The Saturday morning that arrived two days later was one of the dull gray Seattle dawns that carried a chill far greater than the temperature warranted. It was on mornings like this that Anne Jeffers’s dedication to retaining the body she’d graduated from college with was sorely tested, for getting up to join the parade of joggers in Volunteer Park was hard enough even when the weather was perfect. Actually, it wasn’t even this hard in the depths of winter, when you knew each consecutive morning was going to be as clammy as the last. But Friday had produced one of those deceptively warm afternoons that promised — generally falsely — a long and sunny summer. Even the evening had stayed clear and warm, and when they’d walked home from visiting Glen in the hospital, she and the kids had cut over to Broadway to get ice cream cones and watch the passing parade. Now, as she lay in bed gazing glumly out the window, she realized she’d been suckered again. It wasn’t summer yet; in fact even spring appeared to have decided the whole thing had been a mistake and invited the gloomy winter skies to take over again. Offered the opportunity, the clouds had quickly gathered, and were now occupied with drizzling their contents onto the city with, Anne suspected, the deliberate intention of drowning the good mood that had spread along Broadway last night.

Well, the hell with it, Anne decided. If it wasn’t enough that Glen wouldn’t be out of the hospital for another week, that she had so far turned up nothing at all in the files she’d been exploring in the basement of the Public Safety Building, and that Vivian Andrews had pointedly asked her yesterday how she was coming with a story, there was also the fact that she was finding sleeping alone in the big bed in the creaking old house a lot harder than she’d thought it would be. For this morning, her body could damn well take care of itself. She rolled over, snuggled deeper under the down comforter and closed her eyes. But instead of sleep, all that came to her was guilt.

She got up, pulled on her clothes, and went downstairs. Both the kids were already up, Heather on the telephone, Kevin staring at the television set. She went into the kitchen, poured a cup of coffee from the pot that had already been brewed — one of the less doubtful advantages of having a daughter old enough to start sopping up caffeine like a true Seattleite — and was just wandering back into the living room as the morning news came on. The face of Janalou Moorehead filled the screen, and since Anne had never been a fan of what she and the rest of the Herald staffers thought of as empty heads with nice voices, she picked up the morning paper. But today Janalou’s seductive voice caught her attention: “Murder on Capitol Hill tops our report this morning,” the woman said, putting a suitably serious expression over her normally smiling visage. “The body of a thirty-two-year-old woman has been found in an apartment on—”

Not waiting for Janalou Moorehead to finish her sentence, Anne sprang from the sofa, relieved Heather of the telephone, offered an unceremonious good-bye to the friend her daughter had been talking to, and pressed the button to end the call.

“Mother!” an outraged Heather exclaimed. “That was—”

“I don’t care who it was,” Anne told her. “That’s why we gave you a phone of your own in your room. I have to—” But before she could finish what she was saying, the phone came alive and she instantly released the button. “Yes?”

“Who the hell have you been talking to?” Carl Waters, the weekend editor at the Herald, sounded even more annoyed than usual. “If you’re going to sit on your phone all morning, at least turn on the cellular, okay?”

“I’m sorry, Carl,” Anne said, knowing an explanation was neither expected nor wanted. “I just heard Janie-Lou Emptyhead. What’s going on?”

“I don’t know much more than she does,” Carl replied. “We caught the dispatch on the scanner half an hour ago, and I’ve been trying to get hold of you ever since.”

“What’s the address?” Anne asked. “And who’s already there?”

Carl Waters gave her an address on Boylston, no more than ten blocks from where she was. “A photographer’s on his way. If you head out now, you should be able to get there about the same time.” Anne was about to hang up when Waters spoke again. “Anne, there’s something funny about this one, which is why I kept trying to call you. The police dispatcher gave the address, then told the unit that maybe they sent Blakemoor and Ackerly home too soon.”

Anne’s fingers tightened on the phone. “Blakemoor?” she repeated. “They couldn’t have been talking about the Kraven task force, could they?”

“They didn’t take me into their confidence,” Waters replied archly.

Anne was careful to betray nothing of the excitement she was suddenly feeling. “All right. I’m on my way.” Hanging up the phone, she glanced around the room, but the big leather bag that was halfway between a grip and a satchel wasn’t on the sofa where she was sure she’d left it. “Where’s my gritchel?” she asked.

Kevin glanced up from the TV. “Under the coffee table,” he told her. “You covering the murder?”


“Can I go with you?” It was a request he always made, and his mother always denied. Still, he figured it was always worth a shot. Just once, he’d love to get in on the excitement, maybe even get a look at a real dead body …

“No, you can’t,” Anne told her son as she quickly rummaged through the jumble in her gritchel, checking for her tape recorder, notebook, and the camera she always carried, just in case. “And you can’t go wandering over there on your own, either. Okay?” Kevin looked annoyed, but sighed his agreement. “You going to visit Dad this morning?”

“I don’t know,” Kevin began. “Me and Justin were gonna play ball in the park, but—”

“Tell you what,” Anne interrupted. “I don’t know how long I’m going to be stuck on this story this morning, so if you’ll visit Dad for me, I’ll spring for a movie tonight. Okay?”

“Justin, too?” Kevin bargained.

“Why not?” Anne agreed. She dug into her large leather bag once more, produced a ten dollar bill and handed it to her son, “Call the hospital before you go, and find out if there’s anything Dad wants.”

As his mother disappeared out the front door, Kevin gazed at the ten dollar bill in his hand. If his father didn’t want anything, was he going to be allowed to keep the ten?

By the time he walked into Room 308 at the hospital an hour later, though, most of the ten dollars was gone, spent on the magazines his father had asked for.

“So what’s this big story your mother’s working on?” Glen asked as his son handed him the copies of Architectural Digest and Newsweek, the two magazines that had nearly depleted the ten dollars. “I thought she was still rooting around in the basement down at the police department.”

Kevin flopped into the chair at the foot of his father’s bed, his eyes scanning the monitors on the wall above the bed. “It’s a murder,” he reported. “Something about the guy they electrocuted last week.”

Glen’s eyes clouded. What was Kevin talking about? What could a new murder have to do with someone who’d already been executed? “Richard Kraven?” he asked.

Kevin shrugged. “I guess. Mom said something about the Kraven task force, so I guess she must have been talking about that guy, huh?” When his father said nothing, Kevin shifted gears. “Hey, Dad? When are you coming home?”

Glen ignored his son’s question, instead reaching over to pick up the remote control from his bedside stand and flip on the television, surfing through the channels, then stopping when he saw an image of an ugly three-story apartment building. The sidewalk in front of it was cut off by bright yellow police tape, and a crowd had gathered across the street. An off-camera reporter was trying to fill a lot of time with very few facts. “The victim is Shawnelle Davis, an unemployed woman who lived alone in an apartment on the second floor. Early reports are that the body was mutilated in the same fashion as the victims of Richard Kraven, and that—”

Glen snapped the television off. “What the hell is going on?” he demanded, his voice so sharp that Kevin jumped in his chair.

“What do you mean?” the boy asked. “All I asked was—”

“Not that,” Glen interrupted, cutting Kevin off. “That murder! What the hell is going on?”

Kevin’s eyes darted around the room as if seeking some way of escape. What was going on with his dad? What was he so mad about? But before he could say anything else, his father spoke again, this time fixing on Kevin with a burning intensity the boy had never seen before.

“I want you to do something for me, Kevin. I want you to go home and get that file your mother’s been keeping. You know the one I mean? The one with all the stuff about Kraven in it?”

Kevin shifted nervously. He knew where the file was, but he also knew he wasn’t supposed to go into his mother’s desk. “I thought you didn’t care about that stuff,” he said. “You said it was—” Kevin hesitated, trying to remember the word his father had used when his mother started talking about going to the execution. Before he could think of his word, his father fixed him with that stare again, like he was angry.

“Maybe I changed my mind,” he said. Then he chuckled, but even the laugh didn’t sound right to Kevin. “Dr. Farber says I’m going to have to take at least a couple of months off work, and that I’m going to have to take up a hobby. So maybe I’ll just make your mother’s fixation on Richard Kraven my new hobby.” Once again his eyes bored into Kevin. “What do you think? Sound interesting?”

Kevin said nothing. What was going on? His father didn’t have hobbies — he didn’t even like hobbies! And then he remembered the word his father had used whenever his mom started talking about Richard Kraven.


That was the word. His father had always called it morbid.

So why was he suddenly so interested in Richard Kraven?

But then Kevin remembered what his mother had told him the day before yesterday, when she’d come home from talking to Dr. Farber: “It’s going to be rough for a while, kids. Your dad’s going to have to change his whole lifestyle. He’s going to have to work a lot less, and rest a lot more. And that means it’s going to be different for all of us, too. So what do you think? Can you make some adjustments? Get used to some changes around here?”

The day before yesterday, when he and Heather and his mother had all talked about it, it didn’t seem like a big deal at all. But now that he was all alone in the hospital room with his father, Kevin began to wonder. Suddenly his father didn’t seem like his father anymore. His mom had said his dad was going to be different, but if it meant his father would be mad all the time, and sounding weird, Kevin wasn’t sure how easy things were going to be after all.

“Well, how about it?” Glen asked as Kevin’s silence stretched on. “Does my new hobby sound interesting, or not?”

Kevin rose to his feet and edged toward the door. “Yeah, Dad,” he said, his eyes avoiding his father’s. “It sounds fine. And I’ll get the file for you, okay? I’ll be back in a while.”

As he left the hospital he wondered what would happen if he just sort of forgot about the file and didn’t come back at all. A couple of weeks ago he would have known exactly what would happen: his dad — the one he’d known all his life — would get mad at him for a minute, and then it would be all over. But now everything was different — since the heart attack, anything might happen.

He decided he’d better do as he’d been told.
