Corinne Hofmann Back from Africa


When my book The White Masai first appeared in 1998 I was optimistic that the story of my African love affair would find a wide readership. But I would never in my wildest dreams have dared hope that before long it would be on the international bestseller lists, translated into eighteen languages and made into a film. The book's success and everything that went with it became a huge adventure in its own right.

At that time I had not the slightest intention of writing another book. But over the years I have had so many letters, faxes and emails from readers telling me how touched they have been by my story in different ways. Almost every one of them has finished by asking me how my daughter and I, and my African family are doing today.

In the early days I tried to answer each of them individually, but eventually there were so many I had to give up. Each new expression of interest in our fate however, has made me feel almost obliged to do something in response.

It is therefore to all those whose interest in my life story has moved me so much that I would like to dedicate this book.

Lugano, April 2003
