The story of Dan Cooper (aka D. B. Cooper) as recounted in the opening chapters is a true one and is presented here with only a few embellishments, demanded by the novel that it precedes. As of this writing, neither Dan Cooper nor his remains have ever been satisfactorily identified.
The authors wish to apologize for the actions and unpleasant nature of Senator Drayton, who is an entirely fictitious character. No such person has ever disgraced the beautiful and time-honored state of Georgia with his or her representation. Likewise, Armand Cobb is entirely a figment of the authors’ imagination and has no basis in any person who works or has ever worked at the Owens-Thomas House.
And while we are apologizing, a thousand pardons to Savannah — which we both believe to be one of the most fascinating, welcoming, gracious, and endlessly mysterious cities we have ever visited — for the attentions this novel subjects it to. We urge all readers interested in charming and historic places to visit Savannah, where we are confident the mosquitoes they encounter — if any — will be of ordinary size.