HORUS BELLOWED, “The governor Nesubenedbed!”

A stout man of medium height stepped in, striding forward until he stood before the throne.

Thoth, the Divine Record Keeper, then read aloud, “As viceroy of the northern region, he broke away from Egypt during the reign of Ramesses XII. The malaise within the country was matched by the fading of her influence abroad.”

Osiris asked him to speak, so Nesubenedbed began, “I sprang from the elite of Tanis, and it distressed me to see Egypt fall into chaos and disunity. I was not able to seize the throne, so I declared the independence of the northern area, hoping to establish order and security there. To this end, I devoted the utmost energy.”

“I am the one most qualified here to interpret the speech of those born to privilege,” boasted Abnum. “Though they always call for security and welfare, they only want those things for themselves, at the expense of the peasants and the dispossessed.”

“The oneness of our homeland, to which I dedicated my whole life, was ended by your actions,” moaned Menes.

“I deplore the blindness of those who surrounded you,” added Ptahhotep.

“I do not know how to defend this son,” admitted Isis.

“To the gates of Hell,” fumed Osiris.
