
Thanks to: Chris Thomson, for permission to quote from one of his songs; Dr Jonathan Wills for his views on Shetland life and the oil industry; Don and Susan Nichol, for serendipitous help with the research; the Energy Division of the Scottish Office Industry Department; Keith Webster, Senior Public Affairs Officer, Conoco UK; Richard Grant, Senior Public Affairs Officer, BP Exploration; Andy Mitchell, Public Affairs Advisor, Amerada Hess; Mobil North Sea; Bill Kirton, for his offshore safety expertise; Andrew O’Hagan, author of The Missing; Jerry Sykes, who found the book for me; Mike Ripley, for the video material; the inebriated oil-worker Lindsey Davis and I met on a train south of Aberdeen; Colin Baxter, Trading Standards Officer extraordinaire; my researchers Linda and Iain; staff of the Caledonian Thistle Hotel, Aberdeen; Grampian Regional Council; Ronnie Mackintosh; Ian Docherty; Patrick Stoddart; and Eva Schegulla for the e-mail. Grateful thanks as ever to the staffs of the National Library of Scotland (especially the South Reading Room) and Edinburgh Central Library. I’d also like to thank the many friends and authors who got in touch when the Bible John case hit the headlines again early in 1996, either to commiserate or to offer suggestions for tweaks to the plot. My editor, Caroline Oakley, had faith throughout, and referred me to the James Ellroy quote at the start of my own book... Finally, a special thank you to Lorna Hepburn, who told me a story in the first place...

Any ‘implags’ will be from the following: Fool’s Gold by Christopher Harvie; A Place in the Sun by Jonathan Wills; Innocent Passage: The Wreck of the Tanker Braer by Jonathan Wills and Karen Warner; Blood on the Thistle by Douglas Skelton; Bible John: Search for a Sadist by Patrick Stoddart; The Missing by Andrew O’Hagan.

Major Weir’s quote — ‘creatures tamed by cruelty’ — is actually the title of Ron Butlin’s first poetry collection.
