Editor’s note:

Sarah Schulman and Cheryl Dunye wrote an erotic screenplay that was made into a funny, sexy film. My job as editor was to present it in a way that it could be read on the page with the same joie de vivre it has when seen as a film. What I love about the piece is that it manages to combine the structure of a classical farce (complete with mistaken identities, disguised lovers and surprise reveals), with lots of sexy interludes. The story is told with a wicked sense of humor that’s both funny and exciting. It’s got slamming doors, fake mustaches, sex in a taxi, confused girls, unfulfilled cougars, and a scene in which two people have sex with someone they think is someone else, just like in a Shakespeare comedy. It’s a delightful, light fantasy. With bondage.

Sarah has a few words of introduction, then it’s on to the theatrics. Like many other tales, it begins: “Once upon a time…”

When Cheryl Dunye and I premiered our feature THE OWLS at the Berlinale in 2010, Jurgen Bruning, “a queer porn producer” suggested that we write a porn film, which he would produce for 25,000 Euros. Here is the result:
