Abbreviation Key

AAV — Amphibious Assault Vehicle

AD — Armored Division

AKA — Also Known As

AWOL — Absent Without Leave

BND — Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence)

BTR — Bronyetransporter (Soviet class of armored vehicles)

CAG — Commander Air Group

CG — Commanding General

CIA — Central Intelligence Agency

CIC — Combat Information Center

CIWS — Close-in Weapons Systems

CO — Commanding Officer

CVC — Combat Vehicle Crewman’s Helmet

DHS — Department of Homeland Security

DIA — Defense Intelligence Agency

DoD — Department of Defense

ECM — Electronic Counter Measures

ESSM — Evolved SeaSparrow Missile

FAC — Forward Air Controller

FIST — Fire Support Team

FBI — Federal Bureau of Investigations

FISA — Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

FRAGO — Fragmentary Order

FSB — Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (Russian counterintelligence)

FSO — Federalnaya Sluzhba Okhrany (Russian Secret Service)

FSO — Fire Support Officer

GDF — Global Defense Force

GRU — Glavnoye Razvedyvatel’noye Upravleniye (Russian intelligence directorate)

HE — High-explosive

HIMARS — High Mobility Artillery Rocket System

HQ — Headquarters

HUD — Heads-Up Display

IR — Infrared

IT — Information Technology

J3 — Operations Officer

JDAM — Joint Direct Attack Munitions

JLTV — Joint Light Tactical Vehicle

LCAC — Landing Craft Air Cushion (hovercraft)

LES — Leave and Earnings Statement

LNO — Liaison Officer

LRAS — Long-Range Acquisition System

MANPADS — Man-portable Air-defense Systems

MP — Member of Parliament

MPH — Miles Per Hour

MRE — Meal Ready-to-Eat

MWR — Morale, Welfare and Recreation

NCO — Noncommissioned Officer

NVG — Night Vision Goggles

PEOC — Presidential Emergency Operations Center

PLA — People’s Liberation Army (Chinese army)

PM — Prime Minister

POTUS — President of the United States

PSYOPS — Psychological Operations

R & D — Research and Development

RIM — Rolling Airframe Missile

RO-RO — Roll-on, Roll-off

ROTC — Reserve Officer Training Course

RPA — Russian Provisional Authority

RPG — Rocket Propelled Grenade

RTO — Radio-telephone Operator

SAM — Surface-to-Air Missile

SAS — Special Air Service

SecDef — Secretary of Defense

SITREP — Situational Report

SOF — Special Operations Forces

TACP — Tactical Air Control Party

TOW — Tube-Launched Optically Tracked Wire-Guided

UPS — United Parcel Service

USAID — United States Agency for International Development

VLS — Vertical Launch System

VP — Vice President

VTOL — Vertical Takeoff and Landing

WMD — Weapon of Mass Destruction

XO — Commanding Officer
