Tuesday, March 9

9:03 P.M.

Turned out, Alex didn’t have to do a thing. Max called her as she was putting on her PJs. “Max,” she said, surprised.

“I apologize for calling so late.”

“No problem. Not at all.”

He cleared his throat, but didn’t speak. She waited. When he still didn’t speak, she prodded him. “Max, what is it? Have you remembered something about my ring?”

“I think so, yes.” He spoke so softly she had to strain to hear. “But not on the phone. I can show you-”

In the background she heard a doorbell chime. “That’s probably my Angie. She stops by some nights with a treat.”

“That’s so sweet. When should I come by?”

The bell chimed again. “Anytime. I’ve got to go-”

“I’ll be by first thing in the morning. Will that be all right?”

“That’d be good. But Alexandra, don’t tell anyone.”

“Tell anyone?” she repeated. “That we’re meeting?”

“Yes. Or even that we spoke.” He let out a breath and she could tell that he was anxious to go. “And what I share with you is for your ears only. You have to promise me.”

The hair on the back of her neck stood up. “Max, you’re scaring me.”

“I’ve got to go. Remember, not a word to anyone. See you in the morning.”
