This series would not have been the same without Brian Bennett, Laura Bradford, Jennifer Heddle, Adam Wilson, Julia Fincher, Wendy Keebler, and Anne Cherry. Thanks to all the folks who work behind the scenes at Simon & Schuster, and to Tony Mauro for the great covers. Gigantic sloppy hugs to the writers who offered advice or a kind word when I needed it most, including Karen Chance, Carolyn Crane, Ann Aguirre, Karina Cooper, Lauren Dane, Donna Herren, Bree Bridges, Kevin Hearne, Kelly Meding, Sierra Dean, Sandy Williams, Marta Acosta, Delilah S. Dawson, Suzanne McLeod, and Jaye Wells. I don’t have the space to list all the bloggers and reviewers who took the time to read and review Arcadia Bell over the years, but your support has always meant the world to me (and still does). I especially want to thank Romantic Times, who gave me a fair shake and jumpstarted my fledging writing career when no one knew my name.
My biggest thanks, however, go out to all my readers. You are a delightfully vocal bunch, and thanks to fan mail, Twitter, and Facebook, I know so much about you. Some of you are students, wives, parents, teachers, grandmothers, activists, and even priests. A few of you live in California, Ohio, Canada, France, Africa, Sweden, New Zealand, Brazil, and Greece. Many of you are wonderfully strange, witty, loyal, and smart, and you come from every manner of social class, race, religion, philosophical background, and political persuasion. How amazing is that? It’s never easy to say goodbye, but Cady, Lon, Jupe, and Tabby now belong to you. Please take good care of them.