Nicholas hurried over to a case next to the bed, but as he bent down to open the lid, the lights came back on. “Must have been a surge of some sort.”

“Maybe,” Harvath said. “Let’s see what you brought with you.”

Nicholas turned his attention back to the case and retrieved two weapons. One was a small handgun, and the other looked like an old, scaled-down M3 submachine gun or grease gun, as it was called back in the 1940s. Both had obviously been custom made for Nicholas.

Pulling two extended, stick-style magazines from the case, he closed the lid and laid everything out on the bed. “This is all I’ve got.”

Harvath looked at both weapons. “What caliber?”

“The pistol is in .45 and the sub is .22LR.”

A .22 was only a step above a BB gun as far as Harvath was concerned. It didn’t have nearly enough power. That said, he understood that the larger the rounds, the heavier the weapon would be. A weapon of this caliber made sense for a man of Nicholas’s size, especially if he wanted to be able to fire many shots without reloading. With a lot of skill and a lot of luck, a .22 could kill a man. It could also be one hell of a nuisance in trying to keep your enemy pinned down while you made your escape. “Do you have extra rounds for the .45?” he asked.

Nicholas reached back into the case, withdrew a small box of ammunition and handed it to him. Harvath picked up the tiny pistol and could only wrap a couple of fingers around the grip. He was able to get some of his index finger through the trigger guard, but it was going to be a nightmare to shoot if he had to.

“Stay here,” he said, checking to make sure the weapon was loaded and then dumping the additional .45 rounds into his pocket. “Wake Nina and keep her and the dogs with you.”

“Where are you going?” Nicholas asked.

“Outside to take a look around.”

“You think somebody shut the power down and then brought it back up on purpose?”

“It’s probably nothing. I just want to make sure.”

Nicholas had a feeling he wasn’t being told the truth, but he didn’t press it.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” said Harvath. “Keep the doors locked and stay away from the windows.”

The little man nodded as Harvath exited the master bedroom. Inserting one of the slim magazines into the mini M3, he charged the weapon and tucked the extra mag into his waistband before heading down the hall to get Nina.

∗ ∗ ∗

Harvath slipped outside into the darkness. The night was cool and a thick cover of clouds hung overhead, blocking the stars from view.

There were no active exterior lights on the guesthouse, and it took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust. He tuned his ears to the sounds around him, trying to pick up anything unusual. There was the steady rhythm of cicadas and beneath it a slight breeze that shook the narrow leaves of a row of Texas olive trees close by. Other than that, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

He moved around to the side of the guesthouse where the generator was. Considering that it was on fenced, private property, he wasn’t surprised to find it unlocked. He could make out boot prints in the dust around it. They weren’t from cowboy boots like the ranch hands wore. They looked like hiking or tactical boots. Big, too.

Examining the generator, Harvath tried to run through his mind how he would rig it, if he wanted to cut power to the guesthouse in advance of an attack. Before the actual attack, he would always do what he called a “flicker,” a quick cut-off of power, to make sure that everything was set and ready to go. Was that what they had just experienced? Were the boot prints some sinister, pre-attack indicator, or did they belong to a repairman who had recently been out to service the generator?

There wasn’t much ambient light and he wished he had a flashlight.

Kneeling down behind the generator on the other side, he examined all the wiring. It looked fine at first glance, but he had learned that first glances could often be deceiving. If you could take out the generator without anyone knowing, when you were ready to cut power to the guesthouse, you could do that from a distance. It was the best way.

He was halfway through his inspection when he sensed someone approaching, moving carefully just beyond the olive trees, taking pains not to be heard.

Harvath stopped what he was doing and adjusted his grip on Nicholas’s tiny .45. He had no idea whether he had been spotted or if the generator had shielded him from view. But, it appeared his suspicions about the power outage had been confirmed.

He took a deep breath and exhaled as he shifted to his right. He needed to keep his heart rate under control. He had only three shots before he would need to reload, and there was no telling how accurate or wildly inaccurate the weapon he was holding was going to be. The one thing he had going for him was that at least he had halfway decent cover. And, if he hadn’t been spotted, he might even have the element of surprise.

That changed, though, when the figure stopped its approach just behind the row of trees and stood, waiting. But for what? For me to make a move and give myself away? Harvath could wait all night if he had to.

Seconds passed. He felt certain whoever was out there in the darkness knew exactly where he was.

The silence was broken by a weapon being cocked. It had been done very slowly in order not to make any noise, but Harvath had heard it and now he knew exactly where in the trees the shooter was hiding. In response he readied his own weapon and prepared to take action, but then something happened.

From behind the trees, the figure shouted out a command in Spanish. “Levantese!” Stand up. “Suelte el arma!” Drop the weapon!

Harvath had no idea if she could see it or not, but he stuck one hand over the top of the generator and waved. “It’s okay, Maggie,” he replied. “It’s me, Scot. Lower your weapon.”

There was the sound of her weapon being decocked and then Maggie Rose stepped out from behind the olive trees carrying a Mossberg lever-action rifle. “What are you doing out here?” she asked, walking over to him as he stood up and emerged from behind the generator.

“We had a problem with the power a few minutes ago. What are you doing out here?”

“I saw something on the CCTV cameras and wanted to come check it out.”

“What did you see?” he asked.

“A group of illegals crossing the property. If the Knights were here, their security people would go out and question them. The problem is, we don’t have a procedure for this. If it was just staff here, we’re told not to engage, just let them pass. You’re here, though, and that makes me responsible for you. Though maybe I don’t need to worry,” she added, looking at the weapon in Harvath’s hand.

“When was the last time this was serviced?” he said, walking around the generator.

“About a month or two ago. Why?”

Harvath motioned her closer and pointed at the boot prints. “These are fresh. Does anyone on the ranch wear boots like these?”

She studied them for a moment and replied, “No. None of us do.”

“I didn’t think so,” he said as his eyes tried to penetrate the darkness around them. “I want to know exactly what you saw on the cameras. Where are they now?”

“A group of what looked like four males, but by the time I noticed them, they were already leaving the property. I didn’t see any others in their wake, but I wanted to make sure.”

“Were they carrying anything? Any weapons?”

“If I’d seen weapons, I would have called the sheriff.”

“How tall were they? What were they wearing—”

“Come up and see the footage for yourself,” Maggie said, interrupting him and pointing in the direction of the main house. He was uneasy, and though she didn’t know why, it was catching. Looking over her shoulder she added, “Suddenly I don’t feel so comfortable standing out here like this.”
