Jeanine Parisier Plottel
New York, New York 2012
JEANINE PARISIER PLOTTEL, professor emeritus of French, CUNY Hunter College & The Graduate Center, is the former executive director of the New York State Conference, American Association of University Professors and former chair of the Hunter Dept. of Romance Languages. The French government has decorated her twice (Palmes Académiques) for her contribution to French language, literature and culture. She is a former trustee of Barnard College, and a trustee of the Society for French-American Cultural Exchange (FACE). She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Maison Française at Columbia University, the Institute for French Studies at New York University, and the Henri Peyre French Institute of the City University Graduate Center. An author of numerous books and articles in both English and French, the editor and publisher of New York Literary Forum, she is an honorary life member of the Modern Language Association. A graduate of Barnard College, she received her master’s and doctoral degrees in French literature from Columbia University.