People often ask me about my “favorite parts” or “favorite scenes” from some of my books. For me, the best part is right here. This is where I can publically thank and recognize those who’ve helped me with the book.

For BLACK RIVER, a special shout out to Helen Christensen and Darcy Yarosh for their attention to detail. I tip my hat to the production team at Amazon: Carina Petrucci, Kandis Miller and Brianne T. Great job. To Stacy Stablin, thank you for all you do to help promote my books. And finally, to my wife Keri for her creative insight, patience and editing skills, and her sense of humor. Thank you.

And to you, the reader, the person holding this book right now. This story is for you. If you’re a new reader, welcome. And for those who’ve been here for the Sean O’Brien journey, welcome back. I hope you enjoy BLACK RIVER.
