
This book, and this series as a whole, would not be possible without the people who believe in me.

My sister, Kiele. Without our late night conversations over bowls of ice cream this story would never have been born. You believed in me even before there was a page one and I love you with my whole heart.

My beautiful mother, who has never failed me. Thank you for making my dreams important to you--even when they seemed impossible. My hero and my husband, Brett. Thanks for keeping our world in one piece. You're my lobster. My beautiful children, Kiana and Caleb. Thanks for thinking my job is "cool" and for understanding when I pick you up from school in my pajamas.

My agent, Suzie Townsend, who makes all things possible. Thank you for your endless patience and expertise. You make me a better writer, but more importantly, you keep me sane. And I really love my sanity.

And my heart and soul, Bobbi. Thank you for always being a part of my dreams. I love your guts.
