Sail Away

Hainan Island, China
Yulin Naval Base

Vice Admiral Shen Shengli yawned as he looked over the deployment plan for what felt like the fifth time in the last twelve hours. His entire fleet was nearly ready to set sail for Formosa and begin their part of the invasion. His 15,000 marines had just finished loading into their various troop transports and assault ships for the voyage. While the PLA hit the rebel army from across the straits, his forces would assault Orchid Island, which was controlled by Taiwan. After that, the plan called for his men to attack the Itbayat and Batanes island chains controlled by the Philippines, and the Miyako Islands in Japan’s southern Okinawa Prefecture. This would cut off any naval passageways to Formosa and enable the PLA to extend its anti-ship missile perimeter.

Once these islands had been secured, waves of engineers would be flown in to build up the fortifications and anti-ship missile bunkers. The key to his plan’s success would be getting his submarine force in position to neutralize any potential threats to his flotilla. As his subs moved into position, they would wait for the attack order to be given. It was an audacious plan that Chairman Zhang had developed many months ago, and if it succeeded, China might truly be able to achieve its goal of controlling Asia.

Admiral Shen heard a soft knock on his door as his aide stuck his head into his office. “Is everything all right, Admiral? Do you need me to do anything before we leave?” he asked.

Shen smiled pleasantly. “Yes, everything is in order. I was just reviewing the plans one last time. Have all of the captains reported in that they are ready to set sail?”

“Yes, Sir. When the sun rises in a couple of hours, the fleet will pull anchor and start to head to Formosa,” his aide replied confidently. He was proud to be serving Admiral Shen. This coveted position would make him privy to some of the most closely-guarded information and allow him to be a part of making history. Since the end of 1949, the rebel government on Formosa had asserted themselves as the true government of China. Soon, that government would be removed, and the stain of the PLA’s failure to finish the rebel government off would finally be wiped clean.

“Excellent, then let the pilots know I am ready to fly out to the Mao.”

His assistant nodded and bowed in respect as he exited the room.

Admiral Shen suddenly felt more awake. It energized him to see how excited his aide was about this mission.

He continued to review the plans one last time. “Even though the war with Vietnam hasn’t been fully concluded, it has already served several purposes,” he thought. “It has definitely allowed my planners and operations groups to work out the kinks in coordinating the marines, air and naval support. We’ve also been able to figure out which cruise missiles work best for the types of enemy ships we are most likely to encounter.

He reviewed the supplies. Already, the majority of his ships and aircraft had been replenished with the new anti-ship missiles and ground attack cruise missiles.

Admiral Shen sat back in his chair, satisfied. “My ships and aircraft are as ready as possible for this coming fight. Now it’s time to execute.”
