He paused again then said, “I’ll tell her.” Another pause then, “Yeah, later girl.”

Then he flipped his phone shut and tossed it on the counter.

“What’re you doing here?” I whispered, Mooch somehow reading my tone shut up, sat down by my foot and stared with me at Joe.

“That was Kate,” he replied, his eyes still skewering me.

“What?” I asked.

“She called yesterday, worried about you bein’ alone. We made a deal.”

This didn’t sound good.

“You…” I hesitated, “made a deal with my daughter?”

“Yeah,” he replied, not moving, staying leaned deceptively casually against the counter as he spoke. “She and Keira help me out with my house. I keep close and keep you safe.”

“You made a deal with my daughters?” I repeated, though with a frightening nuance of change to one word.

“Works for me, seein’ as I don’t have a kitchen or bathroom or furniture. Now, stayin’ with you, I do.”

My chest seized tight.

“Staying with me?” I breathed.

“She called just now to check in.”

I looked to his phone then to him, ruing the day that I programmed Joe’s phone number into my girls’ phones.

“I –”

Joe cut me off. “You spent the night with him.”

I pulled myself together and stated, “That isn’t any of your business.”

“Thought I made myself clear yesterday, Vi.”

“Yes, you did and I made myself pretty clear too.”

“Yeah, baby, you did, fuckin’ whimpering the minute my mouth got close.”

Shit, okay, he kind of had me there.

“Joe –”

“I told you not to play that game.”

“Joe –”

“You played it.”

I decided it was a good idea to start retreating so I did. Mooch started yapping. Joe stood there unmoving.

“I’d like you to leave,” I told him.

“You forgot,” he said and I stopped moving backward.

“Forgot what?”

“Can’t imagine you did. I didn’t. I feel you at night, even fuckin’ smell you, thought it was the same for you.”

His words and all they meant washed over me and I stopped breathing.

“Gotta remind you,” he murmured.

We locked eyes.

Then he moved.

I turned and ran.

Mooch followed me, thinking it was a game.

It was no game and I was way too slow. Joe caught me, swung me around and then up over his shoulder and stalked into my bedroom.

“Joe! Put me down!” I demanded, pushing against his back.

He did. Bending at the waist, he threw me on the bed.

I turned and got up on all fours, scrambling.

He caught my ankles, yanked them, my knees came out from under me and he pulled me to him, twisted me to my back then he landed on top of me.

“Joe –” I tried but his hand was in my hair, it fisted, he tilted my head and his mouth came down hard on mine.

Fucking hell, but that was it. It was insane but that was all he had to do.

He was wrong. I remembered. I remembered every second with him, even the ones when we weren’t having sex, and I missed them. God, so much, I had to bury it, covering it with everything I had so it wouldn’t break me.

But it all came back, the longing, the hurt, the hunger, everything we were, everything I wanted us to be and it was everything there was.

We tore at each other’s clothes, yanking them off while we wrestled for supremacy, kissing, licking, biting, touching, scratching.

“Christ, baby,” Joe growled as my hand wrapped tightly around his hard shaft.

“I missed you,” I whispered my admission, why, I didn’t know. It just came out of me.

His face disappeared in my neck and his mouth at my ear, he ordered, “Spread your legs for me, buddy.”

I did, he slid between then without delay he slammed inside, filling me.

My hands glided into his overlong hair and I moaned, “Baby.”

“Wrap your legs around me, honey.”

I did and used them, heels digging into his back to lift my hips and he went in faster, harder, deeper.

“Good Christ, you feel good,” he groaned in my ear.

It was debatable but I figured he felt better, though I wasn’t going to argue the point just then. Instead I wrapped him tighter, his mouth came to mine and he kissed me.

Not long after, I was close, his mouth was on mine but somehow he could feel it coming.

“Say my name.”


He ground his cock in deep and demanded, “Who do you belong to?”

I closed my eyes and whispered, “You, Joe.”

“That’s it,” he growled against my mouth, driving deep and I felt it as he urged, “come for me, baby.”

“Okay,” I breathed and came, huge, hard, long, amazing, wrapping him tight, holding him close, pulling him deep as the orgasm he gave me had me in its grip and it was so beautiful, I didn’t want it ever to let me go.

It did, they always do, even the spectacular ones Joe gave me and I came down in time to listen to and feel Joe’s.

After, Joe stayed planted deep, his hand tangled in my hair, the other one at my ass, his weight heavy on me, his mouth moving at my neck and it was then I realized I really was a slut.

Mike and I hadn’t had sex last night but we’d fooled around far more serious than ever before. Mike had given me an orgasm with his mouth and I’d returned the favor. I didn’t know why he pulled back from the act; maybe he sensed I wasn’t ready. But what we did was great, brilliant, he was a gentle lover (as far as I could tell), taking his time, like his stealth kisses, getting off on building the burn, patient but, in the end, demanding.

I’d liked it a lot.

But not nearly as much as what I just had.

Two orgasms from two different men in less than twelve hours.

Yes, I was a slut.

When I came to this conclusion, Joe moved, pulling out and moving me with him, righting us in bed, pulling the covers down, sliding us between them, shoving the comforter back and then pulling the sheet up to our waists.

I didn’t fight, struggle or say anything as he settled me into him. My mind was blank. No, not blank, frozen in disgust at myself.

Then I came back into the room and I saw that he’d slightly modified our usual position where I had my head to his shoulder, my body pressed to his side.

He’d pulled me partly over him, my cheek to his chest between his pecs, his fingers had wrapped around my wrist, positioning my arm around his hip, his knee had come up, hooking my leg with it so my calf fell between his legs and I was semi-straddling his thigh.

I could hear his heart beating, steady, strong. I’d never heard that before or never noticed it and its strength weirdly defined him. Strong, vital and alive.

And he’d also yanked the sheet over us, to our waists. This was something I did with him in between times, unconsciously doing it, completely comfortable with our nudity while we were in the act but feeling vulnerable when we weren’t. I’d pull the sheet up to our waists, not higher just there. Even after years with Tim, I’d done the same.

Tim had never pulled the sheet up. Joe noticed and he did.

And he remembered me, how I felt, even smelled. Like me, he remembered at night when we were apart.

I sucked in breath.

His fingers slid into my hair.

“It’ll take two months to renovate the house,” he said suddenly and I blinked then realized he was starting the conversation in the middle again and my stomach got warm and soft at the memory of something Joe, something I thought I’d never have back and I steeled myself against it but I knew this was a futile effort. “Took ‘em a day to gut it but it’ll take two months to renovate it,” he finished.

I stayed silent because I didn’t have anything to say but also because my mind was not frozen and blank anymore. Now there was so much in my brain, I couldn’t catch a thought.

“Girls’re gonna pick carpet, paint, cupboards, shit like that. That’s our deal,” Joe went on.

God, Keira would freaking love that. Kate too.

I was screwed.

“In return, I’m in town, I stay with you.”

My head came up with that and I looked at him and said, “Joe –”

I said no more because his hand was still in my hair. It slid to my neck and he yanked me up his body, lifting his thigh to assist him in this endeavor, its hardness pressed between my legs, an area still sensitive which meant this felt good. When my face was close to his, his hand went back into my hair and pulled my mouth down to his to give me a bruising but short open-mouthed kiss.

“Love it when you say my name, baby,” he muttered against my mouth when he was done. I felt my body soften, my jumbled head going blank again as I stared in his eyes and he went on. “Feel it in my dick every time.”

My head gave a small jerk and I blurted, “You do?”

He grinned. “Yeah.”

I liked it when he grinned. He didn’t do it much so each time it felt like a gift.

But still, I said, “That’s weird.”

His grin became soft laughter and he rolled me to my back, mostly covering me with his body, his cocked thigh still pressed high between my legs.

“You don’t hear it when you say it,” he told me.

“I do hear it.”

“No, you’re not a guy so you hear it but you don’t. The way you say ‘Joe’, every man would wish that was their name.”

“Okay,” I replied because I really didn’t have anything else to say to that statement and because I was busy trying to ignore the lovely squishy feeling that statement made me feel.

He bent his head and kissed my neck then his hands started roaming and his thigh moved an inch higher.

I bit my lip.


“Yeah?” he asked my neck.

“You, um… can’t stay here.” His head came out of my neck, his hands stilled and he looked at me so I forged ahead. “’Cause, um… Dane called and said the girls were fakin’ it, havin’ a good time. He and I made our own deal yesterday. I need to call them like, right now, and ask them to come home. They’ll be back Saturday and I promised Dane and his parents he could sleep on the couch.”

“So?” Joe asked.

“So, Dane’ll be sleeping on the couch so you can’t.” This was one of the two reasons he couldn’t, Mike being the other one but I thought I’d start with Dane because mentioning Mike might make Joe mad and Joe naked and mad meant me acting again like a slut (or more like one, whatever that would be).

“Wasn’t gonna sleep on your couch, buddy,” he told me and I blinked then I finally came to myself.

“You can’t sleep with me.”

“In your bed right now,” he pointed out.

“Yes, but you carried me to it and threw me in it.”

“You didn’t struggle much then, Vi, and pointin’ out the obvious, you aren’t doin’ it now.”

He was right so I pushed off and tried to slide away but he gave me more of his weight which meant resistance was futile.

So I glared up at him and demanded, “Get off.”

He looked like he was trying not to laugh, a new look, a good one on him. “Too late.”


“You like me here.”

“Off!” I shouted.

“You missed me, told me so yourself, buddy.”

God, I did do that, just blurted it right out.

I closed my eyes and turned my head away but, even doing this, I could hear his soft laughter and feel it against my body.

I didn’t want to like it but I did.

Then something occurred to me and my body got tight and my head righted with a snap, my eyes opening.

“Shit,” I whispered.

“What?” Joe asked.

“Do you hear that?”

Joe’s face instantly got serious, his head cocked to listen then he looked at me and his voice was serious too when he asked, “What, buddy?”

“Nothing,” I told him.

“Come again?”

“Nothing!” I cried. “Shit, hearing nothing means Mooch is getting into trouble.”

If Keira wasn’t around (and she was good with taking care of her dog) then it was me who had to deal with Mooch and Mooch, being a very active puppy, was a lot to deal with.

I couldn’t do that with a big, naked man on me.

Then suddenly that big, naked man wasn’t on me. He was at the side of the bed and pulling on his jeans.

I stared as he walked out of the room.

Then I pulled the sheet up to my chest, sat up in the bed, bending my knees and watching the door, curious despite myself at what he was going to do. So curious, I didn’t get out of bed, get my clothes on and run far, far away. Instead, I waited.

Not minutes later, Joe came back with a squirming dog under one arm and my purse in his other hand.

He dumped Mooch in the bed and my purse on the nightstand.

Mooch ran to me and jumped up, licking me with his puppy tongue and dousing me with his puppy breath.

“Need a new dog bed, Vi,” Joe declared as I gave an active Mooch a rubdown and my eyes went to Joe.


“Dog ate it,” Joe told me, pulling my cell out of my purse.

“He ate it?” I breathed, wondering, if he had dog bed in his stomach, if that meant a vet bill in my future.

“Not all of it but he did a number on it.”

“Shit,” I whispered.

Joe tossed my phone on the bed then got in after he did that, grabbing the dog, stretching out on his back and pinning the puppy to his bare chest.

“Call your girls,” Joe ordered as Mooch licked Joe’s jaw.

I stared at Mooch licking Joe’s jaw and the way Joe accepted this without looking angry or sinister or badass. Well, he still looked badass but not angry or sinister and I felt my belly go warm and soft again.

“Honey, the girls,” Joe prompted when I didn’t move.

He was calling me honey a lot lately and, stupid me, I liked that too.

He taught me a lesson (twice), a lesson that burned so deep I thought I’d never forget that night in his house with him in that chair, telling me he fucked someone else.

But here I was, right back where I began.

And I liked that too.

“Right,” I whispered, snatched my phone from the bed and slid it open.

Joe moved the dog from his chest to the bed and Mooch started gnawing on his fingers. This Mooch did a lot and it didn’t feel great. It started off okay but if Mooch got into it, it hurt.

As my phone rang Kate’s I noticed Mooch was getting into it but Joe didn’t push him off or even wince.

“Hi Mom!” Kate called cheerfully into my ear and I heard instantly that Dane was right, she was faking it.

“Hey baby,” I replied.

“Everything okay?” Kate asked.

My eyes went from Mooch to Joe to see his head was to the pillows, one arm cocked, his hand behind his head and he watching me.

“Not really,” I said to Kate, moving my eyes from Joe’s face to Joe’s feet, which were crossed at the ankles and bare under the hems of his jeans.

Kate’s voice grew concerned and she asked, “What’s up?”

“Well… I don’t want to, um… it’s just that… do you think you and Keira could come home a bit early?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine I just kinda want you guys home with me. Do you think Dane’s folks’ll mind?”

“No,” she said immediately, “they’ll understand.”

Yes, my girl wanted to come home.

It was now confirmed. Dane was a good kid and I was forced to like him, even love the guy.


“Dane can um…” Damn! I looked back at Joe and widened my eyes at him but he just lifted his brows and then I said, “If his parents’ll let him, we’ll look out for him. I know he’s seventeen but he can stay with us, sleep on the couch and I’ll keep him fed.”

“Seriously?” Kate breathed.

I stopped looking at Joe, dropped my head to my knees and said, “Seriously.”

“I think they’ll be cool with that,” she told me and she sounded genuinely happy now.

I turned my head, putting my temple to my knee and saw Joe was smiling at me.

There it was; I’d done the right thing.

“Good, honey, but enjoy today. Get your fill and then come home tomorrow.” I told her, “but do it safe and slow, yeah?”


“Call me before you leave so I know when to expect you.”


I decided to give her more to look forward to and shared, “Your Gram and Gramps are comin’ down next weekend.”

“Killer!” she cried and I smiled, my eyes dropping to Mooch who was going to town on Joe’s hand and, not thinking, Kate at my ear, I spoke to Joe.

“Joe, your hand is not a chew toy.”

“Baby, he’s fine.”

“We don’t let him chew our hands like that.”

“He’s fine, Vi.”

“Stop him.”

“Honey, I said… he’s fine.”

The way he said this made me look at him and clamp my mouth shut. He was definitely done telling me Mooch was fine.

“Is Joe with you?” Kate asked, sounding beyond happy now, sounding freaking thrilled.

I jerked my eyes from Joe and realized I was naked in bed with Joe and Mooch, talking to my daughter, who was thrilled Joe was with me.

God, total slut.

And also, totally screwed.

“Um… yeah.”

“He’s stayin’ with us, you know, while his house is renovated. Did he tell you?”


“Keira and I think it’s great.”

“Keira does?”




The hundred dollars.

“How much of Joe’s money she have left?” I asked and Kate laughed.

“We gave Dane’s folks the money you gave us for food and stuff but we haven’t had time to go shoppin’ or anything so all of it, I think.”

“You get back, whatever you have left, you return it.”

“What?” Kate asked.

“What?” Joe rumbled.

I ignored Joe and told Kate, “When you get back –”

I didn’t finish because Joe sat up, reached in, pulled the phone out of my hand and put it to his ear.

“Money’s yours, girl. Don’t listen to Vi.”

“Joe!” I snapped.

He nodded and said, “Yeah. Everything’s good here. Tell Dane to remember the speed limit and that he’s got precious cargo. No screwin’ around.”

My anger vanished, my body stilled and my mouth dropped open at listening to Joe sounding just like a Dad.

“Right, see you tomorrow. Later.” Then he slid my phone shut.

I stared at him then at my phone then my eyes went back to him. “I would have liked to say good-bye.”

“Yeah, and you would have liked to say other shit,” Joe said as he turned and tossed my phone on my purse.

“Like what?”

He turned back, his brows drew together and he got that sinister look when he asked, “Givin’ my money back, Vi?”

“Two hundred dollars is a lot.”

“No it isn’t.”

“Yes, it is!”

“No, it fucking well isn’t.”

He was getting pissed but I figured I was getting more pissed.

I turned to him and declared, “Joe, you can’t buy my girls.”

His body went still and his face got hard and he didn’t speak for long seconds, seconds I didn’t realize he was using to gain control.

Then, low and angry, he told me, “I’m not buyin’ ‘em, I’m takin’ care of ‘em.”

“They’re not yours to take care of,” I snapped and immediately he moved. Mooch jumped away and I found myself plucked out of the bed and planted astride him, my knees in the bed, his arms locking me close.

“It was a shit time for you, the worst, but you were there and you saw ‘em doin’ it. They crawled into this same fuckin’ bed with me, so did you, and when you did, you all became mine.”

“That’s insane,” I informed him.

“That’s the way it is,” he shot back.

“Joe, we were beside ourselves with grief.”

“Yeah, and when you are you don’t lock tight to some guy you don’t know or some asshole you hate. You lock tight to what’s yours to remind yourself that it is and that you need it.”

“That wasn’t what was happening.”

“Buddy, you’re naked in my lap, your girls want me in the house, you’re pissed at me, tellin’ yourself it’s over and all I gotta do is kiss you and you turn wild. This shit gonna sink in?”

“It did, twice,” I reminded him, “and no matter the signals you gave me, Joe, it wasn’t what I thought.”

“Not givin’ you signals this time, Vi, I’m tellin’ you straight out and I’ll tell you somethin’ else, always listen to your gut.”

“Joe –”

“It told you you belonged to me, I’m tellin’ you it was right.”

I felt my heart start beating fast and that feeling in my belly again, the one I liked, so I whispered, “Stop it.”

“And I’ll tell you somethin’ else. I’m fixin’ up my house to sell it, we’re movin’ on from this, from Sam, from Hart, and we’re doin’ it together, you, me and the girls and along the way, I want a kid, our kid.”

I stilled and stared at him, his words another sock to the gut but it was a gut that had already gone warm, it had gone soft and, even with the wind knocked out of me, I felt that gut flutter.

Then I asked in a whisper. “What?”

“You’re not cool with that, I’ll deal. The girls’ll be all I need. But I’m not tellin’ you what I need, I’m tellin’ you what I want and I want a kid, with you.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered and his hand went to cup the back of my head and bend it to his.

“You got a lotta shit in your head, I know, but I’m layin’ it out for you. There it is. That’s what’s goin’ on here. Now, buddy, you need to cut Mike loose or I’ll do it for you.”

“Joe –”

“You want him to know you spent this mornin’ with my cock inside you, you keep playin’ this game. You wanna do it yourself, you end it with him.”

“I keep trying to but he’s like you, he won’t listen.”

“Then game on,” Joe announced.

“Joe –”

“He shoulda listened.”

“Why? You don’t listen.”

“You don’t belong to him, you belong to me.”

“That’s insane too!”

“Baby, you told me so your fuckin’ self.”

“Sexual coercion.”

He stared at me a second then burst out laughing, rolling me to my back and covering me with his body again.

“Joe, get off me!” I snapped, pushing ineffectually at his shoulders.

“Nope, feel like coercin’ you again,” he said in my neck.

“Joe, stop it.”

“Keep sayin’ Joe, baby, you’re makin’ me hard.”

I growled, he grinned against my skin then, Lord help me, he lifted his head, his mouth came to mine and he coerced me and before I came I told him I belonged to him.


* * *

Cal stood, back against his truck, arms crossed on his chest in the Police Station parking lot and he waited.

It took fifteen minutes before Haines came out and when he did, he came out with Colt.


Both men looked to Cal, Haines’s eyes narrowed, Colt’s head dropped so he could study his boots and not give anything away.

Haines turned his head to Colt, said something, Colt nodded and they separated, Haines coming to Cal, Colt going to his GMC.

Cal’s eyes remained on Haines as he walked to him but he knew Colt wasn’t going far. This was confirmed when Haines arrived and Cal glanced Colt’s way, saw his hips to the back of his GMC, his eyes on Cal and Haines.

“You got somethin’ to say?” Haines asked and Cal’s eyes went back to him.

“Stand down,” Cal told him.

His mouth got tight then he asked, “You shittin’ me?”

“You’re confusin’ Vi,” Cal explained.

I am?” Haines asked then clipped, “Yeah, you’re shittin’ me.”

“This isn’t gonna end well for you,” Cal went on.

“No, Vi makes a stupid decision, Callahan, it isn’t gonna end well for her. I’m just positionin’ myself to be there to pick up the pieces.”

At his insinuation, Cal wanted to straighten from the truck but he forced himself to stay relaxed against it. It wasn’t like he hadn’t earned a remark like that with his history with women and his history with Vi.

“You think I’ll fuck her over.”

“You’re Joe Callahan’s son.”

This time it took everything for Cal to keep his back to the truck because his father sure as fuck hadn’t earned that remark but his voice vibrated when he asked, “What the fuck does that mean?”

“It means you’re a one-woman man.”

“Yeah, I am. Hasn’t anyone clued in yet that that woman wasn’t fuckin’ Bonnie?”

He scored, direct hit. He watched it land as Haines’s chin jerked to the side almost like Cal had clipped him.

“I thought she was,” Cal forced his voice to steady, “but she wasn’t.”

“You sure?” Haines asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Cal answered.

“And how can you be sure?”

“’Cause no God is cruel enough to make the only woman you’ll love be the one who kills your kid.”

Another score, another direct hit. Haines’s jaw went hard.

Then Haines changed tactics.

“You’ve torn through practically every fuckable woman in the county,” Haines reminded him.

“Yeah, but none of them were Vi.”

Another score, a muscle jerked in Haines’s jaw, he knew Cal spoke the truth.

“She likes you,” Cal informed him. “She wants what she had back.”

“I’m not Tim.”

“I’m not sayin’ you are. I’m just sayin’ you represent what she had.”

“It isn’t just that, we got somethin’.”

Cal felt his own jaw tighten because he knew Haines spoke the truth.

Haines’s voice also calmed. “And what we got, you can’t give her.”

“Same’s true with me,” Cal returned.

Haines’s voice was actually soft when he asked, “What can you give her, Cal?”

“Everything,” Cal answered and he scored again, Haines blinked.

“She needs –” Haines started.

It was Cal’s turn to soften his voice. “I know what she needs, Mike.”

They stood staring at each other silently.

Cal broke the silence. “She’s gonna come to you, break it off, cut you loose, this time let her even if she tries to hold on at the same time.”

Cal watched Haines’s entire face go hard as the knowledge penetrated as to what Cal was saying and how much he knew of the game Vi was playing. It was a game she didn’t know she was playing, she didn’t have the experience, but she was running roughshod over Haines all the same.

“She was fifteen when Tim asked her out, she’s got no idea what she’s doin’,” Cal defended Vi.

“I know that,” Haines ground out.

“She’s lost, with Sam gone now more than ever,” Cal went on.

“You aren’t helpin’ her get found, Cal.”

“We’re all lost, Mike. The best chance we got is to wander this life with the people who matter.”

He’d scored again and he wasn’t looking for it. Haines went from angry to watchful.

“You don’t want her for her, you want her for you.”

“Yeah,” Cal replied instantly, “isn’t that what you want?”

“I want her because she’s Vi.”

“And I want her for the same but because she is, she can give me what I need.”

“And what’s she get?”

“She gets to give me what I need.”

“Nice,” Haines bit out, back to pissed.

“That’s who she is, man, haven’t you figured that out? Isn’t that what she does for you? Because if it isn’t then you don’t have her, nowhere near. That’s what she is, that’s what those girls are, that’s who she made them to be. They exist to give you what you need. It isn’t selfish, that’s how they get off. Fuck, when I went to the mall with them, Keira tried to be my personal shopper.”

Cal knew it cost him but Haines couldn’t help but chuckle.

Then he asked, “No shit?”

“She picked a pink shirt,” Cal told him then added, “with flowers on it.”

Haines chuckled again.

Cal kept going. “She ever shove her shoulder in your pit, make you put your arm around her?”

The humor fled Haines’s face but he didn’t answer which was his answer.

“Katy do it?” Cal pushed.

“Kate did it?” Haines whispered.

“Vi did it when I needed her, Katy did it when she needed me.”

Haines closed his eyes and looked away.

“Stand down,” Cal repeated, his voice quiet and Haines’s eyes opened and he looked back at Cal and when he did, Cal knew he’d won.

“You fuck her over –”

“I won’t.”

“You do…” he let that hang and Cal decided not to repeat himself so Haines finished. “You don’t give her everything, I’m back and I’ll bust my ass to do it instead of you.”

“I know that, she does too, so I reckon I better bust my ass so you don’t have to.”

“Wouldn’t be work.”


They again stared at each other silently.

Then Haines broke the silence but he spoke quietly. “You gotta know you’re killin’ me, man.”

Cal spoke quietly back. “I know, Mike.”

And he did, he couldn’t imagine standing down from Vi, not now. He’d pulled away twice thinking it was for his good and hers and neither time was the least pleasant. It was like tearing off a fucking limb.

Standing down for good would kill.

But if he knew Haines had with her what Cal had, he’d do it knowing he’d be doing it for her. Haines wasn’t stupid, he knew she was tied in knots and a woman like Violet didn’t get tied in knots for something that didn’t matter.

Cal mattered to her.

Haines knew that.

So he was standing down.

“Fuck,” Haines muttered.

Cal didn’t reply. There was nothing to say.

Haines studied Cal then said, “Anyone else, I’d be fuckin’ over the moon for you, Cal.”

Cal remained silent but that didn’t stop him from thinking that Mike Haines was a good man.

“Now, I’m not,” Haines finished.

Cal lifted his chin.

The muscle jumped in his jaw again, Haines nodded then he moved to turn away.

For some fucking insane reason, before he did Cal said, “She’s out there.”

Haines’s eyes locked on his. “What?”

“Whoever she is for you, she’s out there.”

“Fuck me,” Haines muttered.

“Mine moved in next door, man,” Cal pointed out.

Haines turned fully to Cal and his mouth was twitching when he mumbled, “Joe Callahan, romantic.”

Cal shrugged. Haines wanted to see it that way, fuck if Cal cared.

He pushed away from the truck, dropping his arms and turned to the door. He caught sight of Colt as he did it and Colt wasn’t fast enough to hide his smile.

Crazy fuck.

Cal looked back at Haines as he pulled himself up into the cab.

Haines gave him a nod. Cal nodded back, slammed the door, buckled up, hit the ignition and pulled out of the Station.

His phone rang as he drove down Grant. He yanked it out of his back pocket, looked at the screen, flipped it open and put it to his ear.

“Yo, buddy.”


Hearing her say his name, he grinned at the windshield.

“That’s who you called, baby.”

“Where are you?”

“In the truck.”

“Okay, but where?”

“On my way to your garden center to buy a dog bed.”

He listened to silence.

This lasted awhile.

Then he called, “Vi?”


“Honey, you called me, you actually gonna speak?”

“I, um… need you not to come home, I mean,” she said the last two words quickly then kept talking fast, “to the house for awhile.”


“I’m having an impromptu girl’s afternoon in.”

He’d left her on her belly in bed after making her sit on his face until she came then fucking her until she came again. She didn’t even twitch when he bent in, kissed her neck and whispered in her ear that he’d be back in awhile.

He hadn’t been gone an hour. Now she was having a girl’s afternoon in.

This meant she was going to tell her friends everything which didn’t make him happy because he didn’t like anyone in his business. Then she was going to get shit advice. Then, maybe, she was going to do something stupid.

“Who’s comin’?” he asked.

“Cheryl…” she answered.

Not good, that bitch was hard as nails.

“Feb…” she went on.

That was okay, Feb was cool.

“Dee…” she continued.

Wildcard. Dee Owens called ‘em as she saw ‘em and Cal had no clue how she’d see him.


Fuck, Jessie Rourke was a nut.


Christ, he’d fucked two of Mimi VanderWal’s close friends.

“And Jackie.”

Cal relaxed.

Jackie Owens was Feb’s Mom, salt of the earth. Even with the rest of the hens in that coup, Jackie’d be the voice of reason and not many people were stupid enough not to listen to Jackie’s reason, including Cheryl Sheckle and Jessie Rourke.

“Then, um… after, I’m goin’ to Mike’s,” Vi said in his ear.

Cal didn’t speak.

“Then, um… we need to talk,” she finished.

“I’ll go into the office after I get the dog bed. If I gotta stay gone, you need me to pick anything up?”

She didn’t answer his question, she asked, “The office?”


“What office?”

“My office.”

“You have an office?”

Had he been closed that tight? Christ, he had.

“Yeah, baby, I have an office in town. Got a girl named Lindy, schedules my meetings, my walkthroughs, sends invoices, does the books, arranges travel, orders the equipment if I do the install myself, shit like that.”

“In town? You mean, the ‘burg?”




“She live in town?”



“Take you to meet her,” Cal offered.

“That’s okay,” Vi replied quickly.

Cal sighed then let it go and repeated, “You need me to pick anything up?”

She hesitated then repeated, “Pick anything up?”

“Coffee, milk, beer, pick anything up.”

Groceries?” she breathed, like the concept of groceries was foreign to her.

“Yeah, Vi, unless Armageddon hit while I was fuckin’ you this morning and we missed it, I’m thinkin’ grocery stores still exist and they’re all still stocked.”

He heard her soft giggle before she swallowed it.

His woman, Cal realized, was a nut.

“Vi?” he prompted.

“I don’t drink beer.”

“I do so we need it.”

“Do you have some in your fridge?”

“Buddy, my fridge is at the dump.”

“But wasn’t it a perfectly good fridge?”

“Yeah, but my Dad bought it at Sears thirty years ago so I don’t think Katy and Keirry are gonna dig on it bein’ in the kitchen they design.”

“Oh,” she said in a soft, sweet way he felt in his dick just like when she said his name.

He ignored it and asked, “So we need beer?”

“Um… yeah.”

Christ, that was a long conversation to get down to needing beer.

“Okay, stick with me here, buddy, and concentrate. Do we need anything else?”

“I don’t know, what do you eat?”


“We don’t have Power Bars or Gatorade or anything like that.”

“Vi, I’m not in training for the Super Bowl.”

“Right,” she whispered.

Cal started laughing.

“What’s funny?” Vi asked over his laughter.

“You are, baby.”

“How’s that?”


“Well, I saw you working out,” she defended herself.

“So I’ll buy water. You got eggs?”






“Then I’m set.”


He pulled into the garden center parking lot and found a spot.

“I’m at the garden center.”

She sounded distracted. “And Cheryl’s just pulled into the drive.”

Great, Cheryl got there first.

“Vi,” he called.


Before Cheryl unleashed her claws, Cal decided now was the time to tell her.

“You know that hole?” he asked.

“What?” she asked back.

He didn’t repeat himself, he said, “You were right. You and the girls plugged it.”

He had her attention, he knew it because she was whispering when she repeated, “What?”

“I’m not empty anymore.”

Silence then, “Joe –”

“Full to bursting, buddy.”

A breathy, “Joe.”

That made his dick twitch.

“Gotta go, baby.”

“Joe –”


He flipped his phone closed, jumped down from the truck and went into the garden center to buy a dog bed.

* * *

“And that’s um… it,” I finished my long story and looked around my living room.

I was sitting cross-legged on the floor. Feb was sitting by me, leaned back on her hands, her legs stretched out in front of her, baby Jack crawling all over her like she was a human jungle gym. Dee, Mimi and Jessie were on my couch. Jackie was in one armchair, Mooch, exhausted from eating dog beds and running around the yard with me in it for an hour, was flat out asleep on her lap. Cheryl was in the other armchair.

“Let me get this right, hon,” Jessie said softly. “You’re brother was killed, what? Three days ago?”

“Six,” I answered. “They found him five days ago.”

She nodded. “And since then Joe Callahan and Mike Haines have been goin’ essentially head-to-head, no pun intended, to get at you?”

“Um… kind of but not exactly,” I told her.

“Babe, Cal’s forcin’ a meeting with all your loved ones by hornin’ in on the funeral, not to mention you’re meetin’ his family in Chicago, and it’s the family. And Mike’s goin’ for the gusto, makin’ certain, if you pick him, that you don’t forget about the family house, the six thousand dollar bed and the family pet, doin’ it by givin’ you the business in that bed with dog in attendance. They’re definitely head-to-head,” Cheryl informed me.

“Holy crap,” Jessie whispered.

“Gotta say, livin’ in this ‘burg my whole life and knowin’ Cal the length of it, there’s a lotta gals, a number of them in a one mile radius of this house, who’d give their eyeteeth to eat pizza at Vinnie’s Pizzeria and get a go at havin’ their photo on the family wall,” Mimi remarked.

“Gotta say, livin’ in this ‘burg my whole life and knowin’ Mike the length of it, there’s a lotta gals, some of them next freaking door, who would give their eyeteeth to have a shot at showin’ Mike Haines that all women are not selfish, greedy, materialistic bitches like Audrey,” Jessie noted.

“Same could be said for that girl next door wantin’ Cal,” Mimi told her.

“I think it can be taken as read that Tina Blackstone would just about jump anyone and it’d be difficult for that woman to prove anything against bein’ selfish, greedy and materialistic,” Jackie pointed out. “She’s hardly a good example for debate.”

“Cal,” Feb spoke up, putting in her vote.

“Mike,” Cheryl shot back.

“Cal’s hot, but, seriously, he’s a dawg,” Mimi put in, looked at me and voted, “Mike.”

“My guess is, Dawg Days are gone so my vote, Cal,” Dee added.

“Put their names in a hat,” Jessie suggested, “you can’t go wrong.”

“Jessie!” Feb hissed.

“What?” Jessie asked, looking around. “Am I wrong?”

“Joe Callahan,” Jackie stated in a voice heavy with maternal authority and life experience and all eyes swung to her.

“Seriously, Jackie?” Cheryl asked.

“Seriously, Cher,” Jackie replied, her voice no longer heavy but gentle, she looked at me and asked, “You wanna know why?”

I nodded.

“’Cause, when you talk about Mike, you look like a woman who’s talkin’ about a guy she likes. You talk about Cal, you look like a woman who’s talkin’ about the man she needs to breathe.”

At her words, I stopped breathing.

“Jackie,” Dee whispered.

“You do,” Jackie told me. “Feb lost the man who helped her breathe, didn’t take a full breath for twenty years until she got him back.”

My eyes moved to Feb and she smiled at me then she pulled Jack off her legs and into her arms, making a nonverbal point that spoke such volumes, it was a wonder I wasn’t swept away in its waves.

I looked back at Jackie and told her, “He’s turned on me twice.”

“Even tough men get scared,” Jackie replied.

I felt my eyes get wide at the thought of Joe scared of anything and asked, “Scared of me?”

“Honey, the last woman he loved killed his child.” I sucked in breath and she asked, “Wouldn’t that scare you?”

“Yeah,” I answered, “but he slept with someone else when he was with me.”

“Told you he did,” Jackie put in.

“Even if it was a lie, why would he lie, knowing how much that’d hurt?” I pressed.

“To make you hurt. Didn’t have the strength in him to let you go, forced your hand so you’d do it,” Jackie explained. “Man’s strong so I reckon that’s sayin’ somethin’ about what he feels about you.”

“That’s crazy,” Cheryl muttered.

“You ever do anything totally irrational for self protection?” Jackie shot her question in Cheryl’s direction and she wasn’t done. “Or for Ethan’s?”

Cheryl bit her lips which was her nonverbal answer.

Jackie’s eyes came back to me. “He’s a big guy, a scary one, fierce, tough and because all that while he’s been puttin’ you through the ringer, you had no idea you’ve been doin’ the same damn thing to him.”

“But –” I began but Jackie shook her head.

“You lost your man, your brother and honey, my heart’s with you, that’s awful. He lost his Mom, Dad and son; the last two because of the woman he chose, one he brought into his father’s house, one he let bring his child into this world. That’s a burden he’s carried awhile and my guess is that burden is heavy. You two come with so much baggage, it’s a wonder you don’t get crushed. And that’s the thing, neither of you did. And you found each other. It’s time to unload that burden and find some joy,” Jackie advised.

“What if I can’t help him find his joy, what if I fail?” I whispered.

“Girl, you keep givin’ up. The only way sure to fail is to give up,” Jackie whispered back.

“He wants a baby with me,” I told Jackie and I heard some indrawn breaths at this piece of news (the only one) I had not shared.

“Give him one,” Jackie returned as if it was simple as that (and, I had to admit, thinking about it made my belly flutter again).

But even so, I suggested, “Maybe he just wants me to have a baby.”

“Oh crap, now she’s makin’ shit up,” Jessie muttered.

“Babe, your shit’s already confusin’ enough, you don’t need to make stuff up to make it more confusin’,” Cheryl advised.

“This is true,” Mimi said, “if Cal wanted a kid, he’d have about six dozen of them all over town.”

“Unh-hunh,” Jessie agreed on a nod.

“I’m not sure that’s helpin’,” Feb noted, watching me closely and she was right.

“Am I gonna be running into Joe’s lovers everywhere I go?” I asked.

“Yep,” Jessie answered and Mimi giggled.

“Great,” I muttered.

“Happened to me with Colt,” Feb told me. “Not everywhere I go but a few of his conquests come into the bar. I even spent time around him and Melanie when they were married.” She leaned into me. “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”

“I’m guessin’ she’s learned that,” Cheryl mumbled.

“We all have,” Jackie stated.

“I’m scared,” I blurted.

“Of course you are,” Feb said, folded her legs and leaned into me. “Remember you told me when you were worried about gettin’ Keira that dog,” she nodded to Mooch in her Mom’s lap, “how you had a dog and lost her and didn’t want to put Keira through that?”

“Yeah,” I answered.

“You’re doin’ it again, babe,” Feb told me, “protectin’ yourself against hurt. You lost Tim and Cal hasn’t made this easy on you, now you’re gun-shy. But, honey, he’s out buyin’ a dog bed. Ask yourself, he’s doin’ that, why are you so scared?”

“It hurt when he turned,” I whispered.

“He’ll hurt you again, men fuck up all the time. Tim golden the whole way through?” Feb asked.

“No,” I answered honestly.

“You fight?”

“Of course.”

“He piss you off?”


“He hurt you by doin’ stupid shit?”

“Not often but, yeah.”

“Cal’s a man, Violet. He’s gonna fuck up. You are too. Honey, you know how that is, you lived with it with Tim. You also know, what you had with Tim, it’s worth it and you gotta take the risk.”

“Why?” I asked.

“You don’t, what’re you teachin’ your daughters?” Cheryl, in an about face, joined our conversation. “To be scared, to wrap themselves in cotton, or to face life and fight for somethin’ good?”

“I thought you didn’t like Joe,” I said to her.

She threw up her hand. “I forgot about the dog bed.”

Jessie snorted but Dee and Mimi laughed straight out.

I reached out, put my hands to baby Jack and asked my question to Feb with my eyes. She answered by turning Jack to me, I took him and cuddled him close. He grabbed onto my blouse and hair and his face went to my neck, his wet, soft baby lips hitting me there, his tongue working at the chain of a necklace I was wearing.

“Like his Dad,” Feb mumbled, watching Jack, “he loves necklaces.”

“Colt loves necklaces?” Mimi asked.

“This I gotta hear,” Jessie leaned forward.

“Shit,” Feb whispered.

“Are we done with Vi’s thing?” Dee asked.

“I don’t know, Vi, are we?” Jackie looked at me.

I bent my head and kissed Jack’s shoulder.

We were done.

I knew. I knew even before they asked me. Joe was right. I knew when I crawled into my bed with him after the girls. Hell, I knew the first time he kissed me.

And now I knew because he was buying a dog bed for the dog he bought for my daughter.

And coming home with beer.

Then I whispered against little Jack, “Yeah.”

“Good, so, what’s this about Colt and your necklaces?” Jessie demanded to know and I looked at her.

But Mimi spoke to me. “Feb doesn’t kiss and tell, it sucks.”

“I know. I told her about Jimbo and –” Jessie started.

“Don’t repeat it!” Feb cried suddenly, hand up.

“What? It isn’t weird,” Jessie defended.

“Yes, Jessie, it is,” Feb returned.

“It’s just suckin’ my toes. Does Cal suck your toes?” Jessie asked me.

I tried not to let my lip curl as I answered, “Um… no.”

“Feels good,” Jessie mumbled.

“Gross,” Mimi was mumbling too.

“Do you have any beer?” Cheryl asked, standing up.

“No, Joe’s picking some up on his way home.”

Cheryl stared at me a second then she grinned and I realized what I said and how it sounded.

It sounded like it was.


I rolled my eyes at her then said, “I have wine.”

“Time for wine,” Cheryl decreed, moving toward the kitchen.

“It isn’t even four in the afternoon,” Mimi told her.

“What? There’re rules?” Cheryl asked.

“Yeah,” Mimi answered.

“Fuck rules, I’m gettin’ wine,” Cheryl retorted. “Anyone want one?”

“Yeah,” Jessie said.

“Sure,” Dee called.

“Shit,” Mimi mumbled, “all right.”

“Small one for me,” Feb told her.

“I’m in,” Jackie said, I looked at her and she smiled at me and when she did I let that soft warmth invade my belly and for the first time didn’t fight it.

Feb was lucky, not because of Colt (who was awesome) or Jack (who was adorable) but because she had a great Mom.

I handed Jack off to Feb, got up and called to Cheryl, “I’ll get the glasses,” then I announced to the women, “I got another problem.”

“Seriously?” Dee asked.

I went to the kitchen, pulled open my cupboards with the wine glasses and then looked over the bar into the living room to see they were all looking my way.

Then I said, “I need help exactin’ retribution against Tina Blackstone.”

Without even asking what she did, Feb stated, “I’m in.”

“Me too,” that was Jessie (not surprising).

“Absolutely,” Dee added.

“This’ll be fun!” Mimi clapped her hands.

“I’m all over that,” Cheryl said from beside me.

“Oh shit,” Jackie muttered and I laughed.

My friends laughed with me.

* * *

I sat on Mike’s stoop and watched the Chevy pull into the drive.

I didn’t move as he parked in the drive not the garage, got out and, eyes on me, he walked to me.

I didn’t speak and he didn’t either as he sat down on the stoop close to me, our hips pressed together as were the sides of our thighs. But his hands didn’t come to me. He leaned forward with his elbows to his legs.

I leaned forward too.

I looked to my left and whispered, “Mike –”

“Cal visited me at the Station.”

I closed my eyes. His hand curled around the back of my neck and I still didn’t open them.

“Sweetheart, it doesn’t work, he jacks you around, you know where I live.”

He’d made his decision and, as usual with Mike, it was the right one.

My eyes opened and looked into his.

“I jacked you around,” I whispered.

“I knew what I was gettin’ into.”

“Mike –”

“Honey, a shot at you, it was worth it.”

“Don’t be nice.”

“You want me to get pissed? Be a dick?”

“I think it’d be easier,” I said truthfully.

“Can’t do that, Vi.” His hand gave me a squeeze and he let me go, leaning back into his legs but looking at me the entire time. “You were in deep with him, he was with you. Signals were all there and you told me as straight as you could. Before I even took you on our first date, I knew it by the way he looked at me the night I met you at J&J’s. I still took my shot.” He grinned. “Do it again, just for last night.”

I shook my head and felt my mouth curve softly.

Then I felt my small smile die and I lifted my feet up to the step and bent into my legs, my cheek to my hand, my neck twisted to look at him.

“I liked bein’ with you,” I whispered and I felt the tears hit my eyes.

His hand came back to me, pulling my hair from the side of my face and then staying wrapped around my head.

“I liked bein’ with you,” he returned.

The wetness fell, I felt it slide over the bridge of my nose, along my temple and I whispered “I liked it a lot, Mike.”

His hand tensed in my hair and he whispered back, “Sweetheart, you’re killin’ me.”

“I wish –” I began.

“Don’t, honey,” he cut me off.

“Okay,” I whispered.

He squeezed my head gently again then his hand went away. He got up and took my hand. I lifted up my torso and he pulled me off the step, walking me through his lawn to my Mustang. He stood with me at the door and his hands came to my jaws, pulling me up to my toes so he could touch his mouth to mine.

He kept his hands at my jaws when he told me, “He promised me, I stand down, he’d give you everything.”

My heart flipped over.

“He did?”

“Yeah,” Mike nodded then his hands tightened on my jaws. “He doesn’t, Vi, you come to me and I’ll give it to you.”

I closed my eyes and nodded but I knew, that happened, someone would have Mike. He wouldn’t be available for long. This was my only shot.

His thumb slid through the wetness on my cheek, the tears still sliding silently from my eyes.

“Sweetheart,” Mike called and I opened my eyes. “You won’t be comin’ to me. Man I talked to today would move heaven and earth to give everything to you.”

“Mike –”

“Didn’t think that, no fuckin’ way I’d stand down.”

“Mike –”

His lips touched mine again and when his head lifted, he whispered, “Be happy, honey.”

I nodded and whispered back, “You too, Mike.”

He smiled and it was the first time he smiled at me in the hundreds he’d given me that it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Yeah,” he said and he let me go.

I got in my car, started it up and drove away.

Stupidly, I looked back in my rearview mirror.

He was pulling his car into his garage.

Life goes on.


* * *

Cal was putting the beer in the fridge when he heard Violet turn in the drive.

He pulled one free of the cardboard, closed the fridge, twisted off the cap and turned to flick the cap in her trash but he saw her trash had a lid. He got close to it, his hand moving toward it, a sensor caught the movement and the lid lifted open. He stared at it then tossed his cap in. Sensing he was done, the trash bin closed.

“Fuck,” he whispered, grinning.

Living with Vi was going to be an experience.

Then he realized she hadn’t come in even though he’d heard her cut her engine.

He turned and looked out the window to see her standing in her open door, immobile, staring at his truck in her drive.

He decided to give her time. If she didn’t come unstuck in twenty, thirty minutes, he’d go out and get her.

He moved to the counter opposite the sink, pulled himself up on it and took a drink of his beer, watching her staring at his truck.

She finally moved out of the car door, closed it and turned to the house. Mooch greeted her at the door. She dumped her purse on the counter with a glance at Cal, bent to pick up the dog and brought him up in her arms, close to her face so the dog licked her jaw as he squirmed in her arms and she tried to give him scratches.

She limped into the kitchen and asked, “You let him out?”


“He do any business?”


“I’ll let him out.”

Then she limped out of the kitchen and to the back sliding glass door.

Cal sat on the counter and took another pull of beer. While he drank, he heard her shouting at Mooch mostly just teasing and playful then calling him encouragingly which meant she wanted to come in and then dog and woman came back into the house. The sliding glass door closed and Cal saw Mooch first because the dog came bouncing into the kitchen then tried to jump up Cal’s legs.

Vi strolled in seconds later and walked straight to the fridge without looking at him, opened it and gazed inside.

“You have dinner?” she asked the fridge.

“Thought we’d go out.”

Her body jolted and only her head turned to him.

“What?” she breathed.

“Out. To Frank’s. Or get a pizza from Reggie’s.”

“Frank’s,” she said.

“You hungry?” he asked.

She nodded.

He jumped off the counter. “Let’s go.”

She closed the fridge, muttering, “I’ll put Mooch in his box.”

Cal dropped his beer hand after taking a pull and said, “Got ‘im.”

Then he put the beer on the counter, walked out of the kitchen, put the dog in the box and she was standing at the door with the alarm remote and her keys in her hands when he got back.

He took them both out of her hands, opened the door, put a hand to her hip, shoved her out the door, locked it and then guided her to his truck, arming the alarm with the remote as they moved.

They both got in and were on their way when he spoke.

“You talk to Mike?”


“It done?”

She was silent.


“It’s done,” she whispered.


It cut her up, doing that. Probably cut Haines up too.

He didn’t touch her, he wanted to, but he didn’t. She needed to break it off with a good, steady man to take a risk with another man who treated her like shit twice right after her brother was murdered like she needed someone to drill a hole in her head. But he didn’t touch her because, Cal sensed from her mood, she didn’t want that right now.

But he’d make it up to her, spend his life doing it, if it took that.

Though, knowing Vi, it wouldn’t take that.

He parked on the street four doors down from Frank’s, stopping to let her off at the door so she wouldn’t have to walk it with her foot. She waited for him outside and she limped by his side to the door but she didn’t touch him and he didn’t touch her.

He opened the door for her and they walked in. Elaine, one of the waitresses, turned their way, smiled at Vi, her eyes went to Cal and her face froze.

Vi’d been there with Mike, from the look of Elaine more than once.

Violet took a step back and ran into him.

Cal touched her then, sliding his arm around her waist, he moved to her side, pulled her to his and looked at Elaine.

“Got a booth, Elaine?” he asked.

Elaine looked at the wall of booths, two were open.

She looked back at Cal. “Take your pick, Cal.” Her eyes dropped to Cal’s hand curled around Vi’s waist then up to Vi. “Hey Violet.”

“Hi Elaine.”

“What’s shakin’?” Elaine asked as Cal moved Vi forward.

“World’s upside down,” Violet answered.

Elaine finally grinned. “I can see.”

Cal didn’t catch what Vi did, but whatever it was, Elaine’s grin grew to a smile and Vi walked with him through the restaurant as eyes followed.

He let her go when they hit a booth, the last one against the back wall, more privacy.

She slid in, he slid in beside her.

She looked at him and asked, “Can you sit opposite?”

“No,” he answered.


“I like you at my side.”

Her expression gentled but she said, “I like my space.”

“Say good-bye to that,” Cal advised.

“What?” she whispered.

“Baby, I’m moved in, you got a new dog and, tomorrow, you got Dane sleepin’ on your couch. You like space, you’re fucked.”

Her face ungentled and grew pale. “You’re moved in?”

“I moved in this morning before you got home.”


“Your room.”

“How?” Her voice was rising.

“How?” Cal repeated.

“Yes, how?”

“Packed some shit, brought it over, unpacked it,” Cal explained unnecessarily.

“Where’d you put it?”

“In your room.”

“Yeah, but where?”

“Jeans and boots in the closet, dumped some tees in a drawer, razor in the bathroom. Done.”

“Holy crap,” she whispered then jumped when Elaine slapped two menus on the table.

“Should I have bothered with those?” she asked a pertinent question, tipping her head to menus no person who’d lived in that town longer than a month hadn’t memorized.

“Not for me,” Vi told her, “I want a reuben.”

“Burger,” Cal said.

“Cheese?” Elaine asked Cal.


“Cheddar, swiss, or jack?” Elaine went on.

“Surprise me,” Cal told her and Elaine grinned again.

“Drinks?” Elaine continued.

“Diet Coke,” Vi ordered.

“Beer,” Cal said.

“Bud, Coors, Bud Light, Coors Light, Heineken –” Elaine listed.

Cal cut her off. “Bud.”

“Onion rings, fries or both?” Elaine went on.

“Fries,” Vi answered.

“Both,” Cal told her.

“Gotcha.” Elaine shoved her pencil behind her ear and slid the menus back off the table. She’d had her pad in her hand while they ordered but this was either for show or she held it by habit. She hadn’t written a word before she walked away. The order would come to the table as they’d asked for it and the check would come with a total at the bottom, that was it and it would be the right total. That was Elaine. That was Frank’s.

“Joe,” Violet called and he turned to see she was out and out fretting so he turned more fully to her and dipped his head close.

“Relax, buddy,” he said softly.

“This is going really fast.”

“I know.”

“We need to talk.”

“About what?”


Cal pulled back. “What about her?”

“Who is she?” Vi asked.


He did not want to get into this shit and what was more, she didn’t.

“Vi –” Cal said low.

“No, I don’t want to know. What I want to know is, honest, right here, did you sleep with her while you were sleepin’ with me?”

Cal locked down his temper. “I already told you the answer to that.”

“Okay, then, is she gone?”

Nadia was never gone. Nadia was always a phone call away. He didn’t share that.



“Vi, not a big fan of askin’ or answerin’ twice.”

“You lied to me.”

“There was a reason.”

“And that was?”

“To save you from me.”

Her torso moved back and her eyes got big.

Cal wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, pulled her close and leaned into her.

“Thought I was savin’ myself from you, but I was savin’ you from me.”

“I –” she started.

He cut her off. “You see these scars on my face?”

Her eyes went to his cheek then back to his. “Yes.”

“Bonnie gave them to me. So high, her head was in the clouds but it wasn’t a good trip. She got pissed at somethin’, I don’t even know what, she came at me. Got me with her nails.”

“Joe,” she whispered, her fingers curling tight around his thigh.

“She got like that a lot. When she was pissed, she’d scream the fuckin’ house down and it wasn’t unusual she came after me. She only marked my face and, you probably don’t know this, buddy, but you gotta come hard and dig deep to make marks like these with your nails.”

“I… I don’t know what to say,” Vi muttered.

“Not tellin’ you for you to say anything. I’m tellin’ you because now it’s happening. You’re with me and you’ll find this shit out about me. I look in the mirror every day and remember her marking me then I remember what else she did to me. Now you see it, right on my fuckin’ face, you’ll think about it too. Maybe it won’t come to you every time you see it, but it’ll come to you and, I know you, you’ll feel it.”

“Joe –”

His face got closer and he whispered, “That’s what I was savin’ you from, baby.”

“It’s you,” she said incomprehensibly.

“What?” he asked.

“I didn’t know she did it. Before you told me what you just told me, those scars were just you.”

“Now you know.”

“Those scars are still just you.”

“Vi –”

“They are.”

Fuck, was she serious?

“Vi –”

“Maybe you’re right and I’ll think about it sometimes. But most of the time, I don’t even see them. They’re just a part of you.”

Cal had no response to that except the urge to kiss her.

So he did and he kept doing it until he heard the thud of a beer bottle hitting the table.

His mouth left Vi’s and he turned to see Elaine putting Violet’s drink in front of her.

“Bud, diet. Enjoy. Shout for a refill,” Elaine said, her mouth curled up at the ends and then she walked away.

Cal turned to Violet who’d grabbed her drink and was sucking on the straw. It reminded him of her at J&J’s, her elbow on the bar, her head in her hand, her straw between her lips, her eyes on him and half his concentration had been on her, the rest of it trying to stop his dick getting hard.

He hoped Frank hurried with their goddamned food.

Violet’s eyes came to him. “We should probably not make out in Frank’s restaurant.”

“Why not?”

“’Cause it’s mostly full.”


“Rumors fly.”

“Buddy, my truck’s in your drive and my tees are in your drawer.”

Her eyes slid to the side then back to him then she put her straw to her mouth and muttered, “Right,” then she sucked on her straw.

“It’s a small town, we’ll be the talk of it for about a week then someone else will.”

“Okay,” she whispered and put her glass down.

When she released her glass, he took her hand. Linking his fingers with hers, he brought their hands to his thigh.

“What else is in there?”

Her eyes lifted to his. “What?”

“In your head that we have to get sorted out?”

She laughed softly then replied, “You don’t wanna know.”

“Wouldn’t ask, I didn’t wanna know.”

She leaned into him. “Joe, there’s so much in my head, it’d take a year to get it sorted out.”

“All right, break it down. What’s priority?”

Her face set to confused. “Priority?”

Christ, she was cute.

“The most important, baby,” he explained quietly.

“Um… all of it.”

“First thing,” he said.

“First thing?”

“Right now, first thing that comes to you, what is it?”


His brows drew together. “Mel?”

“She’s… I know what she’s feeling, Joe, I’ve been there and I’m worried about her.”

His hand squeezed hers. “Buddy –”

“And she doesn’t even have kids to make it easier.”

“Then give them to her,” Cal said and a surprised laugh came from her.

“I can’t give her kids, Joe, it’s anatomically impossible,” she teased.

“You got two with phones and you got a car, honey.”

Her face turned startled and she whispered, “You’re right.”

“Helps both ways. The girls and you call her regular, you get her regular. Go up to see her, get her to come down here.”

“I don’t think I can go up there, Joe, not by myself.”

“Didn’t say you’re goin’ by yourself, wouldn’t let you go by yourself.”

Her hands spasmed in his and she whispered, “Joe –”

“What else you got?”

“Joe –”

He leaned in again. “What else’s in your head, baby?”

She tugged her hand from his, lifted it and curled her fingers around his neck.

“Thank you,” she whispered and he saw tears trembling at the bottoms of her eyes.

“For what?” he asked softly, his eyes glued to her tears and her hand gave him a squeeze as he watched one slide down her face.

Before he could do a thing about it her head came forward and veered to his left.

In his ear, she whispered, “For not wastin’ time showin’ me I made the right decision.”

There it was. Vi didn’t make him work at it long, it took less than thirty minutes.

Cal felt a twinge pierce the left side of his chest and he lifted his hand to her neck too, sliding it back and up into her hair, he bent his neck in order to kiss hers and she turned her head and kissed the hinge of his jaw.

He’d never had a sweeter kiss. Not in his life.

His hand fisted in her hair and he lifted his head, positioning hers so he could kiss her.

“Burger!” Elaine announced, a plate crashed to the table and Vi jumped as Cal lifted his head. “Reuben!” she went on as Cal twisted his neck to look up at her, leaving his hand in Vi’s hair. “You got cheddar. Surprise,” she told Cal, smiled huge and walked away.

Vi giggled.

Cal let his woman go and turned to his food.

Vi squirted ketchup in a pile by her fries and noted, “One good thing about you movin’ in…”

Cal left his burger suspended halfway to his mouth and looked at Violet, brows raised when she didn’t finish.

“Don’t think Dane’ll have any ideas, you’re in the house.”

“He gets ‘em, I break his neck,” Cal muttered and took a bite of his burger then looked back at Vi to see now she had a fry loaded with ketchup suspended halfway to her mouth, her eyes wide, her face back to pale. He chewed, swallowed then assured her, “Relax, baby, I wouldn’t actually do it.”

“Don’t threaten it either. You’ll scare the shit out of him.”

“Scare him enough not to get ideas?”

“Joe!” she snapped.

He grinned at her and repeated, “Relax.”

“You can’t go around threatening everyone.”

“Sure I can.”


He put his burger down, turned to her and said seriously, “Baby, relax.”

“Telling me to relax doesn’t actually mean I’ll relax, Joe.”

“It should.”


He turned and hooked a hand around her neck, pulled her to him and up to his face.

“Because the time when your head is filled with shit and you gotta worry about everything and everyone is over. The time when you can relax is now. So, I’ll say it one last time, buddy, relax.”

Her eyes moved over his face then he saw them change. In fact, her whole face changed. That look settled on her features that he’d seen once before when she was on his couch talking to Sam. Affection, plain as day, love shining in her eyes, all of it focused on him and he felt his left chest contract so powerfully, the feeling radiated throughout his frame and his hand tightened on her neck.

Before he could process this, she leaned up, touched her mouth to his, moved slightly back and whispered, “Eat, Joe.”

Then she pulled away and turned to her plate.

Cal took his hand from her neck and turned to his.

He’d been ambivalent about the concept of God his young life, something that sent Aunt Theresa into a tizzy. But you lose your Mom at a young age that shit’s bound to happen.

He lost his ambivalence when he lost his Dad who was a shit Dad but Cal knew he’d once been a good one, a great husband and a decent man and he lost his son the same day.

Now he reckoned, Vi moving in next door, maybe finally someone was looking out for him.

Or his luck had changed.

Whatever, he was grateful.

Sitting next to Violet in a booth in a damn fine greasy spoon, Joe Callahan lifted Frank’s Indiana-wide famous burger to his mouth and took a bite.

* * *

“Joe,” I breathed, my head arched back.

“In my mouth, buddy.”

My head tipped forward, my hands went to his jaws, I rode him harder because I couldn’t help it. His strong fingers were digging into my hips, pulling me up and pounding me down.

“Joe,” I whispered into his mouth as I felt it coming.

His hand lifted to my hair, fisting, twisting and he growled, “Say it.”

“I’m coming, baby,” I whispered.

“Say it,” he demanded.

My fingers went back and clenched in his hair. “I belong to you.”

Then I came, slamming down, my back bowing, my moan escaping my mouth to be absorbed by his.

I was astride Joe but he was sitting up which made it easier for him, mid-orgasm, to flip me to my back and drive in harder which he did until he came right in the middle of giving me a deep, brutal kiss.

When he was done, his mouth left mine and slid to my neck and, as his cock glided in and out of me, my fingers moved through his hair.

We kept doing this awhile before his tongue ran the length of my jaw and then he pulled out, rolled off, leaned down, yanked the covers over us and settled me into his side.

Joe was silent, as usual.

I couldn’t be silent, as usual.

“School starts soon,” I whispered.

Joe didn’t respond.

“Back to school clothes,” I went on.

The tips of Joe’s fingers slid randomly around my hip and ass but he didn’t speak.

“You goin’ to the mall with us when we go shoppin’?”

Finally, Joe spoke.

“Hell no.”

I smiled into his shoulder then my smile died.

“What should we tell them?” I whispered.

“The truth,” he answered, knowing I meant the girls.

“That being?”

“I’m here now.”

I gave his waist a squeeze and informed him, “It’s not that easy.”

“Only hard you make it hard.”

“Joe –”

“Vi, I told you, I walked outta your room and the girls didn’t blink.”

“They were probably tired and they’re emotional.”

“They know the way it is between us.”

His words shocked me so much I lifted my head and looked at him. “They have no clue.”

“Buddy, Keira invited me to the mall and Kate brought me a Coke while I fixed our garage door opener and offered me a sandwich and that was before the scene when your Dad and Mom came callin’. They know.”

“They don’t.”

“They aren’t dumb.”

“I know that.”

“Okay, they don’t know we’re fuckin’, but they know we mean something to each other.”

He was right, they knew this, I knew they did with the way they acted the second time Joe turned.

Still, I stared at him and asked, “Do you think?”

He grinned at me. “Baby, clue in, the whole block knows.”

“That’s probably because Tina’s big mouth.”

“It’s because I installed your system at no charge, I fixed your garage and your daughters used to come over daily to talk to me. Been livin’ here a long time, buddy, my whole life and haven’t done that kinda shit for anyone and no one came by to talk to me, ‘specially not two teenage girls.”

I stared then asked, “They came over daily?”

“Yeah, right before I fucked you over the second time.”

I didn’t know that Kate and Keira did that.

But I liked it.

“Oh,” I whispered.

“So they get home, I take Dane out, you sit ‘em down, tell ‘em I’m here now. Ask ‘em if they got questions, answer them. Done.”

He thought it was that easy?

Obviously, he hadn’t lived with the likes of Keira.

However, by all accounts (including my own experience with her) Bonnie was far more unpleasant.

“What if they don’t like it?” I asked.

“We deal.”

“How do we deal?” I pushed.

His hand flattened on my ass. “How ‘bout we find out if they don’t like it before we get wound up about it?” he suggested.

This sounded like good advice, simple, logical but totally impossible.

If Joe thought that simple and logical was going to work, he was in for a world of hurt living for two months with three females.

I didn’t share this with him and, since he was out of town most of the time, maybe he wouldn’t notice.

I put my head to his shoulder and said, “Okay.”

His fingertips went back to their random patterns and we were both quiet, me because I was in my head thinking about the million things there and Joe because he was Joe.

Suddenly he said, “Don’t take the job.”

I lifted my head again and looked at him. “What?”

“Manager at the garden center, don’t take it.”

I’d told him about Bobbie’s promotion at dinner. Obviously he’d been thinking about it.

I pushed up to an elbow and looked down at him. “Why?”

“Money’s the same as you’re gettin’ but it comes with headaches, headaches you don’t have now. You won’t be doin’ what you like to do, you’ll be doin’ shit you don’t like to do, workin’ the same hours, gettin’ the same pay. You want to advance, you ask her to make it worth your while. You like what you do, do what you do, fuck the promotion.”

There it was again, simple, logical and, this time, doable.

I smiled at him. “You’re right.”

Joe didn’t reply verbally. His other hand came up, slid into my hair at the side of my head, pulled my mouth down to his for a light kiss then he pressed down until I came off my elbow and my cheek was to his shoulder again. Then he reached an arm out and switched off the light.

But not before I saw the picture of Tim and me on my nightstand.

I pulled in breath through my nose; Joe’s fingers came back to the side of my head to glide through my hair, pulling it back. He repeated this then his fingers slid behind my ear, down my jaw then his hand went away.

I exhaled.

“’Night, baby,” I whispered into his shoulder.

His response was again nonverbal. His hand squeezed my ass then went back to its random patterns.

This felt nice and it was amazingly relaxing. So much so, I didn’t realize that there weren’t a million things tumbling around in my head.

Instead, I drifted right to sleep.

* * *

Cal woke when Vi’s body jolted violently.

His eyes opened when he felt her go rock solid in his arms.

He waited as he listened to her breathing heavily and was about to call to her when she slid out of his arms and across the bed.

He watched her shadow move around the bed and he rolled to his back as she walked to her dresser. She opened and closed drawers, doing it quietly. She thought he was asleep.

She closed a drawer and he watched her shadow again, this time she was pulling one of his tees over her head.

Maybe he should go to the mall with her and the girls when they went back to school shopping. He didn’t, the way she was going, he’d run out of tees.

This thought made him smile.

She came to the bed, his side, and again he was about to call her name when she reached out a hand to the nightstand. Then he watched her shadow move out of the room into the study. She turned and disappeared.

She’d been carrying something.

The photo of her and her husband.

Cal closed his eyes and opened them again when he heard her back in the room. He watched her shadow walk to the dresser and she stood at it, her hands lifted in front of her. He couldn’t see what she was doing but she was holding perfectly still.

She stood that way awhile before she moved, her hand went to the top of the dresser and he heard her drop something that made a soft clink.


Her wedding rings.

He’d noticed she still wore them. He’d seen them the first time he took her in fully in his living room when she was wearing those ridiculous boots and that sexy nightgown. Weeks after that, he’d thought Sam was her husband, a travelling man, the way she greeted him and he greeted her when he came to visit. He’d not thought much of her rings after their first time together but he noticed them and he didn’t like her wearing them. Never did. It might make him a dick, but he didn’t.

Now he liked that she’d be with him in bed without them on which also might make him a dick but he didn’t give a fuck.

Because now she really was all his.

She walked back to the bed and carefully slid in, obviously still thinking he was asleep, she turned her back to him and curled up her legs.

Cal rolled back to his side, his arm moved out, hooked her around the stomach and he pulled her into his body, feeling hers was tight.

“I’m awake, buddy,” he whispered into her hair.

“Sorry, did I wake you?”


“I thought, while you were asleep, I’d –”

He cut her off, not about to make her say it. “I know, honey.”

She was quiet.

Cal spoke. “You came awake hard, Vi.”

She stayed quiet then said, “Nightmare.”


“Yeah,” she whispered and her body started trembling.

Cal curled his arm tighter.

“Why is it harder in the dark?” Her voice was shaking like her body when she spoke.

“Demons in the dark,” Joe replied.


She was quiet again and Cal held her until the tremors subsided then she called, “Joe?”

“Yeah, buddy.”

“I miss him.”

His arm got tighter and he buried his face in her hair. “I know you do.”

“Did you like him?” she asked.


“He liked you,” she whispered, Cal’s arm tensed then he forced himself to relax and she said, “Wish you could have known him better.”

“If I did, figure I woulda liked him better.”

“Yeah, you would.”

“Tell me about him, baby.”

She was silent then she asked, “Now?”

“It’ll beat back the demons.”

She again was quiet then she whispered, “You’re right.”

Then she nestled her ass in his groin, slid her arm along his and linked their fingers.

Then she talked about her brother, sometimes laughing soft, sometimes crying softer and she did this, and Cal listened to it, until she trailed off to sleep.

Cal held her tight even after she’d drifted off then his fingers slid from hers but curled around until his thumb found the naked base of her ring finger. It glided against her skin then he set her hand against her stomach and sighed into her hair, thinking, not for the first time, he really fucking liked the smell of Vi’s hair.

Then he fell asleep.
