Tuesday, 12:24 P.M. Madrid, Spain

When Father Norberto had entered the courtyard outside the palace, he didn’t believe the soldiers were going to hurt him. He could see it in their eyes, hear it in their voices.

He had no such illusions about this man, the one who had just shot the American in the back. The officer had a gun pressed under his jaw and was holding his hair tightly with the other hand. The man was bleeding. He did not have the time or disposition to talk.

“Where is the major general?” Amadori shouted.

Aideen dropped the major general’s goggles and gun and kicked them into the hallway. “He’s dead. Now let the priest go.”

“A woman?” Amadori yelled. “Damn you, who is making war on me? Show yourself now!”

“Let the padre go, General Amadori,” Aideen said. “Release him and you can have me.”

“I do not negotiate,” Amadori yelled. He took a quick look behind him. The door to the courtyard was only a few yards away. He pulled off his goggles and threw them to the floor. Then he pressed the gun harder against Father Norberto’s throat and continued backing toward the door. “My soldiers are still outside, watching the perimeter while their brothers fight. When I call them they’ll come. They’ll hunt you down.”

“You’ll shoot me if I show myself.”

“That is correct,” said Amadori. “But I’ll release the priest.”

The woman was silent.

Throughout his years in the priesthood, Norberto had talked to grieving widows and parishioners whose brothers or sisters or children had died. Most of them had expressed the desire to die as well. Despite his own loss, Norberto didn’t feel that way. He did not want to be a martyr. He wanted to live. He wanted to continue helping others. But he wasn’t going to let a woman die for him.

“My child, leave here!” Norberto cried.

Amadori pulled tighter on his hair. “Don’t talk.”

“My brother, Adolfo Alcazar, believed in you,” Norberto said. “He died in your service.”

“Your brother?” the general said. He continued walking. He was just a few feet from the door. “Don’t you realize that the people who killed Adolfo are here?”

“I know,” Norberto said. “One of them died in my arms, just as Adolfo did.”

“Then how can you take their side?”

“I haven’t taken their side,” Norberto said. “I am on the side of God. And in His name I beg you to call off this war.”

“I don’t have time for this,” Amadori snapped. “My enemies are the enemies of Spain. Tell me who the woman is and I’ll release you.”

“I won’t help you,” Norberto said.

“Then you’ll die.” Amadori groaned as he reached the door. He was obviously in pain. Still holding the priest, he stepped into the gleaming sunlight and turned toward the southern gate. “I need assistance!” he yelled. He looked back quickly to make sure Aideen hadn’t moved.

The soldiers on the other side of the courtyard had their guns pointed toward the arches. They turned to look at the door. Suddenly, one of the soldiers stepped from behind the gatepost.

“Stay where you are, sir!” the soldier yelled.

Amadori glanced toward the arches. He saw two people crouched there, a bleeding man and a woman.

“Get your unit back out here,” Amadori shouted. “Secure the courtyard!”

The soldier pulled the field radio from his belt and called for reinforcements. As he did, the woman behind the arch aimed at Amadori. The general angrily swung the priest around so he was facing her. The woman held her fire; gunshots from the soldiers quickly drove her back behind the arch. Amadori looked back into the palace to make sure the other woman hadn’t come from around the corner.

She had not. She didn’t need to.

Darrell McCaskey was lying on his side halfway down the corridor. He was facing Amadori and holding the gun Aideen had kicked into the corridor.

Father Norberto looked in as well. He didn’t understand. There was no blood, yet he’d seen the general shoot this man in the back.

Amadori began to turn the priest around. But McCaskey didn’t give the general a chance to maneuver Father Norberto between them. And he didn’t fire to wound the general. He put two quick shots into Amadori’s temple.

The general was dead before he reached the ground.
