What did he mean by the blue roses are about to go on sale domestically?” asked Jillian.

Harvath looked at her and said, “It means they have intelligence that al-Qaeda has managed to smuggle the illness into the United States.”


“Who knows? There’s got to be a million ways they could have done it. All that matters is that it sounds like they have succeeded in getting it in.”

“They haven’t released it, though, right?”

“No, but apparently they’re planning on doing it within the next several days.”

“What are we going to do?” she asked.

“First, we’re going to check in with my Wal-Mart connection. It sounds like we may have just caught a break.”

Jillian didn’t bother asking him to explain.

Harvath depressed the hook switch on his phone and dialed Nick Kampos’s cell phone on Cyprus. When the man answered, it was obvious that Harvath had awakened him from a sound sleep. “Nick, it’s Scot. I got a message you were trying to reach me.”

“Jesus, Harvath. What time is it?” asked the groggy DEA agent.

“Almost five A.M. your time. What do you have for me?”

“I posted a message on that web site bulletin board thing like you asked, but I didn’t hear back from you. Don’t you ever check your messages?”

“In all fairness, Nick, I’ve been kind of busy.”

“Well, so have I,” said Kampos. “I think I may have a lead for you on Rayburn.”

Harvath gripped the phone tighter. “What is it?”

“Hold on a second,” he grumbled as he covered the mouthpiece of his phone and coughed several times, trying to get his lungs started before he returned and said, “I contacted a guy we use occasionally and gave him that e-mail address you called me with.”


“Apparently, your guy Rayburn wanted to look as authentic as possible with his bogus archeology foundation, so using a hotmail-style e-mail account on his business cards, which would have been nearly impossible to trace, was out of the question. He had to purchase the domain name he wanted, and then he set up his e-mail account through some cheapo filipo ISP. And he did all of that with a Visa debit card.”

“That’s great. Were you able to get any information on the account holder? A mailing address or something?”

“Nope. The information trail on the account holder ends at a bank in Malta. Without a warrant, I couldn’t get any further than that.”

Harvath was disappointed, but said, “Thanks, Nick. I appreciate you trying.”

“What the hell’s the matter with you? Do you think I would have left all those cryptic messages with your boss — knowing full well you were in the doghouse — if I didn’t have something more for you than that? I said the account holder’s information trail ended at the bank in Malta, but the financial trail keeps going.”

“How far?”

“According to my source, whoever has that credit card has recently been using it in a town in the Rhône Valley of Switzerland, about an hour and a half outside Geneva, called Le Râleur.”

“How recently?”

“As recently as last night.”

Harvath tore the sheet off the top of his notepad and asked, “Can you fax me the list of exact places in Le Râleur?”

“Why not?” he grunted. “I’m up anyway.”

“Thanks, Nick. I owe you another dinner.”

“You owe me a hell of a lot more than dinner, but that’ll be a start.”

Harvath thanked his friend again, then hung up the phone and turned to Jillian. “We’ve got a lead on Rayburn.”

“Where is he?” she replied.

“In some town in Switzerland called Le Râleur. Ring any bells?”

“I’ve never heard of it.”

“Neither have I,” said Harvath.

“So what’s our plan?”

“First we need to find a courier service to get those tissue samples back to the States. Then we’ll need an Internet café where I can post an update for Gary.”

“And then?” she asked.

“Then we need to figure out how we’re going to get into Switzerland.”

“I take it we’re not going to be driving.”

“Not with an Interpol Red Notice out on us. It’s one thing driving over the border between EU countries, but going into Switzerland is completely different. They check everybody.”

“Trains and planes will be out as well then. What does that leave us?”

“Not what,” said Harvath, as reluctant as he was to go back to Kalachka for more help, “but who.”
