FREDERIK POHL is a double-threat science fictioneer, being the only person to have won this field's top award, the Hugo, as both a writer and an editor. As a writer, he's published more Man 30 novels and short story collections; as an editor, he published Me first series of anthologies of original stories in the field of science fiction, Star Science Fiction. He was, for a number of years, the editor of two leading magazines, Galaxy and If. His awards include four Hugos and the Edward E. Smith Award. His interests extend to politics, history (he's the Encyclopaedia Britannica's authority on the Roman Emperor Tiberius), and almost the entire range of human affairs. His latest novel is JEM.

CYRIL M. KORNBLUTH began writing science fiction for publication at the age of fifteen, and continued to do so until his early death in his mid-thirties. In his own right, he was the author of four science fiction novels, including The Syndic, a number of works outside the science fiction field and several score of the brightest and most innovative shorter science fiction pieces ever written. Some of his short stories and novelettes have been mainstays for Me anthologists and have also been adapted for television production. His collaboration with Frederik Pohl has been described as "the finest science fiction collaborating team in history." Together, they wrote seven novels and more than thirty short stories. Among their works are such classics as Wolfbane, Gladiator-at-Law, The Space Merchants and Before the Universe.
