Haven Operative Bios

John and Maggie Garrett

Husband and wife co-founders of Haven, a civilian organization of psychics who tend to be a bit too offbeat, unusual, or otherwise unsuited for official police work, yet serve well as investigative and undercover operatives in some investigations, most often in conjunction with Special Crimes Unit cases. Maggie is an exceptionally strong empath/healer; John is not psychic.

Gabriel Wolf

Job: Investigator.

Adept: Shares with his twin sister a unique symbiotic relationship; each displays psychic abilities only while sleeping, using his or her twin as a conduit. They are telepathic with each other, as well as clairvoyant and mildly telekinetic.

Appearances: Blood Dreams, Blood Ties

Roxanne Wolf

Job: Investigator.

Adept: See Gabriel Wolf info.

Appearances: Blood Dreams, Blood Ties
