
I now see that the acknowledgments will grow with each novel, which is a good thing. First, let me start out with the all of the readers that voiced support for my first novel, The Jakarta Pandemic. Your encouragement and interaction has been genuinely appreciated over the past year, and I encourage readers of Black Flagged to reach out with the same enthusiasm.

So, here we go…

To my wife, the first reader, who devoured the novel without taking a break. I figured this was a good sign, especially since this is not her typical genre. She actually beat me to the end, and demanded that I finish the last few chapters. If you don't like the ending, you can blame her for rushing me.

To my writing group, who warmly welcomed me into their world, and endured Black Flagged's opening chapter violence way better than I expected. After reading several other submissions within the group, I thought I might need to tone down my material for our gatherings. I couldn't have been more mistaken. I've gained valuable insight about my own book, and have been exposed to the talents of new writers in a wide spectrum of genres. Joe, thank you for introducing me to this group…and for your continuous critiques and suggestions throughout the process of writing both books.

To my pre-readers…most of whom volunteered, some of whom I didn't know before writing The Jakarta Pandemic. Bill, for the valuable guidance regarding the structure of the entire series, and for some spot on advice about Daniel Petrovich, Black Flagged's main character; Trent, for once again going above and beyond the call of duty. I couldn't ask for more…a marked up manuscript and plot pacing suggestions for the book's big twist. As a D.C. resident, he also helped me to structure some of the local scenes; Joe H., who probably made my editor's life easier. Based on his straightforward critique of my last novel, and his frequent interaction among reviewers of The Jakarta Pandemic, I didn't hesitate to take him up on his offer to pre-read Black Flagged. His "right between the eyes" style of critique has been essential to the fine tuning of several aspects, and his ability to take in the bigger picture…while still catching typos and grammar errors is enviable. Finally, Bruce, for catching some really elusive typos, and keeping the Portland references accurate.

To Felicia A. Sullivan, editor extraordinaire. I'll just thank you in advance for the professionalism you put into expertly editing Black Flagged, and the enthusiasm you'll bring to promoting it. I still can't thank you enough for the extra mile you walked for The Jakarta Pandemic. At some point, we'll collaborate within your favorite genre to create the ultimate post-apocalyptic novel. It'll rock the genre, I guarantee.

Finally, to Jeroen ten Berge, for knocking it out of the park with his cover design. He really captured the essence of Black Flagged with his bold vision.
