Vitalianus: The Praetorian Prefect in Rome, and Sabinus, Prefect of the City, officers of Maximinus
Menophilus and Valeria: Envoys of the Gordiani
Pupienus: Sometime Prefect of the City
Pupienus Maximus: His elder son
Pupienus Africanus: His younger son
Gallicanus: A Senator of Cynic views
Maecenas: His intimate friend
Balbinus: A patrician of dissolute ways
Timesitheus: The ambitious Prefect of the Grain Supply
Tranquillina: His even more ambitious wife
Maecia Faustina: Daughter of Gordian the Elder, sister of Gordian the Younger
Marcus Junius Balbus: Her young son
The die-cutter: A workman in the Mint
Castricius: His young and disreputable neighbour
Caenis: A prostitute visited by both
Gordian the Elder: Formerly governor of Africa Proconsularis, now proclaimed Emperor
Gordian the Younger: His son and legate, also now proclaimed Emperor
Arrian and Sabinianus: Their supporters
Capelianus: Governor of Numidia, and enemy of Gordian
Maximinus Thrax: The Emperor
Caecilia Paulina: His deceased wife
Verus Maximus: His son and heir
Iunia Fadilla: Wife of Verus Maximus
Apsines of Gadara: Secretary to Maximinus
Flavius Vopiscus: Senatorial governor of Pannonia Superior
Honoratus: Senatorial governor of Moesia Inferior
Anullinus: Senior Praetorian Prefect
Volo: The commander of the frumentarii
Domitius: The Prefect of the Camp
Julius Capitolinus: Equestrian commander of 2nd legion Parthica
Sabinus Modestus: Commander of the heavy cavalry, cousin of Timesitheus
Decius: Governor of Hispania Tarraconensis, loyalist of Maximinus
Priscus: Equestrian governor of Mesopotamia
Philip: His brother
Otacilius Severianus: Governor of Syria Palestina, brother-in-law of Priscus and Philip
Catius Clemens: Governor of Cappadocia, longtime supporter of Maximinus
Ardashir: Sassanid King of Kings