After they had brought each other to a dozen climaxes Barbie and Marcia untied Jane's long, silky hair and pulled her to her feet. The two tall girls towered over Jane. She could barely stand, and they had to drag her into the bathroom.

Jane didn't even think about fighting the girls or trying to escape. She was completely at their mercy.

They dropped her in the bathtub like a bag of dirty laundry, then filled up the tub with steaming hot water. The two girls washed Jane, giggling as they teased her to orgasms with their agile fingers. Jane cried in despair as they made her cum against her will. It was as though she had no free will any longer. The night of raw, violent sex had reduced her to a mindless sex puppet who the girls could make climax on command.

After they cleaned Jane's sexy body they dressed her in the sexiest dress she owned. It was white silk, with a dip in the front that revealed the creamy upper slopes of her tits and a back that dipped almost all the way to her perfect ass. The girls pulled the thin shoulder straps down until they hugged the slender curves of Jane's upper arms. A black choker and a pair of spiked heels were the only other clothing they gave her before they marched her out of the bedroom.

"She's all dressed up! You going to a party or something, bitch?"

"What a whore!" Margot growled. "You fucked everybody in this room, cunt! What kind of a sleazy, nympho slut would do something like that?"

The other guys shouted at Jane, too, making fun of her as Barbie and Marcia led her through the living room. They were sprawled all over her living room, drinking liquor and eating food from her kitchen. They had turned the sofa and all the chairs in one direction, so they faced the counter of the little bar that sat in the corner of the room. It was to the bar that Marcia and Barbie led her. Jane hung her head the whole trip, quivering with fear, shame and lust at the way the guys talked about her.

"Where's Mike?" she asked Marcia, her voice soft and respectful but still cracking with fear that she would be punished for having the presumption to ask a question.

"Right there," Mike said. A moment later there was a sharp crack of leather. "I got you what you begged for, Aunt Jane. All the hot cock and steaming wet pussy you could handle. Now you're going to have to pay for it. Now you're going to have to learn a few lessons."

"That's right," Marcia said. She pulled Jane's hands forward, one to either side of the post that rose from the end of the counter to the ceiling. Marcia pulled Jane's long, silky hair over her shoulder and looped it around her wrists, tying her to the post. "You've always wanted to call the shots, Aunt Jane. That's why we're going to turn things around a little," Mike said, walking in front of her white Marcia and Barbie bound her arms around the post with Jane's beautiful hair. "You've got a stuck-up face and a slinky body, Aunt Jane. It's going to be a trip seeing you begging for mercy. We're going to make a whole different kind of bitch out of you."

Jane stared at the whip in her handsome nephew's hand. It was a cat, nine separate, cruel lashes dangling from the end of its strip of leather. She tugged hopelessly at her hands, but her efforts only pulled her hair painfully and caused the tightly wrapped strands to bite into her wrists.

"Please, Mike," she whispered, her voice cracking as tears flowed down her beautiful cheeks. "You don't need to hurt me. I fucked all your friends, didn't I? I'll do it again if you want. Please don't whip me. Please don't hurt me like that!"

Mike smirked and walked back around behind her. Jane kept pleading, crying harder and harder until her wards were nothing but gibberish. The gang of guys laughed at her and called her names, but Jane couldn't stop herself. The threat of the whip had broken her completely. She offered to do anything to escape the torture that was coming.

Mike stood behind her, looking at her gorgeous back and listening to her pitiful begging. For two years Aunt Jane had told him when he could fuck her and how he could fuck her. It had been beyond a teenage guy's wildest dreams to get to fuck an older woman as beautiful as Jane, but it had always bothered him that she was the one who decided everything they did. And as much of a dream as having a woman as mature and sexy as Jane for a lover was, the idea of having her as his personal, groveling slave was a million times better.

In the dress she was wearing, Jane's back was revealed all the way to the upper slopes of her tight ass. Mike grabbed the back of her dress and ripped it down farther, revealing her perfect, pear-shaped ass. Jane screamed in fear when he did, and that turned him on so much that he knew he couldn't wait any longer to start her beating.

"Ten guys, Aunt Jane," Mike said, cocking his whip arm, relishing every instant of his gorgeous aunt's terror. "Ten lashes each. You can count, can't you, fucker? Tell us how many lashes that adds up to."

"A hundred!" Jane whimpered, her sleek, sexy body trembling with the force of her crying. "Please, Mike! Please, baby, don't hurt me! Please don't do this!"

"You're going to love it, cunt!" Margot growled, stepping around in front of Jane with Barbie and Marcia. Jane cried out in fear and despair when she saw the three candles the girl was holding. "And while the guys are whipping your worthless ass, we girls are going to be making you fed real good too."

Mike lashed the whip forward.

Jane shrieked in agony, sagging against the post she was bound to. The whip had bit across the small of her back, each cruel strand biting deep into her creamy flesh. Mike drew the whip back and watched with delight as the bright welts that crossed her lower back faded slowly to an angry red. Jane whimpered as the pain from the lash burned its way through her nervous system. She held herself tense against the post, waiting for the next lash to come.

Mike lashed her shoulders, bringing the whip up overhand. The tails whipped over Jane's shoulder, leaving bright red welts over her right arm and graceful throat. Then Mike laid the whip against her ass, making the tight asscheeks jiggle. Jane almost collapsed from the terrible pain the first three lashes had caused her. She pressed her forehead against the post, trying to block from her mind the awful thing that was happening to her.

"Look at that pretty ass shake!" Cecil shouted. "Hit her again! Slap the shit out of the sexy slut!"

Mike lashed her again, striping her flawless back with lines of fire. It felt as though someone was pouring lines of gasoline on her tender flesh, then lighting them with a match. Jane felt the world spinning away from her and knew she would never survive a hundred lashes. She started to sag against the post, then shot back upright when Mike thrashed her sexy ass again.

Margot grabbed her by her jaw and mashed their lips together. Jane didn't even try to resist as the big girl whipped her tongue deep into her mouth. Jane accepted the brutal kiss as her due, even when Margot caught her lips between her teeth and bit down until Jane thought the teenage girl was going to tear them away.

Mike hit her again and again, criss-crossing her firm ass and long, flawless back with a roadmap of angry red welts. The bottom of her dress was shredded by the time he hit her ten times, revealing most of her long, slender legs. Every inch of Jane's back and legs felt as though they had been doused with acid. The knowledge that her long, shapely legs were now revealed for beating made her wish for death.

She screamed with fresh terror when Margot stepped away from her and lit the three big, long candles. Jane watched the flames at the ends of the candles. When hot wax bubbled at the end of the long tapers, she cried like a lost soul, knowing what the girls were going to do to her.

"Bruno," Mike said, staggering back away from his squirming, sexy aunt. "You want the next go, big buddy?"

"Fuck yes," Bruno said, scrambling off the soda where he had been sitting and grabbing the whip from Mike's hand. "Get ready, Jane. You ain't going to get no love taps from me."

Mike had varied his strokes with the whip. He had hit her hard and soft, hit her from the tops of her quivering thighs all the way to her sexy shoulders. Bruno swung the whip as though he was cutting down a tree. Jane shrieked as the first lash cut deep into her ass. Before her first scream had died away Bruno had hit her again, just as hard, in just the same place.

"Nooooooooo!" Jane screamed, her eyes rolling. She twisted and bucked, her hair tearing, her svelte body gyrating in a hopeless, maddened attempt at escape.

Mike lashed her ass again. This blow was so hard that it knocked Jane into the post. Her pert ass was stained such a bright red that it looked as though it had been painted.

"Agggghhhhh!" Jane screamed, bouncing off the pole and jerking at her hair as though she would have been willing to tear herself bald to escape the whip.

Mike whipped her again. And again. And again.

Jane's slim, supple body was twisting and bucking in an outrageous display of raw sensuality. She looked like the world's most talented and beautiful stripper as she squirmed and thrashed her way through a doomed attempt to escape the torture of the whip.

Jane wasn't sure what she was feeling anymore. She knew she was being punished, that she had done something wrong and that she was being taught a lesson. Tears soaked her face as she begged incoherently for mercy. The whole back of her body burned so intensely now that the sensation was almost beyond pain, almost in a world of sheer, overwhelming sensation.

"Don't cry, pretty Jane," Barbie said. Jane looked up at the tall, pale blonde and marveled at how beautiful she was. "Here, let me give you a kiss."

Jane moaned with pleasure as Barbie's soft lips brushed hers. She whimpered with delight as Barbie's wet, questing tongue pushed past her lips, wiggled deep into her mouth.

Suddenly there was a terrible burning on her shoulder, and Jane cried out in pain. Barbie drilled her tongue even deeper into Jane's mouth, pressing her hand over Jane's tits, and the beautiful captive cried with pleasure and agony. When Barbie broke the kiss Jane saw that the willowy blonde had dropped burning wax all over her shoulders. Droplets of wax were hardening on her creamy skin. The pain was awful, but the brush of Barbie's mouth and the press of her hand were wonderful.

Bruno hit her again. And again. When he drew the whip back there were tiny drops of blood on its cruel lashes. He brought it back around even harder, lashing Jane's sexy, tortured ass for the tenth time. Barbie moved the candle up the soft slope of Jane's shoulder letting burning not wax fall on the tender skin of Jane's long, graceful throat. At the same time she washed her tongue over Jane's burning face. The bound, beaten beauty felt as though she was going to explode.

"Ohhhhhh!" she screamed, spit drooling from her lush lips, her big eyes glazing over. An orgasm was ripping its way through her sleek, tortured body. "Oh! Oh! Oh! No! No! Not happening!"

It felt as though there was a chainsaw deep inside her cunt. Jane hugged the pole, humping it as though it were a giant cock that was fucking her whole body. Pussy-cream streamed down her quivering thighs. Pussy-cream splattered straight down from her pussy, too, plopping to the floor beneath her. She stared lovingly at Barbie, thrusting her beaten ass back at the whip. The pain and the degradation were too much for her.

"The sexy slut's cumming!" Cecil shouted as he took the whip from Bruno. "Look at the way her pussy's dripping! Here, you beautiful whore! You love it so much we're going to whip you some more!"

Cecil snapped the whip against the trembling flesh of Jane's upper thighs. The silky dress shredded under the vicious curling of the whip. He snapped the whip against her blazing red ass, then lashed it across the small of her back. His cock was wagging around, hard and dripping, as he flogged her sexy body. He hit her ten times so quickly that Jane couldn't tell one blow from the next.

Margot grabbed the front of Jane's dress and ripped it down, revealing the upthrust cones of Jane's perky tits. She laid her black candle right on top of the rubbery nipple of Jane's right tit, letting the wax drool down without cooling at all. Marcia held her candle just above Jane's beautiful face. Jane screamed in fear when the hot wax splattered on to her cheeks and nose and forehead. She screamed in terror when Marcia touched the open flame to her hair, burning strands and filling the room with a stinking smoke.

But none of it stopped the agonizing orgasm that was tearing through her body.

Jane couldn't stop squirming. Her cunt was snapping open and shut like a clam. Pussycream was pouring out of her cunt to drench her inner thighs and soak the floor beneath her. Jane was caught in a world of pain and degradation, but it was making her so hot that she could barely stand it.

Then another guy was whipping her. Jane wasn't sure which one it was. Her ass was a bloody mess now, and her upper thighs and lower back were bleeding too. This guy aimed the whip lower, scoring her perfectly turned calves and the tender backs of her knees. Jane sagged against the post, beaten insensible. She was staying on her feet by pure instinct now, every ounce of strength beaten from her body.

"You dirty, sleazy whore." Margot chuckled, plastering Jane's stiff nipples with hot wax. All three girls were dripping wax on their crazed captive, covering her tits, shoulders, throat and face in burning wax. "You love it, you worthless cunt! You love every fucking thing we do to you!"

"Love it!" Jane moaned, wrapping her sleek thighs around the post and grinding her swollen, swampy cunt all over it. "Love everything! Please stop! Please, please stop!"

"Let's paint her face," Barbie said with a girlish giggle, dripping wax into Jane's silky cleavage until it looked as though a red river was flowing between her perky tits. "Let's paint her stuck-up face in wax."

Marcia laughed at her friend's suggestion, and the two beautiful girls went to work covering Jane's elegant face in a coating of green and red wax. They laid their candles flat against Jane's forehead, and the tortured beauty howled in agony as wax poured down onto her skin. The pain was unbearable, but there was no way for Jane to escape it.

The girls laughed and joked as they rolled their candles over Jane's face. Each girl coated one of Jane's cheeks. They took turns on, her nose, working their way toward her chin. They even painted her lips with hot wax. By the time they finished with the beautiful slave her face was painted in red and green wax. And all the time that Marcia and Barbie were waxing Jane's face Margot was working on the captive beauty's tits.

Jason and Larry had taken their turns lashing Jane's sleek, tortured body. Trevor shook his head when the bloodied cat was offered to him, instead picking up another of the toys Mike and Marcia had brought over. It was a short riding crop. He swished it through the air a few times before he stepped up to Jane's sultry, squirming body.

"Now you're going to get a real spanking," he said before he hit her the first time.

Jane screamed as the crop slapped against her welted, bleeding ass. She screamed again as Trevor whipped the backs of her thighs. The way Trevor used the crop made each blow hit with the sharpness of a whip and the pounding of a club.

Margot had tired of covering Jane's tits with wax. Now she was playing her candle up and down Jane's creamy flanks, rolling the candle along her tender skin until Jane jerked and twitched in agony. Marcia and Barbie were dribbling wax on Jane's long, slender arms, her soft, flat stomach, anywhere they had not already marked her with the burning wax. Jane felt as if everything that was happening was very far away. The only thing that seemed close were the ripping orgasms that were causing her cunt to wriggle and leak.

"Take that!" Trevor shouted, pounding the crop against Jane's ass. "And that! And that! And this!"

On his last blow Trevor slammed the crop into the back of Jane's head. The blow drove the tortured beauty into the pole with killing force. She wobbled for a moment after she bounced off it, then tumbled to the ground.

"Did he kill her?" Bob asked. He sounded disappointed. He hadn't had his turn whipping her yet.

"She's just a lazy fucking cunt!" Margot growled. She touched the burning flame of her candle to Jane's swollen, dripping cunt. "This ought to fucking wake her up!"

Jane screamed in agony, brought to sudden, pain-drenched awareness by the burning flame that was brushing over her cunt-lips. Her eyes bulged as she scrambled forward. Margot followed her with the flame, waving it all over Jane's cunt and ass, never letting the flame linger in one spot long enough to do any real damage. She delighted in the maddened horror she had aroused in the broken beauty. After a few moments of chasing her with the flame, she came up with an even better idea.

"Come here," she said, grabbing Jane and hefting her up into the air. Jane hung for a moment, supported only by Margot's grip and her bound hair. "Let's get you on this counter, dumb cunt, and do some real work on you."

She dropped Jane on the bar like a sack of trash. Jane's hands were pulled up over her head now, still bound to the post. Her lean, sexy body was stretched out face-down on the counter, the tattered remnants of her pretty dress hanging in rags around her arms and waist.

Bob was the next guy to beat her. He used the crop, and he was able to aim full-strength, overhand swings at her rounded ass and flawless back. Tod used the cat, standing up at the end of the bar and playing the vicious whip all over her ass and legs.

The girls dripped wax onto the welts that covered Jane's sleek body, bringing cries and frenzied spasms from the woman. Margot took special delight in dripping wax all over the battered, sexy cheeks of Jane's ass. She even dripped wax between the lush asscheeks, burning the tender inner cheeks of Jane's ass until the broken beauty begged the guys to kill her.

"Let's turn her back over," Ted said, taking the cat from Tod. "I want to whip those pretty tits."

Jane was too far gone to even beg. She was barely conscious. Her cunt was still spasming, and her long, lean legs rubbed languidly together. When the guys flipped her over, she stared up at Ted. When he brought the cat down across her pert, wax-splattered tits, she only moaned softly and rubbed her legs together harder.

"Dirty whore!" Margot bellowed, pressing her face against Jane's. She spit on Jane again and again, until the woman's beautiful face was dripping with drool. "Dirty whore! Dirty whore! Dirty whore!"

It didn't matter. Jane was climaxing again, burning through an orgasm that felt as though it was filling every inch of her sinuous, writhing body. Her tits felt hot and swollen. Her cunt and asshole felt as though they were on fire. Her stomach felt as though it had been flushed full of something hot and filling. Even her fingers and toes tingled with warmth. Ted was slashing the cat down brutally on her tits and stomach, but even that agony only made her orgasm more powerful.

Awareness slipped away from the bound and tortured beauty, but even after she passed out her cunt leaked and her sexy legs rubbed wetly against each other.

After the last guy had whipped her, all three girls put out their candles by pushing them into the soaked pocket of Jane's cunt. Each girl fucked her candle inside Jane until they had brought her to another orgasm, laughing with each other at the way they could make their gorgeous slave climax even while she was unconscious.
