Abbass, Usama Fadhil

ABC News

Abdallah, Mohamed

Abdel-Aziz al-Samarrai mosque compound

Abdullah, King of Jordan

Abdul-Mahdi, Adil

Abizaid, John P.

Abortion issue

Abraham, Spencer

Abramoff, Jack

Abramoff lobbying scandal

Abu Ghraib prison scandal


and Blackwater

and IPOA code of conduct

War Crimes Act as consideration

See also Immunity from prosecution and litigation

Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty

Aegis Defense Services contract

Aero Contractors


and CIA

oil pipeline scheme

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Air America

Air Force, U.S., contract with


Air marshall program

Air Quest Inc.

Al Arabiya

Al Hawza (The Seminary) newspaper

Al Jazeera

Al Qaed (The Leader’s) School, Fallujah, Iraq

Al Qaeda

-backed militias

Cofer Black’s CTC strategy

Albazzaz, Ali Hussamaldeen

Aldridge, Edward C. “Pete,”

Aldulayme, Salam

Alesawi, Talid

Alex Brown Investments

Alexander Strategy Group

Alien Tort Statue

Aliyev, Ilham

Allawi, Ayad

Allawi, Iyad

Allbaugh, Joseph

Allen, George

Allende, Salvador

Allred, Gloria

Ambush tactics

Ameedi, Hana al-

American Enterprise Institute

“American Principles as Potent Weapons” speech (Schmitz)

American Red Cross

Ammunition, blended-metal

Amnesty International


Anderson, Jon

Anderson, Jon Lee

Anderson, Mike

Andrews, Charlie


Antimercenary laws

Anti-Pinkerton Act

Anti-Terrorism Assistance (ATA) program

Anti-U.S. resistance in Iraq

and Bremer’s policies

fueled by attacks on Fallujah

private militias of leaders, movements

Anti-War Profiteering amendment

Antoon, John

APLPs. See Armor-piercing, limited-penetration rounds (APLPs)

Arkin, William

Armitage, Richard

Armored vehicles

as issue in Fallujah ambush

requirement deleted from contracts


Armor-piercing, limited-penetration rounds (APLPs)

Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.

Asadi, Riyadh al-

Ashcroft, John

Ashdown, Keith

Aspe, Oscar

Assad, Shay


of Ahmed Shah Massoud

of Ahmed Yassin

of Baathists

of Marcelo Barrios

Atban, Himoud Saed

Australian SAS

Aviation, clandestine

Aviation Worldwide Services (AWS)


See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project


Baba Mountain range, Afghanistan

Baghdad airport-Green Zone route ambush

Baghdad Bob

Baghdad on the Bayou

Baghdad’s Bloody Sunday

See also Nisour Square shooting

Bairaqdar, Abdul Sattar Ghafour

Baker, Al

Baker, James A.

Balkans conflict

Ballard, Tina

Bamford, James

Barrios, Marcelo

Base Realignment and Closure Act

Batalona, Wes

See also Fallujah ambush (March 2004)

Battles, Mike

Bauer, Gary

Bauer, Gregg

Bazzi, Mohamad

Beardall, Chuck


Behrends, Paul

as Blackwater lobbyist

Bellant, Russ

Benjamin, Daniel

Bentsen, Lloyd

Bertelli, Chris

on Fallujah ambush

Bin Laden, Osama

claims responsibility for Cole bombing

and Cofer Black

Krongard on

Binns, Jack R.

BKSH & Associates Worldwide

Black, Charles, Jr.

Black, J. Cofer

Afghanistan CIA covert special operations

and Carlos the Jackal

on expanding role of mercenary industry

on independent army concept

on New Orleans operations

and Osama bin Laden

paramilitary strategies over infiltration

on patriotic motivations

and renditions

speeches and reports

targeted for sanction

on Total Force concept

Black Hawk Down movie

Black Penguins

Black sites (CIA covert prisons)

Blackwater Aviation

Blackwater Lodge and Training Center

Blackwater North

Blackwater Security Consulting

CIA contracts

guards Bremer

in New Orleans operations

as trendsetter in mercenary industry

Blackwater 61 plane crash

Air Force contract


flying conditions

investigated by U.S. Army, NTSB


rescue/recovery mission

Blackwater USA

current status

domestic operations division


and independent army concept

origins, early development

as preferred mercenary firm of U.S. government

rebranding, business plan

Blackwater West

Blackwater Worldwide

Blair, Tony

Blood Money (Miller)

Blumenthal, Sidney

Bodman, Samuel

Boeckmann, Alan

Boeing scandal

Boelens, Dan

Boland & Madigan


Bolton, John

Bonner, T. J.

Boot, Max

Boots and Coots

Border security

Borelli, Frank

Bork, Robert

Born Again (Colson)

Bowen, Stuart, Jr.

Boykin, Jerry

Boykin, William

BP oil company

Brady Maquiavello, Herman

Brahimi, Lakhdar

Bremer, Duncan

Bremer, Frances

Bremer. Paul

and antioccupation resistance movements

and Fallujah

fires Iraqi teachers, doctors, nurses

governing policies

grants immunity to operatives, Order

IED attack

and IG Joseph Schmitz

leaves Iraq in secret

and Najaf

personal security detail (PSD)

as religious zealot

threatened by bin Laden, Al Qaeda

Briody, Dan

British mercenaries

British SAS

Broekhuizen, Ren

Brooks, Doug

on cost-effectiveness of private armies

on historical mercenaries

opposes South Africa’s antimercenary law

Brown and Root (later KBR)

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

BTC oil pipeline

Buchanan, Pat

Buckham, Ed

Bulgarian flight crew

Burdzhanadze, Nino

Bureau of Diplomatic Security

Burke, Susan

Burke O’Neil LLC,

Burnett, Mark

Burns, John

Burns, Nicholas


Bush, Ed

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

and Al Jazeera

and Blackwater

Boykin on

calls for increase in active duty troops

and Caspian region project

and Cofer Black

creates Terrorist Threat Integration Center

declares mission accomplished

eases sanctions on southern Sudan

and ECT manifesto

and Fallujah ambush (2004)

and IG Joseph Schmitz

and militarization of Bureau of Diplomatic Security

and Nisour Square

and Posse Comitatus Act

and privatization of government services

repeals Davis-Bacon Act

Bush, Jeb

Bush, Laura

Byrne, Brennan

Byrnes, Edwin R.


C&M Capitol Link


Callahan, Daniel

Callahan, Robert J.

Callahan & Blaine

Callahan convoy. See Hay Nazzal Street massacre

Calvin College


Cambone, Stephen

Camden County, NC See also Moyock compound

Camp Fallujah Marine base

Camp Golf. See Najaf battle (April 2004)

Camp Ridgeway

Campbell, Todd

Canales, Benjamin

Cannistraro, Vincent

Capeheart, Kelly

Card, Andy

Carey, Lance

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Carlos the Jackal (Ilich Ramirez Sanchez)

Carlson, Tucker

Carter, Randall

Caspian Pipeline Consortium

Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project

BTC pipeline

significance for conflicts with Iran

Casteel, Steve

Castro, Fidel

Catholic Answers



CCR. See Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)

Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)

lawsuit filed for victims of Watahba Square killings

Nisour Square shooting victims’ lawsuit

Center for Security Policy

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See CIA

Chalabi, Ahmad

Cheney, Dick

and Azerbaijan

and Halliburton

military privatization, outsourcing

on New Paradigm

and Project for a New American Century

Cherkasky, Michael


Cheyre, Luis Emilio

Childrey, Tim

Chile, Chilean commandos

training in Honduras

working for Blackwater

working for Triple Canopy

“Chilean Executions” briefing paper for Kissinger


China National Petroleum Corporation

Christian conservative movement

and Catholic conservatives

and expanding role of Blackwater

and Schmitz

and Sudan crisis

Christian Fatherhood (Wood)

Christian Freedom International (CFI)


Christmas Eve killing of Iraqi bodyguard

Chrysler, Dick

Church Committee


Blackwater Security Consulting contract

and Buzzy Krongard

in Chile

and clandestine aviation

and Cofer Black

ex-agents working for Blackwater

Phoenix assassination program (Vietnam)

rendition program

See also Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), CIA

City of mosques. See Fallujah, Iraq

Civilian contractors

See also Contractors in Iraq; Security contractors

Civilian Reserve Corps, U.S.

Clark, Al

on founding of Blackwater

on training standards

Clark, Vern

Clark, Wesley

Clarke, Richard

Clarridge, Duane

Clinton, Bill

Caspian region oil

and CIA rendition program

privatizes government, military

restricts Lethal Findings

Clinton, Hillary

Cloonan, Jack


CNP. See Council for National Policy (CNP)

Coalition of the willing

Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)

Fallujah ambush report

headquarters as Najaf battle site

raids Sadr’s newspaper

and Shaw scandal

Coast Guard, U.S.

Coburn, Tom


Cockburn, Patrick

Code of conduct (IPOA)

Cohen, Ariel

Cole, Bruce

Coll, Steve

Collateral Investigations Board, U.S. Army

Collective punishment concept


contracting of forces

Colson, Chuck

Columbine High School shootings

Combat Missions TV program

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. Congress

Community Impact Committees (CICs)

Compass, Eddie

Compass Group

Comstock, Barbara


Congressional hearings/investigations

on contractors in Iraq

on Fallujah ambush

on Nisour Square shooting

on outsourcing training of U.S. border agents

See also Waxman, Henry


Conservatives. See Christian conservative movement; Neoconservative movement

Contract fraud

Contract with America

Contractor brigade See also Private army

Contractors, security. See Security contractors

Contractors in Iraq

ineffectively monitored

killed, abducted, targeted

See also Security contractors

Contractors on the Battlefield conference

Contracts, security. See Security contractors

Contreris, Adres

Control Risks Group


unarmored vehicles

Conway, James T.

Corporate Warriors (Singer)

Cost plus contracts

Costs of Blackwater operatives vs. soldiers

Council for National Policy (CNP)


Negroponte’s Salvador option

Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), CIA

Court martial system. See Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

CPA. See Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)

Crenshaw, William

Critical Intervention Services

Crocker, Ryan

Crossfire TV program

CTC. See Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), CIA


Cummings, Elijah

Currituck County, NC

Custer Battles

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)


Dalrymple, David P.

The Danger Zone radio program

Darfur Region, Sudan

Blackwater’s campaign to deploy

See also Sudan

“Darfur Solution: Send in the Mercenaries” (Boot) in Los Angeles Times

Davis, Danny K.

Death squads

activities in Iraq

Battalion 316 of Honduras


and Negroponte

De-Baathification policy


Defense Base Act (DBA)

Defense Department, U.S.

contract fraud allegations

and contractors

and investigation of Fallujah ambush

and KBR

and Perle scandal

and rendition flights

shot-down helicopter contractor

See also Total Force concept

Defense Policy Board

Degn, Matthew

DeLay, Tom

Delta Force

Delta Oil

DeMint, Jim

Democratic Party

Dempsey, Martin

Department of Homeland Security Authorization Bill

DeVos, Betsy Prince

DeVos, Richard

Dhahir, Falah Nawwar

Dhari, Harth al-

Di Rita, Lawrence

Diplomatic security contracts. See Security contractors

Dirty wars

Disaster profiteering

and Blackwater’s independent army concept

See also Natural disasters, domestic deployment

Divine, Mark

Dobson, James

Dodd, Christopher

“Doing Business in Iraq” presentation

Domestic law enforcement. See Law enforcement

Doolittle, John

Dreyfuss, Robert

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), U.S.

Drug war contracts

Druyun, Darleen

Dubai conference

Duke, Anne

Dulaimi, Ibrahim Abdullah al-

Dulaimi, Mu’taz Fahd al-

Dulaimi, Samir Ali al-

Dutch Reform Church



Easley, Mike


Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation

Eisenhower, Dwight

El Salvador


Ellsberg, Daniel


Embassy, U.S., in Iraq

“The End of Democracy” symposium in First Things

England, Gordon

English, Noel See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Equatorial Guinea

Ereli, Adam


Escuela de Caballeria (School of Calvary), Colombia

ESS. See Eurest Support Services (ESS)

Essawi, Ahmed al-

Eurest Support Services (ESS)

Blackwater contract

subcontract under Halliburton’s LOGCAP

Evangelical Christians. See Christian conservative movement

“Evangelicals and Catholics Together” (ECT document)

Evans, Don

Evergreen International Aviation

Executive Outcomes (EO)



FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)

Face/Off movie

Fadhil, Zina

Fainaru, Steve

Fallujah, Iraq

antioccupation resistance following massacre (see also Anti-U.S. resistance in Iraq)

assassination of Ahmed Yassin

conditions prior to ambush (March 2004)

as Gulf War (1991) massacre site


Marine takeover

See also Fallujah ambush (March 2004); Hay Nazzal Street massacre (April 2003)

Fallujah ambush (March 2004)

Blackwater’s responses, versions

Bush administration response

contracts with ESS, KBR disputed

description of

families bring wrongful death lawsuit

funerals and memorial

media reports of

as possible setup

questions asked

Fallujah siege (April 4, 2004)

collective punishment concept

humanitarian crisis of

Operation Vigilant Resolve

Fallujah sieges, post-April 2004,

Family Life Center International

Family Research Council (FRC)

Farhan, Mohammed

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

and Cofer Black’s rendition of Libi

and Nisour Square shooting

and Shaw scandal

trains at Moyock facility

Federal Protective Service

Federal Tort Claims Act exception

Feith, Douglas


Feres Doctrine

Fielding, Fred

Fijian troops

Fil, Joseph

First Marine Expeditionary Force

First Things journal and symposium

Fisk, Robert

Flatley, Seamus

Flores, Santos

Flowers, Garry


Focus on the Family

Foley, Tom

Force protection

Foreign Affairs

Foreign mercenaries

Bulgarian flight crew

Chilean commandos


Honduran commandos

recruitment of


training of

Forero, Juan Carlos

Fort Bragg

Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Fox News

Francis, David J.

Free Iraq forces

Freiheit Foundation

Friedman, Thomas

Frist, Bill

Frowick, Robert



Gallagher, Frank

Gallant, Karl

Gamanche, Robert

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

GAO. See Government Accountability Office (GAO)

Garner, Jay

Gates, Robert

General Dynamics

General Services Administration (GSA) contracts


Georgia, Republic of

See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project


Gettleman, Jeffrey

Ghilan, Swadi

Ghost Wars (Coll)

G.I. Jane movie

Gingrich, Newt

Global Crossing

Global Guards

Global Risk Strategies

Global stabilization professionals

Goldstone, Richard

Gonzales, Alberto

González, Gustavo

Goss, Porter

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

Graham, Lindsey

Grand jury investigations

Grassley, Charles E.

Gray. Boyden

Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Co.

Green Berets

Green Zone (Baghdad) Blackwater security contract

murder of Iraqi bodyguard

Greenberg, Jeffrey

Greenberg Traurig

Greystone Limited

Grogan, Travis

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Grossman, David

Grupo Tactico

GSA contracts. See General Services Administration (GSA) contracts

Guantánamo Bay facility

Guevara, Gonzalo

Gulf Region Relief fundraiser

Gulf War (1991)


Haggai Institute

Haig, Alexander


Halbousi, Saad


and ESS

and KBR

New Orleans hurricane contract

and war profiteering allegations

The Halliburton Agenda (Briody)

Hamadi, Saadi

Hammer, Loren “Butch,”

Hammes, Thomas X.

Handover of Iraq sovereignty. See Sovereignty handover

Hanner, Darren

Harkin, Tom

Harris, Eric

Hart Security

Harvey, Francis

Hashem, Sabeh al-

Hassnawi, Khamis

Hastert, Dennis

Hattab, Mohammed Nouri

Hay Nazzal Street massacre (April 2003)

Hearings. See Congressional hearings/investigations

Heatly, Charles

Hejlik, Dennis

Helicopter shoot-down (April 2005)


responses to

Helicopters and airplanes

AC-130 Spectre gunships

AH-1W Cobras

Apache attack helicopters

Bell helicopters used for snipers

Black Hawks, Black Hawks in Somalia

Boeing MD-530s

CASA planes

Cessna Caravan planes

CH-47 helicopters

Gulfstream V jet

Hughes MD500s

Little Birds

Metro planes

Mi-8 helicopter

SA-330 Puma helicopter

STOL aircraft

Helms, Jesse

Helvenston, Jason

Helvenston, Scott


events leading up to ambush

in Fallujah ambush


See also Fallujah ambush (March 2004)

Helvenston-Wettengel, Katy

on Blackwater memorial

brings lawsuit

quest to understand

Hemingway, Mark

Henderson, David

Hersman, Deborah


Hight, John

Hillah, Al

Hillsdale College

Hodge, Nathan

Holder, Frank

Holland, Michigan

Homeland Security Department, U.S.

Blackwater’s New Orleans no-bid contract

Bremer’s influence

Homeland Security Research

Honduras, Honduran commandos

Hooper, Paul

Hope College

Horst, Karl

Horton, Scott

Hotel Rwanda movie

Howell, Andrew

HRW. See Human Rights Watch (HRW)

Huffstickler, Marty

Human Rights Watch (HRW)

Azerbaijan’s poor record

on Hay Nazzal Street massacre

on local governance of Fallujah

Human trafficking

Humanitarian abuses

in Azerbaijan

crisis in siege of Fallujah

in El Salvador

Humanitarian abuses (continued)

in Honduras

of Iraqi militias

killings, disappearances, poverty

during Pinochet’s regime

repression in Uzbekistan

in Sierra Leone


as consideration in IPOA code of conduct

and disaster profiteering

and Greystone image rebranding

Hundley, Curtis

Hundley, Steve

Hunter, Duncan

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Rita

Hush money paid to Iraqi victims’ families

Hussein, Ahmad

Hussein, Saddam


Ibraheem, Oday Ismail

Ibrahim, Faleh

ID Systems

IEDs (improvised explosive devices)

Image of Blackwater operatives

See also Rebranding campaigns


Immunity from prosecution and litigation

claimed by Blackwater 61 plane crash lawsuit

claimed by Blackwater at civilian, military levels

claimed by Blackwater in Fallujah ambush lawsuit

claimed by Blackwater in Nisour Square lawsuit

claimed by Blackwater in Watahba Square lawsuit

and Feres Doctrine

of private U.S. contractors in Iraq (Order 17)

State Dept. agreements used in questioning guards

and Total Force concept

“Inspecting Sex Slavery through… Moral Relativism” paper (Schmitz)

Inspectors General for Iraq, U.S.

Instinctive Shooting International (ISI)

Insurance for risk of terrorism

Intelligence officers, U.S.

International contractors, operatives. See Foreign mercenaries

International Peace Operations Association (IPOA)

International recruitment of mercenaries. See Foreign mercenaries

International security contractors, operatives. See Foreign mercenaries

IPOA. See International Peace Operations Association (IPOA)


and Caspian oil project



under Bremer

civil war

elections in

government investigates Blackwater shootings

government investigates Nisour Square shooting

government’s lack of sovereignty

human trafficking allegations

military disbanded

monetary (privatized) costs of war

occupation of (see Occupation of Iraq by U.S.)

Sadr’s ascent

schoolteachers, doctors, nurses fired

Iraq National Museum

Iraqi Civil Defense Corps

Iraqi Governing Council

Iraqi military

disbanded by Bremer

joins anti-U.S. resistance

in Operation Vigilant Resolve

training of new army

Iraqi militias

and civil war

of Sadr

and Salvador option

Iraqi police

Irish Rangers

Islam, Muslims

Islamic Army in Iraq


Israeli mercenaries

Issa, Darrell

Issawi, Taher al-

Izurieta, Ricardo

Izzi, Saad al-


Jackson, Gary

on aviation services

on Blackwater’s clandestine operations

on Blackwater’s expansion

on Cofer Black

on foreign commandos

on helicopter shoot-down

on New Orleans operations

on U.S. border agents

Jacobson, Jim

Jadacki, Matt

Jamail, Dahr

Jamaili, Khaled

Janjaweed militia (Darfur, Sudan)

Jennings, Peter

Johnson, T. V.

Johnson Controls

Johnston County, NC

Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), smart bomb

Jones, Karen

Jones, Walter, Jr.



Al Jazeera

embedded, unembedded

Justice Department, U.S.


K Street Project

Kabul Station

Kaifesh, Larry

Kamal, Hussein

Karim, Ahmed

Karimov, Islam

Karzai, Hamid


See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project

KBR (Kellogg, Brown, and Root)

and Blackwater subcontract

and Fallujah ambush

and human trafficking allegations

New Orleans hurricane contract

See also Brown and Root (later KBR)

Keating, Karl

Kelly, Kathy

Kennedy, Edward

Kennedy, Patrick

Kenya, U.S. embassy bombing

Kerry, John

Khalaf, Ali Salman

Khalif, Raheem

Khartoum, Sudan

Kidnappings, disappearances

of foreign contractors

Kimmitt, Mark

and Al Jazeera

and Fallujah

on Najaf battle

King, Martin Luther Jr.

King, Robert

King Abdullah Special Operations Training Center (Jordan)

“Kingdoms in Conflict” essay (Colson)

Kinzer, Stephen

Kirby, David

Kissinger, Henry

Klebold, Dylan

Klein, Naomi

Knapp, Eric

Knocke, Russ


Koopman, Doug

Koppel, Ted

Kornbluh, Peter

Korrey, Edward

Kosciuszko, Thaddeus

Kosovo war (1999)

Kostov, Lyubomir

Kristol, William

Kroll Inc.

Kromm, Chris

Krongard, Alvin B. “Buzzy,”

Krongard, Howard “Cookie,”

Krueger, Alan

Krugman, Paul

Kucinich, Dennis

on impunity for private contractors

Kufa, Iraq

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters



Lacquement, David B.

Lafayette, Gilbert de Motier

Lafayette Park, Washington .C.

LaHaye, Tim

Laitin, David


Lapin, Daniel

Larry King Live TV program

Lasseter, Tom

Latin America

Law enforcement

domestic operations conducted by mercenaries


Blackwater 61 plane crash

Fallujah ambush

for Nisour Square shooting victims

for Watahba Square killing of Iraqi civilians

See also Immunity from prosecution and litigation

“Lawyers for Terror” (Waller) in New York Post

Le Mas

Leahy, Patrick

Leary, William M.

Left Behind novels (LaHaye)

Lekota, Mosiuoa

Lepaterique, Honduras, secret training camp

Letelier, Orlando

Lethin, Clarke

LeTourneau, Mary Kay

Levens, William

Levin, Carl

LeVine, Mark

Libby. Lewis “Scooter,”

Libi, Ibn al-Shaykh al-

Licensed to Kill (Pelton)

Lincoln, Abraham

Linker, Damon


Lobbying scandal. See Abramoff lobbying scandal

Lockheed Martin

LOGCAP contract

Lumir Corporation

Lynch, Stephen

Maass, Peter

Madfai, Muslih al-

Madrick, Jeff

Mafraji, Sami Farhood al-

Magazine Publishers of America

Mahajan, Rahul

Mahdi Army

Mahmood, Jamal Shaqir

Maliki, Nouri Kamel al-

Maloney, Carolyn

Man vs. Beast TV program

Mann, Simon

Manríquez, Roberto

Mansoor, Peter

Mansour, Ahmed

Margelov, Mikhail

Marine Corps, U.S.

and Fallujah

at Najaf battle

Marsh & McLennan

Martinez, Waldo

Masciangelo, Bill

Massoud, Ahmed Shah

Mathews, Bill

Mattis, James

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw

Mayer, Jane

McBride, Kevin

McCain, John

McCarthy, Joseph

McClellan, Dale

McClellan, Scott

McCormack, Brian

McHenry, Patrick

McLennand, Francis

McMahon, Michael

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

McQuown, Justin

McVeigh, Timothy


coverage of Fallujah

coverage of New Orleans

and Nisour Square shooting

and PKK weapon exchange

Meese, Edwin

Meet the Press TV program

Mehamdy, Abdelaziz Faisal Hamid

Méndez, Angel

Menische, John

Mercenaries, mercenary industry

expanding roles

massive deployment into Iraq

militia (see Private army)

motivated by religious zealotry

oversight of, by IPOA

profiting from New Orleans operations

prospects under future U.S. administrations


recognized as part of Total Force

as silent partners

as term

in U.S. history

See also Blackwater Security Consulting; Security contractors

Messner, J. J.

Mexico border security

Michigan Family Forum (MFF)

Michigan Prayer Network

Miers, Harriet

Miles, Marc

Military, U.S.

anti-Blackwater positions expressed

Blackwater described as extension

convoy intervenes in standoff (May 2007)

downsizing, privatizing effects (see Outsourcing; Privatization of military and government services)

investigates Nisour Square shooting

soldiers killed in Blackwater plane crash

unable to oversee private contractors

Military Professional Resources Inc.

Military-industrial complex


anti-immigrant in U.S.

Janjaweed, Darfur, Sudan

mercenaries as

See also Iraqi militias

Miller, Geoffrey

Miller, Harley

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Miller, T. Christian

Minuteman Project Civil Defense Corps

Mission accomplished statement

Modern Marine Expo

Moffitt, Ronni Karpen

Mogadishu, Somalia

Moonen, Andrew

Moore, Demi

Moral media

Morton, Joe


Mosul, Iraq

Moussaoui, Zacarias

Moyock compound



Mueller, Robert

Muhammad, Ahmed

Mukhabarat agents

Multinational corporations

Murphy, Christopher

Mushtaq, Laith

Myers, Richard


Naem, Assam Hussein Il,

Nairn, Allan

Najaf battle (April 2004)

Nance, Malcolm

Nantongo, Mirembe

Nantz, Eric

NASCAR racer sponsored by Blackwater

Nash, Steve

National Border Patrol Council

National Conference on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

National Defense Industrial Association

National Guard

National Intelligence Committee of Iraq

National Public Radio (NPR)

National Republican Congressional Committee

National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA)

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)

NATO operations

Natural disasters, domestic deployment

Naval Special Operations Unit in Azerbaijan [??]

Navy force protection training contract

Navy SEALs


Neff, Joseph

Negroponte, John


and Salvador option

Neidrich, Chris

Neoconservative movement

and Paul Bremer in Iraq

supports independent army concept

Nepalese Gurkhas


Neuhaus, Richard

Nevaer, Louis E. V.

New Orleans hurricane operations

New Paradigm

“New Risks in International Business” paper (Bremer)


Nickles, Don


Night Draws Near (Shadid)

9/11 Commission

9/11 conspiracy theories

See also September 11, 2001, attacks

Nisour Square shooting


Iraq’s attempts to prosecute Blackwater

and victims’ families

Nixon, Richard

Non-violence International

Norcross, Melissa

Noriega, Manuel

North, Oliver

Northern Alliance of Massoud

Northrop Grumman

Novak, Michael

NPR. See National Public Radio (NPR)

NTOA. See National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA)

NTSB. See National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)


Oath, constitutional

Obama, Barack

Obert, Jason

See also Helicopter shoot-down (April 2005)

Obert, Jessica

Occupation of Iraq by U.S.

under Bremer

and Fallujah

funds unaccounted for

reconstruction projects

resistance to (see Anti-U.S. resistance in Iraq)

O’Connor, John Cardinal

Oil industry

in Azerbaijan

BTC pipeline

Caspian region project

of China in Sudan

in Kazakhstan

and mercenary army concept

multinational corporations

privatization in Iraq

Olympics 2004 in Greece

On Killing (Grossman)

Operation Troop Salute

Operation Vigilant Resolve

See also Fallujah siege (April 4, 2004)


Order of Malta Federal Association

O’Reilly, Bill

The O’Reilly Factor TV program

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Osorio, Esteban


and Blackwater’s private army concept

under Cheney

of 80,500 Navy FTEs

of essential services

of soldiers flown in Afghanistan

of training of U.S. border agents

See also Privatization of military and government services


Pace, John

Pace, Peter

Pachachi, Adnan

Paglen, Trevor




Paratroopers as media event

Parenti, Christian

“Patterns of Global Terrorism” report (U.S. State Dept.)

Patton Boggs

Pauken, Kevin

Pelosi, Nancy

Pelton, Robert Young

Pence, Mike

Penn, Mark


and Blackwater 61 crash

and Halliburton in Iraq

and IG Joseph Schmitz

outsourcing questioned

and Perle scandal

privatization policy

recognizes mercenaries as part of Total Force

September 11, 2001, attacks on

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

Pere, Richard

Perle, Richard

Perry, Richard

Personal security detail (PSD). See Blackwater Security Consulting; Security contractors


Petelicki, Slawomir

Peters, Ralph

Petraeus, David

Philippines, Philippine commandos

Phoenix assassination program (Vietnam)

Photographs of Fallujah

Pike, John

Pinal Airpark, Arizona

Pinkerton Detective Agency

Pinochet, Augusto

The Pinochet File (Kornbluh)

“Pipeline to Peril” article (Simpson) in Chicago Tribune

Pizarro Ovalle, Jose Miguel “Mike,”

PKK Kurdistan Workers’ Party (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan)

Plane crash in Afghanistan. See Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Planned Parenthood v. Casey

Poland, Polish commandos

Political question doctrine

Pombo, Richard

Pope Air Force Base

Posse Comitatus Act

Potter, John

Potter, Kathy

Poulin, K. C.

Powell, Colin

Powell, Tom

Predator spy drone

Presidential Airways

See also Blackwater Aviation; see Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Price, Jay

Priest, Dana

Prince, Edgar

Prince, Elsa Zwiep (later Broekhuizen)

Prince, Erik

and Apramoff lobbying scandal


and Blackwater operations, policies

and Bush administration

on Caspian project

and Chuck Colson

and CIA

on Cofer Black

at congressional hearings

on Constitutional oath

on contractor brigade concept

explores new markets

and Fallujah ambush

on independent army concept

and Iraqi victims’ lawyers

on Jordan counterterrorism training

and Joseph Schmitz

on mercenaries in U.S. history

on New Orleans operations

9/11 statements

on Nisour Square shooting

and recruitment of Chilean commandos

Prince, Joan Nicole

Prince, Joanna

Prince, Peter

Prince Corporation

The Prince Group

Prison Fellowship

Prisoner transport. See Renditions of prisoners

Private army

Private Security Company Association of Iraq

Private security forces

appointed to guard Bremer

deploy into Iraq in thousands

and lack of consequences for lethal actions

See also Mercenaries, mercenary industry; Security contractors

Privatization of Iraq’s oil industry by Bremer

Privatization of military and government services

as bipartisan

under Cheney

expansion of

expenditures to U.S. government

mercenaries benefit from increases

under Rumsfeld

See also Outsourcing; Privatized war

Privatized war

effects of 9/11 attacks

escalation of violence tied to profits

and private army concept

Rumsfeld Doctrine

War Crimes Act prosecution

See also Privatization of military and government services

Prohibition of Mercenary Activities Act (South Africa)

Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

Propaganda war

See also Sovereignty handover

Prothero, P. Mitchell

Psychological warfare

Public Citizen

Pybus, Sean



Quadrennial Defense Review (Pentagon)

Quick Reaction Force

Quinn, F. Patrick


R U Ready High School training at Moyock

Radyuhin, Vladimir

Rahman, Hussam Abdul

Ramirez Sanchez, Ilich (Carlos the Jackal)

Ramos, Daniel

Rangers, former

Ratner, Michael

on Nisour Square shooting

on use of paramilitary in natural disasters


Razzaq, Ali

Razzaq, Mohammed Abdul


Reagan, Ronald

Rebranding campaigns

of Blackwater as peacekeepers

of Greystone Ltd.

of mercenaries as legitimate, acceptable

of mercenary as term

Rebuilding America’s Defenses (PNAC)

Red Tactica

Reed, Jack

Reeder, Edward

Reeves, Phil

Regency Hotel and Hospital Company (Kuwait)

Reid, Richard

Reilly, Robert

Reiss, James

Religious right. See Christian conservative movement

The Religious Right in Michigan Politics (Bellant)

Rendition Group of CTC

Renditions of prisoners

by Blackwater

CIA program

by Cofer Black’s operations

to Guantánamo Bay

by private aviation companies

to Uzbekistan

Republican Party

See also Neoconservative movement

Republican Revolution (1994)

Rhyne, Jim

Rice, Condoleezza

Ricks, Thomas

Ritter, Scott

Rivas, John

Roberts, John

Robertson, Pat

Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste

Roche, James

Roe v. Wade

Rogers, Mike

Rohrabacher, Dana


Romm, William

Root, Elihu

Rowe, Melvin

See also see Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Rubaie, Ahmed Hathem al-

Rubaie, Jawad al-

Rubaie, Mahasin al-

Rubaie, Raad al-

Rudy, Lisa

Rudy, Tony

Rules of engagement of U.S. military

Rumsfeld, Donald

on Al Jazeera

and Caspian project

and Cofer Black

and extensive privatization of military

and Fallujah

and IG Joseph Schmitz

on Iraqi death squads

and Perle scandal

Rumsfeld Doctrine

Running to Paradise (Bremer, Frances)

Rush, Mike

Rusk, Dean


and BTC pipeline

and the U.S. in Afghanistan

See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project


Saab, Ahmed Jaber

Saakashvili, Mikheil

Sabri, Ahmed

Sadr, Muqtada al-

and Bremer

Sadr City, Baghdad

Saha, Haitham

Salaries of mercenaries

Colombians’ fraudulant contracts

disparity with U.S. soldiers’ pay

in New Orleans operations

Salman, Ali Khalaf. See Khalaf, Ali Salman

Salman, Hassan Jabar

Salvador option

Samir, Hussein

Sanchez, Ricardo

Sanders, Bernie


Sanger, David

Sankoh, Foday

Santorum, Rick

Saro-Wiwa, Ken

Scalia, Antonin

Schakowsky, Jan

Scheuer, Michael

Schmitz, John G.

Schmitz, John Patrick

Schmitz, Joseph E.


Boeing scandal

Boykin controversy

dealings with Blackwater

as Inspector General

Perle scandal

religious zealotry, rhetoric

Shaw scandal

School of the Americas (SOA), U.S. Army

School vouchers

Schroen, Gary

Schumer, Charles

Schwan, Joseph Vincent

Scowcroft, Brent

SEALs. See Navy SEALs

Second Marine Expeditionary Force


black contracts of Blackwater

black fund for paramilitary

covert CIA prisons

dirty wars covertly armed by U.S.

Security contractors

Blackwater as leader in Iraq

concerns over increased use

costs, values of industry

from foreign countries (see Foreign mercenaries)

future roles projected

in New Orleans operations

perceived as Mossad or CIA

protected from prosecution, litigation(see also Immunity from prosecution and litigation)

as term

Senor, Dan

September 11, 2001, attacks

See also 9/11 conspiracy theories

Serbian commandos

Sessions, Pete

Shadid, Anthony

Shamsudeim, Edtesam

Shaw, John “Jack,”

Shaw Group

Shays, Christopher

Sheehan, Casey

Sheehan, Cindy

Sheikhly, Tahseen

Shell Oil Corporation

Shepperd, Don

Shevardnadze, Eduard

Shiite militiamen

Shippy, Jeffrey

Shkin, Afghanistan

Shoot-Out at Blackwater

Shorrock, Tim


Sierawski, Jim

Sierra Leone

Sig Sauer Blackwater 9-mm Special Edition

Silverstein, Ken

Simpson, Cam

Singer, Peter W.

on Aegis cost-plus contract

Sirico, Robert

60 Minutes II TV program

Skinner, Richard

Sky Link

Slave redemptions

Sloan, Melanie

Slough, Paul

Smart bombs

Smith, Adam

Smith, Christopher

Smith, H. C. Lawrence

Smith, Jamie

Smith v. Halliburton Co.

Soldier of Fortune magazine

Soldiers, U.S.

subject to rules of engagement

See also Salaries of mercenaries; Specific branches of military service

Somalia attack (1993)

South Africa

South African apartheid mercenaries

Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Sovereignty handover

Special Forces soldiers, former

at Najaf battle


Special Operations Command

Special Operations forces

Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference (SOFE)

Special Police Commandos

Special Tactical Systems

Spicer, Tim

Spoelhof, John

Spohrer, Robert

Starr, Ann Exline

Starr, Gregory

Starr, Kenneth

State Department, U.S.

awards WPPS contracts

and Azerbaijan

Cofer Black resigns

conflict of interest over Blackwater contracts

militarization of Bureau of Diplomatic Security

State of Denial (Woodward)

Staton. R.

Status of Forces agreement

Steele, James

Steele Foundation

Stephens, Donald


Stevens, Ted

STI Aviation

Stop Outsourcing Security (SOS) Act

Stranger in the Arena (Schmitz, John G.)

Strong, Martin


See also Darfur Region, Sudan

Sununu, John H.

Surveillance blimps

Swaggart, Jimmy

Swannack, Charles

SWAT conference. See World SWAT Challenge conference


Tabbah, Amer

Taguba, Antonio


See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project

Tanzania U.S. embassy bombing

Tarfi, Fuad

Tarmiya, Iraq

Tarsa, Mike

Tauscher, Ellen

Taylor, Chris

on Caspian project

on independent army concept

IPOA code of conduct

Teague, Mike

See also Fallujah ambush (March 2004)

Tenet, George J.

Terrorist Threat Integration Center

Thabit, Adnan

Thatcher, Mark

Theocons. See Theoconservative movement

Theoconservative movement

and Bremer bodyguard contract

and private army concept

view of Clinton

“These Guns for Hire” (Koppel) in New York Times

Thiab, Sarhan

Thomas, Ben

Thomas, Clarence

Thompson, A. C.

Thorliefson, Eric

Thorne, John

Tierney, John

Tikrit, Iraq

Titan Corporation

Toohey, Patrick

on Najaf battle


Abu Ghraib prison

in Azerbaijan

at Bagram, Afghanistan

by Honduran death squads

by Islam Karimov

under Pinochet’s regime

of renditioned prisoners

White House on

See also Humanitarian abuses

Torture Taxi (Paglen; Thompson)

Total Force concept

and Blackwater 61 plane crash lawsuit


and KBR

mercenaries recognized as

and tort liability system

Total Intelligence Solutions

Toward Tradition

“Transforming the Military” (Rumsfeld) in Foreign Affairs

Travolta, John

Tricot, Tito

Triple Canopy

Troutman, Baxter

Twyford, Ed

Tyrrell, Anne


Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)


United Airlines stock

United Arab Emirates

United Nations

and crisis in Sudan

and private army concept



U.S. Army Collateral Investigations Board

U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division

U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA)

U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan

US English Inc.

USS Cole bombing



Van Raalte, Albertus

Vanzant, James

The Viet Cong Front in the U.S. (Schmitz, John G.)

Vietnam War

Von Steuben, Henning

Von Steuben, Wilhelm


Wages. See salaries of mercenaries

Wales, Chris

Walker, Michael

Waller, J. Michael

Wamgnet, Carlos

War. See Privatized war

War contracts. See Contractors in Iraq

War Crimes Act

War crimes lawsuit filed by Iraqi civilians

War on terror

and Azerbaijani Aliyev as Bush ally

mercenaries as beneficiaries

profits become domestic with Katrina

rendering of prisoners

Warner, John

Wartime Contracting Commission

Washington, George

Washington Group International

Watahba Square killings (September 9, 2007)

Waterman, Steve

Watson, Ron

Waugh, Billy

Waxman, Henry

Weaponry, ammunition used by mercenaries

Website rebranded

West, Bing

West 2006 conference

Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation

White, Thomas

White House National Energy Policy Development Group

Wierda, Emilie Prince

Wiley Rein law firm

Williams, Curtis

Wilson, Joe

Wolfowitz, Paul

Wolfram, Gary

Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge, and Rice

Wood, Stephen

Woodward, Bob

World Evangelism Bible College

World SWAT Challenge conference

Worldwide Personal Protective Service (WPPS) program

“Wrestling with Discipline…” speech (Schmitz)

Wyden, Ron


Yaphe, Judith

Yaqubi, Mustafa

Yassin, Ahmed

Yassiri, Yas Ali Mohammed

Young, Bill

Young, Lonnie

Your Solutions



Zalmay, Khalilzad

Zembiac, Douglas

Zovko, Danica

Zovko, Jerry See also Fallujah ambush (March 2004)

Zovko, Jozo

Zovko, Tom

Zwiep, Elsa. See Prince, Elsa Zwiep (later Broekhuizen)
