Chapter Nineteen


Amazement and disbelief shone in Randolph’s eyes as he looked at the gun in Shayne’s hand. He sank back on the day-bed, muttering, “You don’t mean me, Shayne. You can’t mean me. I haven’t tried to kill anybody.”

“I think you have. First my secretary, and Mrs. Dustin later. You didn’t quite succeed with Miss Hamilton, and that’s your tough luck. She can identify the man who came into my apartment and took Mrs. Dustin’s message over the telephone-the man who left her lying on my bed to die.”

“This is all utterly impossible, Shayne. I can’t believe you’re serious. Why would I do any of those things? How can you possibly suspect me?”

“I don’t know why,” Shayne admitted. “Your motive is the only thing I lack. But Lucy described her attacker, Randolph. She saw him clearly, and her description fits you like a glove. And she heard you talking over the phone, and can recognize your voice. Why did you pretend you’d been here in your apartment all evening when I came up here?”

“I had,” panted Randolph. “I swear-”

“Swearing won’t do you any good,” Shayne told him angrily. “Tim Rourke will testify you didn’t answer your phone all evening. Your one mistake,” he went on viciously, “was in not polishing Lucy off while you had the chance.”

“I-don’t know-what to say, Mike,” he stammered.

“A full confession would do very well.”

Earl Randolph shook his head dispiritedly and moaned. He said, “We’ve been friends a long time. How can you possibly-”

“Talking is no good. Get on some clothes and we’ll go over to my apartment. You’ll know the jig’s up when Lucy identifies you.”

Randolph compressed his lips and his eyes roamed around the room as though searching for some means of escape. “I’m not going on any such absurd mission. You have no right-”

The trenches in Shayne’s gaunt cheeks deepened. He got up and moved toward the insurance man, saying implacably, “You’re going to my apartment if I have to carry you on a stretcher. Make up your mind. Fast.” He stood in front of the seated man with the automatic swinging loosely in his hand.

Randolph wet his lips again and said despairingly, “I can’t get over the idea that this is one of your jokes.”

“I don’t joke with a murderer. Get your clothes on.”

Randolph’s murky and slightly distended eyes showed fright. He got up slowly, went hesitantly toward the bedroom, glancing over his shoulder at Shayne, who followed him to the doorway.

The detective kept his cold gaze on him every moment as he dressed hastily and silently. His gray suit was rumpled, but with a clean shirt and colorful tie, Randolph was fairly presentable when they went out into the living-room. Shayne took his hat from the hatrack and put it on, picked up Randolph’s Panama and handed it to him when they were outside the door. “You’d better wear this. I wouldn’t want you to catch cold.”

Randolph accepted the Panama apathetically and put it on. He appeared dazed and speechless. They went down in the self-service elevator and out into the bright sunlight to Shayne’s car. The detective had put the gun in his coat pocket, and neither of them said anything as they got in the car and drove away.

During the short drive to his hotel, Shayne was aware that Randolph kept glancing aside at him, furtively and speculatively, as though trying to nerve himself for further argument, but was evidently repulsed by the grim set of Shayne’s jaw. Not a word passed between them when Shayne parked beside the hotel and they got out, went through the lobby together, and straight to the elevator without stopping.

The night clerk was no longer on duty, and the elevator boy, too, was different from the one who had been on duty the previous night. He had seen Randolph visiting the detective on previous occasions, and now he looked at the two men curiously as they got into the elevator. He appeared to sense that something was wrong, and discreetly refrained from making any casual remarks, as was his custom, as he took them to the third floor.

They went down the hall together and Shayne knocked on the door. Miss Naylor’s crisp voice called, “Who is it?”

“Mike Shayne. It’s all right, Miss Naylor.”

She opened the door and smiled at him, competently holding Blackie’s heavy. 45 by her side. “Dr. Price phoned that he would be down in a few minutes. Miss Hamilton hasn’t stirred since you left.”

Shayne nodded and motioned Randolph inside. He told the nurse quietly, “This is the man who left her to die last night. Don’t let him get close enough to that cannon to grab it.”

Miss Naylor flashed Randolph a keen and scrutinizing look. “Of all things! He doesn’t look like that kind.”

Shayne said, “Murderers seldom do.”

“Stop it, Shayne. For God’s sake, stop it!” Randolph’s self-control suddenly broke and his voice was thinly shrill. “I can’t stand any more of this. I tell you-”

“Shut up and sit down over there.” Shayne pointed to the couch. He asked Miss Naylor, “Do you think it would harm Lucy to waken her long enough to make an identification?”

“Probably not. But I’d have to have Dr. Price’s permission. He should be here any moment.”

Randolph slumped down on the couch and buried his face in his hands for a brief time, then raised his head to cast a wretched glance around the room.

There was a knock on the door and Shayne opened it to admit Dr. Price. He came in briskly, nodded to Shayne, and said, “Miss Naylor tells me our patient is reacting splendidly.” He looked from the gun in the nurse’s hand to Randolph, and raised his brows inquiringly.

Shayne said, “I’m pretty sure this is the man who attacked Miss Hamilton. If you think it’s safe to arouse her, we’ll try to get a definite identification.”

“I see. Of course. I’ll have a look at the patient and let you know at once.” The doctor and Miss Naylor went into the bedroom and closed the door.

Randolph sat with his head lolling against the back of the couch. He looked straight across the room, avoiding Shayne’s eyes. “I simply can’t believe this is happening to me,” he said in a flat, dead voice. “I do believe you’re serious about this.”

“I was never more serious in my life,” Shayne assured him.

“I’ve read about things like this happening to other men,” Randolph said. “Being caught up in a net of circumstances. Innocent men, like myself. Going along and minding their own business. Suddenly accused of murder.”

“Innocent men can generally prove their innocence.”

“But sometimes they can’t,” Randolph exclaimed, throwing out his hands wildly. “Suppose this girl does think she recognizes me. Suppose I do resemble the man you say attacked her. I can’t prove it wasn’t I. You know how faulty such identifications can be. If she only caught one glimpse of the man-”

“How do you know she caught only a glimpse of him?”

“Why-you said so,” faltered Randolph. “Over at my place.”

Shayne shook his red head grimly. “I didn’t say anything of the kind. The only way you could possibly have known that is by having been here last night.”

“You implied it. Something you said gave me the impression-”

“I didn’t even imply it. I said that Miss Hamilton had a good look at the man who attacked her,” Shayne said flatly.

His telephone rang. He went over and took the receiver down, keeping his gaze on Randolph. “Hello. Oh, Tim… that’s fine. Fast work. Read ’em to me.” He listened, and a frown began to crease his forehead. A worried frown of disbelief. He caught his earlobe between thumb and forefinger and tugged at it.

“Both of them?” he exclaimed after a time. “That should mean something, but I’m not sure just what. Listen, Tim. Get both those men on long distance and tell them it’s vitally important to dig up every bit of information available on both King and Kendrick. As far back as they can dig in a hurry.

“Sure it’ll cost money,” he continued impatiently. “I’ll take care of the expense if your miserly paper won’t pay out a few bucks for the inside dope on one of the biggest stories of the year.

“Lucy’s doing fine, but I’ll be tied up here for a while. When you get those men on long distance, ask particularly for any information that connects either King or Kendrick with Walter Voorland or Earl Randolph.”

Again he listened, then said, “That’s right. Voorland or Randolph. Outside of the known connection here in Miami, of course. And Tim-after you do that, call Worldwide in Denver and get the same dope on Dustin. Find out everything you can about him, his background, and so forth.” He hung up and turned to Randolph, his face bleak and his eyes morose.

“Both King and Kendrick seem to have disappeared completely.”

“You don’t think they were-murdered?”

“They seem to have been very efficiently disposed of,” Shayne grated. “Do you suppose Mark Dustin is in any danger, Randolph?”

“How would I know? About this background stuff,” Randolph went on. “I’ve got all the dope on King available in my file. You know we checked back on him thoroughly before we paid the claim. And I’m sure Stanley Ellsworth has the same stuff on Kendrick.”

“No doubt,” Shayne assented dryly. “But Worldwide might dig up something you folks missed.”

“I don’t understand why you suspect any connection between those two men and Voorland and me.”

Shayne shook his head slowly. “I don’t know what I hope to dredge up. It becomes clearer and clearer that there’s a pattern to these three sales of star rubies that were stolen immediately afterward-and that never reappeared. It’s still vague as hell, and I haven’t put my finger on the motivation behind it. When I do that, the whole complicated plot will emerge clearly. And I think you can do that for me,” he added.

“I know nothing,” Randolph disclaimed violently. “Absolutely nothing.”

The bedroom door opened and Miss Naylor said, “It’s all right to come in now, Mr. Shayne.”

Shayne stood up. “This is it, Randolph. Put on that Panama and walk in that door in front of me.”

Earl Randolph’s hands shook as he put the hat on and adjusted the brim. He got up shakily and went slowly toward the bedroom door, hesitated like a swimmer pausing on the brink before diving into an icy stream, then stepped inside.

Shayne was close behind him. Dr. Price and Miss Naylor stood back near the window and watched the scene with intense interest.

Lucy looked up at Randolph with wide eyes. Her gaze stayed on his face for a full thirty seconds, then shifted to Shayne.

“That’s the man, Michael.” Her voice was weary, betraying no emotion whatsoever. “I told you I’d know him anywhere.”

Shayne asked savagely, “Do you still deny it, Randolph?”

“No. Let’s go in the other room and I’ll tell you the whole thing.”
