Chapter Eight

“This cake is amazing, Sue.” Nat savored every bite. She’d been nervous about meeting Rex’s parents in a more intimate setting. But after insisting she call them by their given names and sharing some embarrassing moments of Rex in his baby years, they’d done the impossible—gotten her to relax. Judging by the smug grin on his face, Rex was thinking I told you so. She’d make him pay for that later.

Sue and Harry Samson were anyone’s ideal parents. A handsome, successful couple who doted on each other and their son, the Samsons lived life to the fullest. Just the way she imagined one day being, if she could accept the fact Rex actually loved her, with a capital L.

When he’d said he loved her in the throes of passion, she hadn’t thought much of it. Guys said a lot when they were about to come.

But he kept saying it, casually, as if an I love you, Sugar was normal between new lovers.

She still got goose bumps when he said it, as well as a surge of irritation because he hadn’t insisted she say it back. It was like he knew she loved him but was afraid to say it. No insecurity or fear that she didn’t return the sentiment, not from her bratty boy.

He licked the icing off his fork, and her mind went straight to all the dirty places it normally dwelled when thinking about Rex and his magic tongue.

“This was your best ever, Momma. Thanks!”

Sue beamed. Harry rolled his eyes. “Boy, you know there’ll be no living with her now.”

“Well, she deserves it.”

Nat agreed. “I’m going to have trouble walking away from the table, I’ve eaten so much.”

Harry chuckled. “Natalie, you’re just the prettiest thing. You want to gain a few pounds, you go right ahead.”

“She’s got a high metabolism, Daddy. It won’t stick.” Rex winked at her, then gave her upper body an approving onceover. They’d discussed what they liked about each other. To hear Rex tell it, he wouldn’t change a thing about her. Not even her on-the-small-side breasts.

And damn if his gaze didn’t zero in on her hardening nipples. Thank God she’d worn a short-sleeved sweater to camouflage the signs that he’d once again aroused her without trying.

She glared at him and did her best not to smile at his innocent look. “What can I say? I work for the city. I run on nerves and caffeine.”

“I hear you,” Harry said. “Those bureaucrats would drive me to drink. No offense.”

“None taken.” She grinned. “I hear you know the mayor pretty well. ’Nuff said.”

Harry grinned. “He’s an ass, but he’s looking out for the city.”

“If not his wife,” Sue muttered. “Don’t know how Elaine tolerates his roving eye.” She turned to Nat. “Would you mind your boyfriend or husband stepping out on you?”

Nat turned and gave Rex the stink eye. “I’d carve him up like a turkey, then toss him back in that ugly cesspool of available bachelors. If my guy can’t be faithful, I have no time for him.”

“Good answer.” Rex leaned close and kissed her on the lips. He wasn’t supposed to do that in front of his parents.

She blushed.

“Isn’t she cute, Momma?” Rex cupped Nat’s chin. “So feisty. But she and I are on the same page. Cheating isn’t a Samson trait.”

“Or a Wielder one,” she added. A small fib. But her mother had been mostly separated the first time she’d stepped out on her father…while her father had been busy doing his secretary. So good that they weren’t together anymore.

Harry mentioned Rex’s next trip to Charleston, and they talked about the city Nat had always wanted to visit but never had the time to see.

“You’ve never been there?” Sue asked.

“Nope. I moved to Augusta fifteen years ago, and I’ve been working my tail off ever since.” She blinked. “Landing this job was a dream. I can’t remember the last time I had a vacation.”

Rex shook his head. “Sadly, I can believe it.”

“What? I work. I can’t be gallivanting all over the country like some people.”

Harry smothered a grin. “She has you there, boy.”

Rex frowned. “I work too. I’m my own boss, so I set my own hours. I also happen to be opening another brewery in Charleston and am looking into Florida, so you know, I kinda have to visit. For work.”

She shrugged, pleased at his irritation. She liked to needle him, and the easy-going Southerner was fun to rile. “So you say.”

He deliberately turned away from her. “So, Daddy, tell me about your dealing with Mooring. Did he give you the percentage you were asking for?”

The conversation continued, and Sue winked at Nat. When the table needed clearing, Nat was surprised to see everyone offer to help. No wonder Rex was no slouch when it came to cleaning after himself. His parents had taught him well.

“You two sit,” Harry ordered her and Rex as he took away their plates. “Your momma and I have this.”

“He’s awfully bossy,” she murmured to Rex. “I wonder…”

Reading her mind, as he seemed able to do more and more, Rex grimaced. “If you’re even thinking about using sex and my parents in the same sentence, please don’t,” he whispered. “I’d like to keep my supper down.”

She laughed. When his parents returned, she and Rex stood to leave.

“It’s early yet,” Sue protested.

“Sorry, Momma. Nat has to get up early for a meeting tomorrow.”

She didn’t have a meeting, but she didn’t want to call him out for being a liar in front of his parents, so she nodded. “Thanks so much for having me.”

“Having us,” Rex corrected, and his inclusion brought her that much closer to admitting her growing feelings for the man.

Growing? Hell, she full on loved him. After barely three weeks of dating. How often did that happen?

Nat had a feeling she was caught up in the newness of it all, but she’d never been so close to anyone before, and she craved every spare second with Rex.

“Anytime, boy. You too, Nat. You don’t need to wait on Rex to come visit,” Harry offered.

Sue nodded, eyes twinkling. “I’ll always have something on hand for you to eat. That’s my way of trying to bribe you to come. How do you think I get my son to come visit so often?”

Nat laughed, then accepted hugs from Sue and Harry.

Their closeness included her, and she didn’t know how to feel about that. Pressured into being with Rex? Loved because she made their son happy? Was it all about him, or did they like her too? Why the hell couldn’t she just accept their nice gesture instead of questioning it to death?

She smiled and waved goodbye, then let Rex guide her outside.

Once in his car, she turned to him. “Okay, Pinocchio. What’s up with the fib?”

He winked. “I have a surprise for you, sugar. Just sit back and wait.”

She wasn’t surprised when they ended up at the club. A packed house on a Saturday night. Figured. “Do I even want to know what the entertainment will be?”

They hadn’t talked about bringing a third into their relationship again, but she wondered what Rex thought. She’d loved watching him and J go at it. Was she about to see that again?

“I’m your entertainment. Something different tonight.” He parked and took her with him into the club. They waved to the security man, Tony, at the desk.

“It’s swinger’s night,” he said with a wink.

“Not for us.” Rex dragged Nat with him up the stairs as he checked his watch. “Damn. We have to hurry, or we’ll be late.”

Nat didn’t know why, but she liked that he had no plans to share her. She’d never wanted to be part of a group that exchanged partners. Bringing someone in to play with them was fine. One-on-one switching? Not so much.

Rex brought them to a familiar room number and pushed inside.

“Hey, this is where Freddy brought me that first time I visited.” The room with the window looking into the room next door.

“Yes, it is.” Rex turned off the light. “We can see in, but they can’t see out. One-way mirror, like on the cop shows.”

“I figured.”

A light was on in the other room, but nothing but the bed and the armoire took up space.

“Good. We’re not late.” Behind her, Rex fiddled with the door. She heard the snick of the lock. “It’s just us and our entertainment.”

She started to turn to see him in the glow of the window, but he hugged her from behind. “I thought you were my entertainment,” she said.

“Oh, I will be. We’re going to watch a show, and this time, I’m going to boss you around.”

They hadn’t tried that yet. In all their intimacies, she’d taken charge. “You think you’re up for the challenge?”

He ground himself against her ass, and she smiled.

“Sugar, I’m more than up for it. The question is, do you trust me enough to give up control?”

Rex waited for her answer, praying she said yes. He enjoyed following her orders, no doubt. But he didn’t think Nat knew how much she needed to let go every now and then. The more time they spent together, the better he came to understand her.

She’d been worried about tonight, meeting his folks. He’d be the same in her place, but seeing her interact with his family helped him to know her better. Nat had said she was the glue keeping her family together. But they didn’t seem to be as close as the Samsons were to one another. She’d tensed when his folks had hugged her, and the sweet smile she’d given them had further deepened his love.

No way he planned on letting her go. Ever. But he knew they’d have a few bumps in the road along the way. This would be a first to get over.

“You want to fuck me? You in charge? I’m game.” He could almost feel the smile on her face.

“No, sugar. I want to own you. Your orgasms are mine.” He kissed her neck, and she shivered. “Now watch the window like a good girl.”


“Whatever I say goes, right?”

“One thing I can say about you. You never bore me.”

He planned on staying exciting. When his favorite pair of lovers entered the room on the other side of the mirror, he grinned. They wore masks, but he recognized Faith and Brian easily enough. He wondered if Nat would.

She sucked in a breath. “They’re wearing masks. Like we did.”

“And they love to be watched.”

“You know them?”

“I do. I watch them a good bit. Or at least, I did before you.”

“Oh.” She cleared her throat and studied the pair slowly removing their clothes.

Brian had no problem getting naked. His buddy might fuss, but he liked showing it off. The guy had a big dick. He was handsome, and he had a smokin’ hot fiancée. Faith had large breasts, a slender waist and legs that went on forever. Still, as attractive as he found her, he preferred Nat’s curves and frame. Sleek over bountiful.

“She’s pretty. Big breasts, the way you like,” Nat murmured.

“Now why would you say I like that?” He pushed his hands under her sweater and rubbed her belly, pleased when her breath stuttered. Then he cupped her breasts, loving the hard nipples under his palms.

Oh. You know I like that.”

“I do. And I love playing with your pretty tits.” He also knew how much she liked his coarser talk. “Now let’s watch my friend and his big cock ass-fuck his lady. You know how badly I want to do that to you?” He rubbed against her tight ass, knowing how amazing she’d feel when he finally took her there.

She moaned under his hands, glued to the byplay in front of them. “Jesus, you’re good at this.”

Brian was on his knees in front of Faith, who wore a corset that exposed her breasts and pussy, covering only her midsection and nothing else. She gripped Brian’s blond hair, grinding into him.

“I love when you do that to me,” Rex whispered and unfastened her bra. He didn’t take it off, just pushed it out of the way while he continued to toy with her breasts. “When you tell me what to do, it gets me off in a big way. But this, touching you the way I know you get off, that’s just as hot.”


“Shh. Watch, sugar. See how she comes all over him.” Faith didn’t take long. She came on a cry as Brian lapped her up.

Shivering over him, Nat threaded her fingers through Rex’s hair, keeping him there.

“Yeah, when you cream all over my mouth, it’s like eating candy. I love licking you up. Sucking that little clit until you get hard again. I love making you come,” he admitted as he tongued her ear.

She shifted against him and tried to reach for his cock.

“Nope. You stand there and watch. No touching.”

“Tease,” she rasped, arching her neck to give him better access.

She’d worn a skirt to his parents’ place, and he let go of one of her breasts and inched the material up her thighs, stroking her flank.

She trembled. “God, I’m wet. From watching. And from you.”

“Good,” he rumbled as in the next room, Brian slowly stood. He shoved Faith toward the bed, and suddenly the volume in the other room increased.

“Get on the bed, slave. Suckle your master.” Brian was pretty damn good at the master shit. Rex wondered if Nat would take notes and use them on him later.

He could only hope.

“Yes, Sir.” Faith knelt on the bed, pushing her ass out while she bent low to take Brian’s cock in her mouth.

She moaned as she blew him, and they watched Brian pumping into her mouth with hard grunts.

“That’s so hot,” Nat whispered.

“Yeah, baby. Fucking your mouth is amazing. But he’s not gonna stop there.”

Good old Brian pulled out, and they could see how thick and wet he’d become. Then he moved to the armoire and pulled out some lube. He returned to Faith to hand it to her.

“Get me nice and slick, slave. So I can stuff your ass full of some hard cock.”

Nat rubbed her ass against Rex. “Oh, he’s good at the talk.”

He didn’t think she realized she was doing it, and her arousal made it difficult not to bend her over and fuck her right there and then.

“Yeah. He’s good. And getting nice and lubed up. That’s what I’m gonna do for you.” He kissed her neck while he watched Brian position Faith on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed.

Then he joined her on the bed and knelt between her legs, keeping in clear view so Rex could see his friend’s dick disappear in Faith’s ass.

Slowly, Brian pushed inside her, until Faith moaned and wriggled, then stopped when he slapped her ass.

Rex took himself out of his pants and eased Nat’s skirt up. He tugged her panties to the side, sliding them through her wet pussy. “You like it, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Her raspy breaths grew faster when Brian started fucking Faith. “I want you inside me.”

“Taking you like he’s taking her?”

“Yes,” she moaned.

But Rex had no intention of taking her ass, not until he could prepare her and make it feel good. Instead, he pushed her closer to the window. “Put your hands on the glass and keep them there.”

She did, and he lifted her skirt higher, then pulled her thong—her fucking thong—to the side. “Put your ass out and spread your legs,” he growled, stirred up thanks to Nat and the insatiable pair in the other room.

Brian was sawing in and out of Faith, and she was loving it.

So was Nat.

“I want you to fuck me,” Nat confessed. “So hard. Take me, Rex.”

He guided himself to her pussy and thrust fast, sliding through her with ease. The position tightened her around him even more, and he swore as he thrust in and out in time with Brian’s motions. “Touch yourself, Nat. Come while I fuck you.”

Brian shouted and jerked inside Faith while Rex continued to hammer into his own woman.

“God, Rex. Oh yes, yes,” Nat moaned as she came.

But he wasn’t done. He took her harder, letting her feel all of him. “Mine. My fucking lover. You’re mine, Natalie Wielder.” He couldn’t speak anymore, could only feel as his orgasm rushed over him, and he spent inside her, letting go of everything but the need to tie himself to this one woman.

His orgasm seemed to last forever. “God, Rex. You’re filling me up. I can feel you everywhere.”

“Yeah. All in that pretty pussy.” He pumped a few more times, getting all of himself inside her. “Damn, that was good.”

“It was,” she said on a sigh. “You have so messed me up.”


“I can’t tell what I want now. To be in charge, for you to take charge. I don’t know. All I know is I want you.”

“Exactly. Damn. I don’t want to leave you, but I have to. Don’t move.”

He withdrew and turned on the lights, then grabbed a towel to clean up. He saw to Nat first, taking care of her the way he wanted to for the rest of his life.

After removing her sodden panties and wiping her clean, he stood and noted her expression. Confusion, worry, awe. Dare he hope, love?

“What are you doing to me?”

“Loving you, sugar. You know I love you.”

“I…” She paused, and the sheen in her eyes alarmed him.


“I’m not sure what I feel, Rex. It’s so new. All of this.”

He understood. “You’re afraid it’s not real. I know. So am I. But there’s no place I’d rather be than with you, sugar.”

She sniffed. “My name is Natalie, you oaf.”

He grinned. “Thanks. I’d forgotten.”

He finished caring for her, then straightened himself up and found her glaring at him, then at the mirror, then back at him.


“Did we just watch Brian and Faith go at it?”

“Um, no. That pair there was a nameless, faceless couple.”

She turned bright red. “Oh. My. God. I am never going to be able to look at them again the same way.”

“Not that it was them. But come on. Those two we watched get off on being stared at. We did them a favor. Did you see how hard he came?”

She groaned, still flushed.

“You are so cute when you get all embarrassed. Have I told you that?”

“As many times as you’ve said you love me,” she grumbled as he stroked her cheek. “And why the hell aren’t you a little more annoyed that I haven’t said it back?”

Ah. So that’s what had her panties in a bunch, so to speak. Her actual panties were in his pocket. “Sugar, I know you love me. How could you not?”

She gaped at him, then started laughing. “Talk about conceit.”

They left the room arguing down the steps. “I’m handsome, rich, hot in bed. I have a big dick.”

“The ego.”

“I make women walk into walls. I’m a god among men. A killer lover.”

“Do you ever shut up?”

“I suit your kink,” he said with a nip to her ear. “In every way.”

“Well, there is that. But again, the never-ending ego. Do you ever think I’m the only woman who can handle you? That maybe you’re just desperate?”

“Sugar, I pray for you to handle me each and every day.”

They bickered as they left the club. Nat practically pulled him outside, worried she’d run into Faith and Brian and not know what to say. But when they reached the car, they found Jason standing there, looking worried.

“Hey, guys. I need to talk to you.”

Rex didn’t like the look on Jason’s face. “Nat, you know Jason. J.”

She blinked. “Oh, ah. Hi.”

Jason sighed. “We really need to talk. But not here.”

Rex unlocked the doors of the car with his remote. “Get in. We’ll head to my place.”

Nat looked at him, then at Jason.

“It’s okay, sugar. We’ll be fine.”

But when Jason told them what had happened, Rex wondered if they’d be fine after all.
