If you’re reading this, then no doubt you know how the world ended. Feel free to skip this part. I’m putting this down just to clarify things in my mind and maybe leave some kind of record.


It started with an exchange of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Iran launched one against the Israelis and the Israelis responded in part. Maybe it could have stopped there, but the fuse had been burning a long time and by then it was just too late. Nukes were used in Africa, Asia and Europe. About thirty such weapons were used worldwide. Mutual assured destruction, just like they’d always said. Four of them were detonated in the continental United States-one in New York, one in Chicago, another in Atlanta, and the last in LA. The initial strikes killed fifty million people, the news said…when the stations were still broadcasting, that is. Resultant contamination killed another three million and fallout tripled that within six months. All of the weapons used against the U.S. came from North Korea. The U.S. responded by turning North-and much of South-Korea into a radioactive dead zone. We hit it with some eight nukes. The Russians hit it three times, the Chinese twice.

Just goes to show, we should have taken out that crazy little dictator when we had the chance.

Nukes were being fired by just about everybody in the wake of mass nuclear destruction. Africa and the Middle East were particularly hard hit by a variety of tactical nukes that killed millions as armies attempted to destroy armies and succeeded mainly in thinning the already teetering civilian populations. By the time it all came to an end, there was no more civilization as such. Just billions of people dying from fallout and rampant infectious disease. Firestorms raged and cities cooked hot with fallout and nuclear winter descended.

And that is how the world ended.

The Doomsday scenario.

Not with a bang, but with big motherfucking BOOM!
