About Black Flagged Redux

Black Flagged Redux takes place roughly two years after the events of Black Flagged. If you haven't read the first novel, it's not necessary that you go back and read it before starting Black Flagged Redux. Redux was designed to stand on its own, however, it will be a much richer read with the first book under your belt.

Unlike the relatively limited geographic scope of the first novel, Black Flagged Redux spans four continents and several time zones. In order to make this a little easier on the reader, each scene is stamped with a location and local time. Keep in mind that the scenes occur in chronological order. Here is a short list of the time zone differences between the locations featured in the Black Flagged Redux and the U.S. East Coast: All locations in Argentina +2 hours, Kazakhstan +11 hours, Kiev + 7 hours, Moscow/Monchegorsk +9 hours, Stockholm +6 hours.

Three maps have been included in the table of contents to help the reader navigate the geography, along with an equipment primer. If you're interested in some of the weapons and vehicles referenced in the novel, the primer will give you a quick visualization.

Finally, don't forget about the character list, which can be accessed from the link below and is accessible through the table of contents. You can also print one from my blog www.stevenkonkoly.com. I'm not saying you'll need it, but Black Flagged Redux adds to the memorable character list from Black Flagged.

Most of all, enjoy the book!
