After I write “The End,” I get tell how it began. This page of the novel is where I have the opportunity to thank those who’ve helped me. Although Blood of Cain is a work of fiction, some of the material related to experiments into government covert human mind control is based upon information gathered from declassified documents related to CIA experiments and testing during the 1960s. A special thank you to Todd Garner, Ph.D. Thanks to John Wortman for his consultation on guns and ballistics. Thumbs up to Tom Greenberg and Greg Houtteman of EO MediaWorks for the design of my website,
A big shout out and thanks to my daughter, Cassie, my first beta reader. To Jannell Parque, Author’s Accomplice, for proofreading; Damonza for cover design; Jennifer Lassiter for ebook and print formatting. I want to thank my family for their strong support for each novel that I write. This includes Natalie, Cassie, Christopher, and Ashley. A drum roll and special thank you to my wife, Keri. I’m grateful for her spot-on suggestions, listening skills, patience, smile, and sense humor. Keri, you are my inspiration and truly the wind in my sails.
In memoriam: to Sadie, a little bit of her lives on in the character of “Max.” We miss you.
And now to you, the reader. If you’ve read other books in the Sean O’Brien series, here’s a toast to you. Welcome back! If this is your first venture into the journey, I hope you enjoy Blood of Cain.