Dean continued through the corridor, following the driver as he walked down the narrow steps. They had stopped in the middle of a tunnel under the river, gotten out of the car, and then climbed into what had looked like a manhole for a sewer. Well-lit, the hole opened into a large, tiled expanse that made Dean think of a subway station, except there were no tracks. Hercules had prompted him to keep walking; the tunnel seemed to head ever-downward as they snaked first to the left, then to the right.

The stairway ended in a concrete-walled room with steel doors at both sides.

“Now what?” asked Dean.

“You tell me,” said Hercules.

“I haven’t a clue where we are,” said Dean. “Am I supposed to know?”

“Where is the antidote?”

“I’m not going to just tell you,” said Dean.

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to,” said Hercules. “Where is it?”

Dean shrugged. “I tell you now, you’re going to kill me.”

“If you don’t tell me now, Hans will shoot you,” said Hercules.

Hans, who’d been standing a step away, moved forward. He had a Glock in his hand.
