Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris: a prestigious European business school based in the suburbs of Paris.
In Russia, you count the amount of alcohol you drink in grams. A small glass: 50 grams. A large glass: 100 grams. A wreck of a morning: 500 grams.
Published by Fayard, Paris
Ménéval (Claude François de): Dix ans avec Napoleon, Les Mémoires du secrétaire particulier de l’Empereur, Paris, Le Cherche-Midi, 2014.
Op. Cit.
Bourbon-Gravierre, organizer of the civilian hospice.
Pirsig (Robert M.), Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values (William and Morrow, 1974).
Title of Lionel Jospin’s brilliant (but debatable) book (Paris, Le Seuil, 2014), who shares with the Emperor the fact that he failed at a campaign.
Berkeley (George), A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, 1710.