“So held this king to the customs old,

that I wanted for nought in the wage I gained,

the meed of my might; he made me gifts,

Healfdene’s heir, for my own disposal.

Now to thee, my prince, I proffer them all,

gladly give them. Thy grace alone

can find me favor. Few indeed

have I of kinsmen, save, Hygelac, thee!”

Then he bade them bear him the boar-head standard,

the battle-helm high, and breastplate gray,

the splendid sword; then spake in form: —

“Me this war-gear the wise old prince,

Hrothgar, gave, and his hest he added,

that its story be straightway said to thee. —

A while it was held by Heorogar king,

for long time lord of the land of Scyldings;

yet not to his son the sovran left it,

to daring Heoroweard, — dear as he was to him,

his harness of battle. — Well hold thou it all!”

And I heard that soon passed o’er the path of this treasure,

all apple-fallow, four good steeds,

each like the others, arms and horses

he gave to the king. So should kinsmen be,

not weave one another the net of wiles,

or with deep-hid treachery death contrive

for neighbor and comrade. His nephew was ever

by hardy Hygelac held full dear,

and each kept watch o’er the other’s weal.

I heard, too, the necklace to Hygd he presented,

wonder-wrought treasure, which Wealhtheow gave him

sovran’s daughter: three steeds he added,

slender and saddle-gay. Since such gift

the gem gleamed bright on the breast of the queen.

Thus showed his strain the son of Ecgtheow

as a man remarked for mighty deeds

and acts of honor. At ale he slew not

comrade or kin; nor cruel his mood,

though of sons of earth his strength was greatest,

a glorious gift that God had sent

the splendid leader. Long was he spurned,

and worthless by Geatish warriors held;

him at mead the master-of-clans

failed full oft to favor at all.

Slack and shiftless the strong men deemed him,

profitless prince; but payment came,

to the warrior honored, for all his woes. —

Then the bulwark-of-earls [29a] bade bring within,

hardy chieftain, Hrethel’s heirloom

garnished with gold: no Geat e’er knew

in shape of a sword a statelier prize.

The brand he laid in Beowulf’s lap;

and of hides assigned him seven thousand, [29b]

with house and high-seat. They held in common

land alike by their line of birth,

inheritance, home: but higher the king

because of his rule o’er the realm itself.

Now further it fell with the flight of years,

with harryings horrid, that Hygelac perished, [29c]

and Heardred, too, by hewing of swords

under the shield-wall slaughtered lay,

when him at the van of his victor-folk

sought hardy heroes, Heatho-Scilfings,

in arms o’erwhelming Hereric’s nephew.

Then Beowulf came as king this broad

realm to wield; and he ruled it well

fifty winters, [29d] a wise old prince,

warding his land, until One began

in the dark of night, a Dragon, to rage.

In the grave on the hill a hoard it guarded,

in the stone-barrow steep. A strait path reached it,

unknown to mortals. Some man, however,

came by chance that cave within

to the heathen hoard. [29e] In hand he took

a golden goblet, nor gave he it back,

stole with it away, while the watcher slept,

by thievish wiles: for the warden’s wrath

prince and people must pay betimes!
