Chapter Six

There was shocked silence in the mill room.

Accobrán the tanist was the first to recover.

‘You have never said this before, Brocc,’ he said accusingly. ‘You have never said that you actually saw the murderer.’

The heavy-featured man returned his look defiantly.

‘I was never asked before, tanist of the Cinél na Áeda. I know what I know. Did you think that I would go to the abbey for no apparent reason?’

‘Others certainly thought that you did,’ replied Fidelma quietly. ‘Most people believe that you were simply prejudiced against the strangers. Your own words seemed to imply that you were. Now for the first time you say you saw the murderer.’

Brocc’s sneer was comment enough on what he thought of other people.

‘So tell us, Brocc,’ Eadulf took up the questioning again, ‘tell us about this murderer and why you did not come forward to explain your evidence before. You saw the murder but you let your brother go looking for his missing daughter. We were told that it was Goll the woodcutter who found the body. Explain all this, for I am confused.’

Fidelma glanced appreciatively at Eadulf. The discrepancy between Brocc’s actions and the story he now told was clear.

Brocc was not put out by the question.

‘I said, I saw the murderer not the murder,’ he said with emphasis.

Eadulf shook his head slightly, as if bewildered. ‘Now what are you saying? How can you see the one without the other?’

‘You’d better tell us your story in detail,’ instructed Fidelma slowly and deliberately. ‘Make it simple and clear. I do not want to play some game of semantics.’

Brocc scowled. ‘I have no understanding of what you are saying.’

‘I want no word games. Either you saw the killer or you did not. Which is it?’

‘On the day Escrach was killed, I was doing some trade up on the River Bride, to the north of here,’ Brocc replied. ‘My brother will confirm it. By the time I returned, it was night. I was coming over the hill we call the Thicket of Pigs, which you can see from the doorway here, and the moon was full.’

‘As a matter of clarification, as I am a stranger here, where were you heading?’ asked Fidelma.

‘To my bothán, which is on the edge of the clearing here.’

‘Had you known that Escrach was supposed to be visiting her aunt and have taken the path over the same hill?’

‘Not at that time,’ replied Brocc.

‘So you came across the hill?’

‘The path I was following came over the shoulder of the hill, overlooking the abbey below.’

‘Where is that in relation to the place where Escrach’s body was found?’

‘Escrach was found among some boulders, a ring of rocks, which is further up the hill on the same side. They are called the Ring of Pigs.’

Fidelma motioned him to continue when he hesitated.

‘There is little else to tell. I came over the hill and I saw one of the strangers, one of those from the abbey.’

‘What was he doing?’ demanded Eadulf curiously.

‘What was the stranger doing? Why, nothing. Just sitting there at the Ring of Pigs. His face was towards the moon. I should have known that this was unusual. I gave him greeting but he did not even reply to me. There was something sinister about the man. Just sitting there on the hillside in the moonlight, as if bathing his face in the light of the moon.’

‘So what did you do?’

‘I said a quick prayer and hurried on home to my cabin. It was the next morning that I heard that Escrach’s body had been discovered.’

There was a silence as Fidelma considered what she had been told.

‘From what you say, you saw this stranger seated on the hill. You did not see Escrach. However, the next day Escrach’s body was found at the same spot. Is that a fair summary?’

‘Exactly as I told you.’

Fidelma sighed. ‘It raises questions that need to be asked. But there is no evidence that Escrach and the man met, far less that the man killed her. The law requires evidence not theories. And did you tell your brother this story? You did not arouse the people to march on the abbey on that same day, did you? Why did you wait a month until another young girl had met her death before you acted?’

Brocc shook his head like a large shaggy dog. ‘I did not tell my brother. Not then. It was only after Ballgel’s death last week that I realised the significance of the full of the moon. Only with Ballgel’s murder on the night of the Badger’s Moon did I realise that there was a killer among us striking on each full of the moon. It was then that I suddenly realised what I had seen…the stranger sitting on the hillside bathing in the rays of the moon. Only then did it become obvious to me.’

‘Did you go to the abbey and identify the stranger?’ demanded Fidelma, still sceptical.

Seachlann intervened in support of his brother. ‘After Brocc had told me what he had seen that night, we all went then. The people went to demand that the strangers be handed over.’

‘Was that when you all attacked the abbey, when Brocc, here, was shot?’

‘It was.’

‘Why did you demand that all the strangers be handed over for punishment? Why not demand to see the strangers, identify the one you saw and ask for an explanation?’

‘The strangers are all alike,’ interposed Seachlann angrily. ‘They are all as guilty as each other.’

‘That is not a sound philosophy,’ pointed out Fidelma.

‘You have not met them.’

‘Then we will do so presently,’ Fidelma assured him. ‘But what you are saying is that you are not an eyewitness to Escrach’s death or, indeed, any of the deaths. When you saw the stranger in the moonlight he was alone.’

‘No man without evil intention would be sitting on a hillside in the full of the moon, just sitting and staring at the moon,’ protested Brocc.

‘There are many reasons why people do things that, to an outsider, may seem odd behaviour,’ Eadulf assured him. ‘Would it not have been better to have sought explanations rather than attempt to visit violence on the man…indeed, on him and his companions whom you did not see? The man might have a good enough reason for being on the hill at that time.’

‘What reason?’ sneered Brocc.

Eadulf smiled thinly. ‘Exactly! None of us knows if reason there be. And we should find out before leaping to conclusions. Escrach’s body was found at the same place, but where is the evidence that Escrach was even on the hill at the same time as the stranger?’

Seachlann shook his head in disgust. ‘You speak like all religious. A honey tongue coaxing us away from seeing things as they are.’

‘You should not fear truth, Seachlann,’ snapped Fidelma. ‘False tales are eventually discovered so we have no cause to protect that which is untrue.’

Eadulf nodded swiftly. ‘May I suggest this? Perhaps Brocc will accompany us to the abbey. It is high time that we spoke to these strangers against whom so much suspicion and anger are directed. Then Brocc can tell what he saw in front of the stranger and the stranger, whichever one of the three it was, can present his reasons if he has any. Is that not a better, civilised way to proceed than running armed into the abbey baying for blood?’

The tanist Accobrán, who had sat quietly for a long time, rose with a positive smile. ‘Well said, Brother Saxon. That sounds an excellent idea. Do you object to this, Brocc?’

The millwright’s brother hesitated and kicked at the ground.

‘Whatever way gets to the truth,’ he growled in annoyance.

Fidelma looked relieved.

‘It is only the truth that we are all wanting to find, Brocc,’ she said quietly but firmly.

The abbey dedicated to the Blessed Finnbarr, nestling in the shelter of the tall hill about which they had heard so much, was not large. A wooden wall or palisade surrounded several buildings dominated by a large wooden chapel. The gates were shut and two stern-looking Brothers stood sentinel at a watchtower. Only when Accobrán was recognised did one of them shout down and the gates swung inwards.

A young, anxious-looking religious, a thin, wiry individual with fair hair and features, came out to greet them. He saw Brocc and immediately scowled at the millwright’s brother. Brocc stood slightly behind the tanist as if seeking shelter. The young man’s glance encompassed them all and then he addressed himself to the tanist.

Deus tecum, Accobrán. What brings you here — and in the company of that man?’ He indicated Brocc.

‘God be with you, Brother Solam. I bring the dálaigh from Cashel,’ Accobrán said. ‘This is Fidelma of Cashel and her companion, Brother Eadulf.’

The young man turned to Fidelma and Eadulf and smiled shyly in greeting. ‘Fidelma of Cashel?’ He almost stuttered in his nervousness.

‘This is Brother Solam, the steward of the abbey, lady,’ Accobrán announced.

The young man was bowing nervously to Fidelma. ‘Fidelma of Cashel.’ His voice was breathless. ‘Who has not heard of you?’

Fidelma looked positively embarrassed at the young man’s obsequiousness.

‘I should imagine that a great many people have not,’ she assured him with a serious expression, although something sparkled in her eyes. ‘We have come to see Abbot Brogán.’

‘I will inform him of your presence directly, lady. Please enter.’ Brother Solam hesitated a moment and glanced suspiciously towards Brocc and then at Accobrán. ‘Who will be responsible for the good behaviour of that man?’

‘I will,’ said the young tanist, shifting his hand ostentatiously to the hilt of his sword. ‘The brethren need have no fear of him while I am here.’

They followed Brother Solam into the courtyard beyond the gates as they swung shut behind them.

‘Please wait here a moment, and I will inform the abbot,’ Brother Solam instructed them.

‘Only Brother Eadulf and I want to see the abbot initially,’ Fidelma told him. ‘Accobrán and Brocc can wait here.’

‘It is warm at the smith’s forge,’ the Brother volunteered, indicating across the courtyard, where there was a seat and some shelter.

‘Good enough,’ agreed Accobrán. ‘Let me know when you require our presence, lady.’

Brother Solam frowned slightly, not understanding. Fidelma did not enlighten him of the proposal that she had discussed with Accobrán on their way to the abbey, and in a moment he hurried away.

A few minutes later, he was showing them into the presence of Abbot Brogán.

The abbot was still a handsome man in spite of his age and he welcomed them with a grave smile and courtesy.

‘This is an honour, Sister Fidelma. I have heard much of your work. I am told that even in Tara your name is known.’

‘I have done some small service for the High King,’ Fidelma acknowledged, as the abbot then extended his hand to Eadulf.

‘Welcome also, Brother. Forgive me, I find difficulty pronouncing Saxon names. They seem so difficult. Yet I have heard of you. You were at the great Council of Whitby, I believe?’

‘You have been well informed, abbot,’ said Eadulf.

‘Well, I am pleased that you have both accepted Becc’s invitation to come to Rath Raithlen. There is much evil in this place and panic has seized our people so that they forget all sense of proportion and shame and even attack us, the religious.’

‘Brother Solam has probably told you that we have brought Brocc, the millwright’s brother, with us?’

The abbot inclined his head gravely. ‘Indeed. And he has told me that the tanist Accobrán attends him with his sword, so we are not alarmed.’ He waved them to seats and asked Brother Solam to fetch wine or mead in accordance to their preference.

‘I am told that the abbey shelters three strangers, and that it is fear of these strangers that cause the people to attack you,’ began Fidelma.

‘Alas, people always fear the unknown, and hate is born out of that fear,’ said Abbot Brogán, after a pause to allow Brother Solam to distribute the beverages.

‘We would agree,’ Fidelma acknowledged. ‘Our task in coming here today is simply to assure ourselves that there is no other cause for the three visitors now under this roof to be suspected of involvement in the three deaths.’

Abbot Brogán stared at her for a moment in surprise. ‘Then you would have me send for the strangers to question them?’

‘That would be for the best,’ Fidelma said softly.

The abbot turned to his steward and gave orders for the strangers to be sought out and asked to attend him.

‘How long have you known these men?’ Eadulf asked.

‘They came here two months ago,’ the abbot responded. ‘I am not sure that I can say that I know any of them. They arrived here from Molaga’s house on the coast. They had been saved from a shipwreck, recovered and expressed a wish to study here. We have a library which some are envious of.’ He smiled when he saw Fidelma look surprised. ‘It is true that we are a poor community. No more than twenty of us at this house. But we have saved many wand-books and manuscripts which is our wealth and our claim to respect among the larger houses.’

‘So these visitors are strangers from beyond the seas?’

Abbot Brogán smiled broadly. ‘That you will see for yourselves.’

Just then Brother Solam entered again and stood aside, holding the door open.

‘The three guests are here, lord abbot,’ he intoned solemnly.

Three tall men entered the room, dwarfing the rest of the company. They were lean and muscular and wore their simple undyed white woollen robes with elegance, like royal apparel. Each wore an ornate crucifix of silver on a chain which was unlike any Fidelma had seen before, even in Rome. Their faces were strikingly handsome, their eyes watchful, but Fidelma found their expressions unfathomable, as if they had purposely eliminated all emotion from their features. They halted in a line before the abbot and, as if at a hidden signal, all three inclined their heads in deference at precisely the same time with one brief movement. They were physically intimidating but both Fidelma and Eadulf could not hide their momentary surprise at the ebony blackness of their skins against the white and silver of their apparel.

‘You summoned us, lord abbot?’

It was the man in the middle who spoke. He used the language of Éireann, although his tones were heavily accented.

‘I did. This is Fidelma of Cashel, sister to our King Colgú. She is what we call a dálaigh — a judge of our law courts.’

Fidelma was about to intervene to make the interpretation more accurate but realised that the abbot was speaking in very simple terms, doubtless so that the foreigners would understand.

The tall stranger spoke rapidly to his companions and all three turned towards Fidelma. This time each man laid his right hand upon his breast and all three bowed in unison towards her. She felt slightly embarrassed but decided to rise from her seat and reply in kind.

‘This is my companion, Brother Eadulf of Seaxmund’s Ham,’ she said, to complete the introductions.

The three bowed again, but this time without the hands placed on their breasts.

‘Let us all be seated,’ she suggested.

Chairs were brought forward for the three strangers. When they were seated, Fidelma glanced towards Abbot Brogán.

‘Do I have your permission to continue?’

The abbot made a quick gesture of assent.

Fidelma turned back and addressed herself to the stranger who seemed to be the spokesmen.

‘Do you all speak the language of my people?’ she asked.

The man’s expression did not change. ‘I have learnt only a little of your language. My knowledge is limited. My companions do not speak it.’

‘What language do you speak?’

‘Our language is called Ge’ez. It is the language of the kingdom of Aksum.’

He spoke with some pride. Fidelma had to confess to herself that she had never heard of either the language or the country. The stranger saw her look of dismay, and still without a change of expression said: ‘While I have a limited knowledge of the language of your people, we all speak the language of the Greeks, and a little Latin, as well as several of the other languages which border our country.’

Fidelma felt relief. Greek was the language of the original movement of the New Faith, the language of the sacred texts. She had studied it for many years and delighted in reading the ancient philosophers of Greece in their original tongue. She knew that Eadulf also had command of the language and she glanced apologetically at the abbot.

‘Would there be any objection to continuing this conversation in Greek, that we may more quickly discover the information I require?’

The abbot shifted uneasily in his seat. ‘My knowledge of Greek is confined to the Holy Scriptures and may scarcely be competent to comprehend such a conversation. Nevertheless, I am content that you should continue as you wish, Fidelma of Cashel.’

Fidelma sat back, glancing briefly at Eadulf to assure herself that he had no objections.

‘That is good,’ she said, switching to Greek ‘Now let us introduce ourselves properly.’

The leading member of the trio inclined his head. ‘I am Brother Dangila and my companions are Brother Nakfa, on my left, and Brother Gambela, on my right.’

‘And are you all from this kingdom called Aksum?’

‘We are.’

‘Can you tell me where this kingdom is?’

‘It is a land beyond Egypt, situated between the Red Sea and the Atbara River. Have you not heard of Aksum’s great port Adulis with its churches and palaces? Adulis gives to the world gold, emeralds, obsidian, ivory and spices.’

Fidelma shook her head slowly. ‘I know nothing of the lands beyond Egypt. I have not heard of Aksum. Are there Christians in your land?’

For the first time the expressions on the handsome faces before her softened and almost broke into smiles.

‘Know this, Fidelma of Cashel, that it was well over four centuries ago that our King Ezana ordained that Aksum would be a Christian kingdom. We were the first kingdom in the history of the New Faith to become Christian. It was Frumentius from Syria who taught Ezana and brought light to us, for we are the true descendants of the Hebrews and David was our king. It is among us that the Ark of the Covenant resides in which the Decalogue is kept.’

Fidelma was hard pressed not to allow her features to stare in amazement at the words of Brother Dangila. The Decalogue was the religious and moral guidelines that God had given Moses on Mount Sinai.

‘Your kingdom sounds most fascinating and on some other occasion I would hear more of it. But I am here in my official capacity,’ she said regretfully.

Brother Dangila inclined his head slightly. ‘If I have interpreted correctly, you are a judge as well as being sister to the king of this land?’

‘It is so. When the laws of this kingdom are transgressed, my role is to inquire into the matter and discover who is the culprit.’

‘We understand.’

‘As you are aware, there have been three young women killed near this abbey.’

‘We have realised this,’ Brother Dangila replied. ‘Outside, the people believe that we have been the cause of these unfortunate deaths. We are blessed that Abbot Brogán has protected us within the walls of his abbey.’

‘Why do you think the people outside believe that you are responsible for the deaths?’

Now, for the first time, Brother Dangila smiled broadly. ‘You have looked upon us, Fidelma of Cashel. Therein is the reason.’


‘I would have thought no explanation was needed to one of your intelligence. Are we not physically different from you and your people?’

‘I cannot deny that. But, being so, why would that make you suspect?’

‘Come, diplomacy is not needed. Dogs bark at people they do not know.’

Fidelma responded with a smile. ‘So, you say that you are accused because it is obvious that you are strangers?’

Brother Dangila held out an arm and pushed back its sleeve to reveal bare flesh.

‘Hold out your arm, Fidelma of Cashel, and place it next to mine.’

She did so, also drawing back her sleeve.

The black and white skins were side by side.

‘Need we say more about the differences? Ignorance breeds prejudice, prejudice breeds fear, fear breeds hate.’

Fidelma grimaced and withdrew her arm.

‘It is a sad fault of man,’ she agreed. ‘Nevertheless, I am constrained by law to investigate this matter to the point where evidence must be the deciding factor. My people have an old saying — the lie will pass away and the truth will remain.’

Brother Dangila sat back. ‘Ask of us what you will.’

‘Let us start at the time of the last full moon, when the girl Ballgel was killed. Where were you and your fellows that night?’

‘Here in the abbey,’ came the swift reply.

‘And were there witnesses to this?’

‘Brother Dangila looked swiftly at his fellows in turn before returning his unfathomable gaze to her.

‘We were in the guests’ dormitory, having retired to bed after the midnight Angelus, and we did not stir until the morning Angelus bell,’ he said.

‘That is not exactly true.’

For the first time, Brother Gambela spoke. A soft, almost feminine voice. Brother Dangila swung round, a slight irritation on his face.

‘Not exactly true?’ queried Fidelma. ‘Explain, please, Brother Gambela.’

‘I could not sleep immediately and while I can testify that my companions fell asleep on retiring I could not. My mouth was dry and so I went in search of water in the hope that I would settle to sleep after a drink to quench my thirst.’

‘And did you find water?’ asked Fidelma.

‘I went to the kitchens and drank my fill and then returned to bed.’

‘What time was this? Did anyone see you?’

‘I do not know. It could not have been more than an hour after midnight. And, yes, someone saw me.’


‘I did.’ It was Abbot Brogán who spoke. ‘I returned from Becc’s feasting some time after midnight. I think I left the chief’s fortress shortly after midnight and it would take me no more than half to three-quarters of an hour to walk back to the abbey. I entered and saw Brother Gambela coming from the direction of the kitchen and we bade one another a good night.’

‘Last month, at the time of the full moon, the girl Escrach was killed. Where were you all then?’

‘I believe that we were all in the abbey once again that night,’ replied Brother Dangila.

Fidelma paused, looking from one to the other of the bland expressions on the faces of the three men.

‘Is that so?’ she asked quietly.

‘You doubt it?’ demanded Brother Gambela.

‘How would you answer if I were to say that someone saw one of you on the night that Escrach was killed, sitting on the hillside that rises above the abbey? Sitting on the hillside and staring up at the full moon?’

The expressions on the three faces did not alter. They continued to be bland and unresponsive. For a moment or two in the silence, Fidelma felt that there was going to be no response. Then Brother Dangila spoke.

‘We would answer, who is the someone who claims such a thing and which one of us does he claim he saw?’ he replied softly. ‘Even if it were true, when is sitting on a hillside regarding the stars in their courses considered a crime? Is this someone claiming that the murdered girl was seen in the company of whoever it was who was seen sitting on the hill?’

‘A logical reply,’ acknowledged Fidelma, feeling that the strangers were very astute. Turning to the abbot, she said, ‘Let Accobrán bring Brocc in.’

The abbot rang his silver handbell.

After a quiet word with Brother Solam, Accobrán came in escorting the sullen and resentful Brocc who glowered angrily at the company.

‘Now, Brocc, repeat your story before this company,’ Fidelma instructed before she turned to the three strangers and added in Greek: ‘If there is anything that you are unclear of, I will translate for you.’

The three sat impassively while Brocc went through his story. Curiously, in their quiet, dignified presence, Brocc seemed to be drained of his aggression, of his bravado. He spoke softly, almost politely.

‘Last month I was returning home having conducted some business with a merchant on the River Bride. It was midnight as I came over the hills towards Rath Raithlen. I was crossing the Thicket of Pigs about that time. It was at the full of the moon and very bright. Suddenly I saw a figure seated at the Ring of Pigs on the hillside along which my path lay. It was a figure of a tall man, sitting on a rock. He did not see me. He was gazing up at the moon with an extraordinary expression on his face.’

‘Did you speak to him?’

‘I did. “What are you doing here, stranger?” I asked. I called him stranger for indeed I recognised him not.’

‘Did he reply?’

‘He did not, and I doubt whether he even knew the meaning of my words, for he was one of these fierce-looking strangers from beyond the seas whose skins are black. He was clearly not of our people.’

‘Was he alone or with someone?’

‘He appeared to be alone.’

‘And you saw no one with him? Are you certain?’ pressed Fidelma.

Brocc replied with a positive gesture. ‘I did not.’

‘On this we must be firm so that the one you accuse may answer?’

‘I did not see anyone with the stranger,’ Brocc admitted sullenly. ‘But I believe he was not alone.’

‘The stranger would only have to answer to what you actually saw and not what you believed,’ Fidelma pointed out sharply. ‘However, you say that you spoke to him and he did not reply. What did you do?’

Brocc swallowed nervously. It was a new side to his character which Fidelma and Eadulf had not seen before. He was a man embarrassed.

‘A fear seized me,’ he admitted. ‘I feared that he was a phantom, a spawn of the devil. He said nothing but the moon bathed his face, making it grey and awesome. He turned his face slowly to me and his eyes sparkled with a fierce fire. I turned and ran. It was the next morning when I heard that Escrach had been killed. As you know, it was not until Ballgel was murdered that I realised the significance of what I had seen. Then I tried to warn people about the strangers.’

‘You told me that the person you saw was one of these strangers. Do you still make that claim?’

‘Of course I do.’ Something of his old aggressiveness rose again in his manner.

‘Well, the three strangers are seated before you. Which of them was it who was seated in the moonlight?’

The three men sat impassively gazing upon rhe man.

Brocc scarcely bothered to examine them. He spoke directly to Fidelma.

‘I cannot tell one set of their dark features from another. They appear all the same to me. I could not say which one it was. It is your job to make one of them confess.’

Fidelma snorted in irritation. ‘I will tell you clearly what my job is, Brocc. My job is to interpret the law. The Berrad Airechta, which is the law of witnesses, is very precise. You come to me here as fiadu. that is “one who sees”. You can only give evidence about what you have seen or heard and you must be prepared to swear an oath in support of that evidence. You say that you saw a man. You claim that it was one of these three men seated before you. But which one? You cannot say. It is not up to these men to deny your accusation, it is up to you to prove it. So, Brocc, do you accuse one of these men, and if so which one do you accuse? Speak!’

Brocc shrugged his bull-like shoulders. ‘I tell you that I cannot tell them apart. I saw one of them. That is all I can tell you.’

Fidelma exhaled softly. Her mouth was set tightly. She turned to the tanist.

‘Accobrán, would you please escort Brocc from the abbey. Wait outside for us.’

Brocc turned angrily towards her.

‘So, you religious are all alike. You take their word in preference to mine?’ he cried.

Fidelma returned his sneering gaze impassively.

‘In law, Brocc, you have no word to take. You make no specific accusation that can be entered in law. I am here to assess facts, not accusations without substance.’ Fidelma dismissed him with a gesture of her hand and, without a word, Accobrán, rather roughly, propelled Brocc from the chamber.
