just as the deceased Atrians were. What is more relevant than his defense?”
The judge remained silent for a long moment, then spoke. “Continue.” “Thank you, your honor. With the court's permission, I should like to call as a witness Professor Nigel Patrick, of the University of—”
“One moment,'’ said the judge. “Was Man Patrick on Atria XVI at the time of the crime's commission?” “I object, your honor,” said Khalinov. “No crime has yet been proven.” “Your objection is overruled. In point of fact, the crime has not yet beendis proven.” “Then in answer to your question, no, Professor Patrick was not on Atria XVI at any time during his life prior to yesterday.”
“Then how,” asked the Atrian, “can Man Patrick possibly testify in support of your client?” “Professor Patrick holds a doctorate in Criminology and another in Ethics,” said Khalinov. “The defense shall attempt to show that on many similar worlds—” “Disallowed,” said the judge.
“Dammit, your honor!” bellowed Khalinov, though only soft tinkling chimes came through the T-pack. “How can I present a defense when you disallow all my exhibits and all my expert testimony?” “They are not germane to the case at hand,'’ said the Atrian. “If your exhibits and your witnesses cannot disprove the truth of the charges, then they are irrelevant.” “They are not irrelevant! It is your law that is irrelevant!” “Man Khalinov,” said the Atrian calmly, “our law is not on trial. Your client is. Please continue.” Khalinov lowered his head in thought, painfully aware of the fact that the newsmen and cameras were catching every instant of this fiasco. He was also aware that he had to keep talking, for the moment he stopped he'd be conceding defeat.
“Your honor,” he said, “you made a remark about your law not being put on trial. Has any law of yours ever stood trial?”
“Why not?” asked Khalinov.
“Because laws are neither guilty nor innocent, and therefore cannot be tried.” “But laws can be good or evil,” persisted Khalinov. “What would you do if you discovered that a law was evil?”
“Laws in themselves cannot be good or evil,” said the Atrian. “Therefore, your question is irrelevant.”