Part Three

It was good to be home. If one had to be in pain, there was a lot to be said for the comfort and familiarity of home. If all that could be done for one in the hospital was to medicate against pain, that could be accomplished as well at the rectory.

The hospital agreed. So, on the third day-biblical? — he rose from his hospital bed and returned to the rectory.

Before leaving Receiving Hospital, Koesler had attended his first physical rehabilitation session, and discovered how very little spontaneous motion he had in his right arm. The therapist assured him that if he was faithful to the exercises, he would recover at least some of his former mobility and strength. Perhaps more than a little. But it was going to be a long haul.

Mary O’Connor, parish secretary, had been most solicitous, as had many of the parishioners. He had to assure them over and over that he was not ill, just injured. And that he was fully capable of getting around, laboring awkwardly through a one-arm Mass, and signing checks-as long as he moved the paper. He couldn’t move his arm.

Father Dunn was doing his best to see to the routine needs of the parish, attend as many classes at the university as possible, fulfill his reading assignments, and put to rest as many of Koesler’s doubts and suspicions as possible.

He had helped Koesler make phone calls to the Minneapolis Chancery as well as to several priests, all of whom attested to Dunn’s identity. Yes, Father Dunn had been granted a leave of absence. Yes, he was a classmate. Yes, he had told one and all that he was going to take up residence at St. Joseph’s parish in downtown Detroit. Yes, that certainly sounded like Nick Dunn’s voice on the telephone extension.

In addition, Dunn had asked his Chancery to send him a celebret-a. document stating that he was a priest in good standing. It was something he might have brought with him to Detroit. But he’d had no inkling that he would become a suspect in a murder investigation.

The relationship of Koesler and Dunn had altered somewhat. Koesler was uncomfortable having Dunn around. Koesler had intimated-if not made an outright accusation-that Dunn might be up to his ears in a murder conspiracy. Hardly the mark of a gracious host. Dunn, for his part, seemed to be in high good humor as he sought to allay the pastor’s fears. Dunn was the soul of cooperation in finding ways of establishing his identity and being completely open to any of Koesler’s suggestions along that line. Thus whatever tension existed seemed to stem from Koesler. It made him uncomfortable.

Koesler had just taken a pill for pain when he heard the front doorbell.

Dunn had already left for one of his morning classes at the university. Koesler could heard the click-clack of Mary O’Connor’s shoes on the hardwood floor. They had an understanding that since Koesler had no appointments on his calendar for this, his first morning back, Mary would screen all phone calls and visitors and pass along to Koesler only what might be termed emergencies or urgent business. Otherwise, on his behalf, she expressed his thanks for good wishes and gratitude for prayers.

Mary appeared at the study door. “There are three people here you might want to see: Mr. and Mrs. Costello and Mr. Vespa.” Her concern was evident.

“Yes, yes, you’re right. Please show them in, Mary. And could you get us some coffee? I’d do it, but things are still a bit awkward,” he added, indicating his right arm still encased in a tight sling that was suspended over his cassock.

Mary nodded and went first to admit the visitors, then to the kitchen, murmuring a grateful prayer that Father Koesler had given up making coffee for the duration. Everyone would be better off for it.

The three visitors entered the study. Mrs. Costello went to Koesler immediately, took his left hand, and, before he could demur, kissed it. Her sympathy was obviously sincere. Carl Costello nodded, then took a chair across from Koesler, who was seated behind his desk. He had not attempted to stand. Remo Vespa stationed himself in front of the door.

Costello inquired into the state of Koesler’s health. Koesler explained the injury and quoted the rehab technician’s assurance of at least partial recovery with fidelity to exercise. Amenities completed, Costello addressed the reason for the visit.

“You have done us a great favor. A significant favor.” Costello regarded Koesler intently.

“It was really nothing. All it took was a phone call.”

“No, no, Father,” Mrs. Costello insisted. “Guido and Remo are like our own children. And to think that after all these years, Guido should be buried Catholic! What can we say? What can we do?”

Koesler smiled at her. “I know your pastor. He tends to interpret Church law rather strictly. I thought he could use my input.”

Quite naturally, since the shooting, Koesler was sensitive to the memory of Guido Vespa. After all, they had not only been shot at the same time but even with one of the same bullets.

With Guido dead, Koesler had wondered about the funeral. How he would be buried probably wouldn’t have mattered to Guido one way or the other. But Koesler sensed it would matter a great deal to the grandparents, particularly to Guido’s grandmother. Both Mr. and Mrs. Costello had demonstrated a deep reverence for Koesler’s priesthood the one time they had met.

Although, given Carl Costello’s earlier active membership in the mob, Koesler was unsure of his sincerity. But there seemed no doubt that Mrs. Costello really meant it. For her sake, if for no other reason, Koesler had decided to get involved in Guido’s funeral.

Once he had determined which was the Costellos’ parish, a few judicious inquiries revealed, to no surprise, that Mrs. Costello attended Mass regularly, Carl showed up on important occasions, but neither Guido nor Remo had darkened the doorway since their youth. That part of Guido’s make-believe confession appeared to be accurate.

The pastor was Koesler’s elder by nearly ten years. Now on the verge of retirement, Father Tintoreto lived by yesterday’s rules. With no one around to testify that Guido had even absentmindedly genuflected within anyone’s memory, Mario Tintoreto would surely refuse a Catholic funeral. On several occasions when priests gathered, Koesler had heard Tintoreto boast of threatening his recalcitrants with being “buried like a dog.” It seemed to be, particularly with Italians, the ultimate ultimatum. If the denial of Christian burial did not reach them, Tintoreto thought nothing would.

For the pastor and for his parishioners, then, refusing to bury the dead had to be taken seriously. It was imperative there be no exceptions to the rule. Thus the Costellos had no hope for Guido. In Tintoreto’s favored phrase, Guido would be consigned to the earth like an animal.

Enter Father Koesler with his phone call to Father Tintoreto, during which Koesler testified to not only having seen Guido in St. Joseph’s Church just a few weeks ago, but, imagine this: The backslider had actually made a confession! Koesler neglected to describe what sort of confession.

Mario Tintoreto had been stunned. Indeed he could not recall ever having been so dumbfounded. But he could not doubt the word of a fellow priest no matter how much he wanted to. And he did want to.

As far as Koesler was concerned, funerals were more for the consolation of the bereaved than for the benefit of the one who had already entered eternal life. He had thought no more about it until the appearance of the Costellos this morning and their expansive expressions of gratitude. For Remo, this was a matter of no importance. For Vita Costello, it was a miracle. For the Double C, it was a puzzle.

For as long as he could remember, Carl Costello had kept careful tabs on who owed whom what. He was scrupulous about the balance sheet. He assumed everyone else conducted life’s affairs in the same manner. He had no idea why Koesler had intervened on Guido’s behalf, thereby bestowing a tremendous favor on Mrs. Costello. The truth was, the Double C owed for a significant favor. The question was: What did Koesler want?

Koesler believed he read all this in Costello’s manner, in his eyes.

“You have done us a great favor, Father.” There was a pronounced wheeze in Costello’s voice, perhaps from too much smoking, or a throat injury. “It is much more than a phone call. As far as I know,” he gestured to include not only everyone in the room but everyone in the whole world, “no one asked you to do us this goodness. You did it all on your own.” Costello did not articulate the word “Why?” but it hung in the air.

“If it has helped you in your time of loss,” Koesler said “that’s good enough.”

But Costello was not about to let the matter rest. “That meeting- when he was killed, you were wounded-what was that about? I don’t understand why he would call you. Talking to a priest, that was not something Guido did.”

“He didn’t tell you anything about it?”

Costello shook his head. “Nothing.” He looked Koesler full in the face. “Father, I know you would not lie, not even to effect a good thing like Guido’s Catholic burial … but did he really confess to you?”

Mary O’Connor almost did not make it into the room with the tray holding the coffee. Remo was leaning back against the door as she pushed against it from the other side. Mary’s slight weight made little impression against his heft. Finally, she coughed loudly enough to be heard. Remo stepped away from the door and Mary almost fell into the room.

It was a humorous exchange, but Koesler would not laugh until much, much later-in retrospect.

A slightly embarrassed and self-conscious Mary O’Connor served the coffee and departed.

Koesler turned back to Costello, and, fixing him with an intent look, said, “Yes, your grandson went to confession to me … sort of.”

Costello was clearly confused. “‘Sort of’?”

“Carl, Mrs. Costello, Remo … you already know more about this matter than the news media does. You know about my call to Father Tintoreto. My agreement with him was that when the media asks how Guido qualified for a Church burial service, he is to tell them only that he was given evidence that Guido had attended church recently. And that’s all he’s going to say. The media will press for more detail. But that’s all they’re going to get.”

Costello chuckled. “Father Tintoreto will enjoy that. He likes being in charge.”

“An exception was made for you three, the most immediate family Guido had. There was no disagreement on that point. You deserved to know. Now I’m going to tell you something only the police know.” Koesler, for the sake of expedience, chose to omit Dunn from those who knew about the bogus confession.

First, Koesler needed to explain insofar as it was feasible why it was permissible to tell them the details of Guido’s confession-that-wasn’t-a-confession. As he began the explanation, he noted a look of surprise on Costello’s face similar to that which Koznicki had exhibited in the same circumstances.

After Koesler’s third time through, when, by their expressions, it seemed his small audience comprehended and was satisfied, Koesler said again, “Now, I’ve just told you something only the police know. And it’s extremely important that no one else know … you understand?”

The three looked at each other. Costello spoke. “We have observed omerta many times. We know well how to keep a confidence.”

“Good,” Koesler said. “Now, I need to know: What do you make of it?”

“The contract? The confession?” Costello asked.

“The contract first.”

“It’s been years,” Costello said, “since anyone in our ‘family’ accepted a contract. Our understanding was that we were out of that business. I would have to guess that if there was an offer and Guido accepted it, the contract would have to have come from the outside.”

“The outside?”

“No ‘family’ would be involved. It would have to be from someone with no relationship with any of the families. Someone who knew of our past and counted on Guido to accept it.”

“It’s possible then?”

There was sadness in Costello’s eyes. “I don’t like to think of Guido betraying our trust. But yes, it is possible. Very possible. Whoever offered the contract would have to have a sweet pot …”

“A lot of money?” Koesler interrupted to clarify.

Costello nodded decisively. “A lot of money. If someone still active in a ‘family’ heard about it, it could have cost Guido his life.” Thinking on that, he added, “It did cost him his life.”

“But not,” Koesler said, “at the hands of anyone in a ‘family’”

“Not from what you’ve said,” Costello agreed. “It was most likely by the one who gave Guido the contract.”

“Then what about the confession? What about its being part of the contract?” Koesler asked.

Costello reflected for a few moments. Then, “It’s not uncommon for contracts to have other conditions attached to them. I’ve never heard of confession to be one of those conditions.”

“As I told you, the police think it was to keep me from freely participating in the ensuing investigation.”

Costello nodded. “And it was on the money. That’s why you were with the cops when they came to my house … right?”

“Yes. If the theory is correct, the contractor assumed, from my past involvement, that the police would ask for my help. And the guilty party didn’t want to chance my helping the police. So-and I guess we’d have to say he was clever-he had the one who killed Father Keating confess to me that he had done it, and in doing so, he sealed my lips.

“But, moving on: Do you think Guido could have done it? Killed a priest, I mean?”

“Guido told you it was because of gambling debts?”

Koesler nodded.

Costello shrugged. “The debts would have to be out of sight. But, yeah, sure: It’s like you’re doin’ business with somebody and you don’t like the business he’s in. But it’s business … so,you go along.”

“He’d kill a priest?!”

Costello nodded. “And go to confession too. If that’s what the contract called for.”

“Okay,” Koesler said. “Now we come to the last part. The bit about burying Father Keating with Monsignor Kern.”

Remo snorted and was about to laugh when a glance from Costello silenced him. Koesler had virtually forgotten there was anyone else in the room.

“That’s what turned this whole thing around,” Koesler said. “The matter was completely closed until they exhumed Monsignor Kern’s body. The police had discontinued their investigation into Father Keating’s disappearance. My lips were sealed permanently. Then came the matter of identifying Monsignor’s remains. And Father Keating’s body was nowhere in sight. I guess at that point, I was pretty sure Guido had lied to me. And I thought, if he lied about that, then about how much more?

“Anyway, at that point, Guido decided he’d better come clean. So first he told the guy who gave him the contract. Does that make any sense?”

“It would have been the honorable thing to do,” Costello said.

Somehow, in Koesler’s eyes, “honor” didn’t seem to have much of a role in this case.

“He was going to break a very important provision in the contract,” Costello explained. “One of the principal stipulations of the contract was to keep you on ice by confessing. Now Guido was gonna violate that part of the contract by telling you the confession was a fake. He had to tell the guy. It was the honorable thing to do.”

There goes that word again, thought Koesler. “But nobody would have known about any of this if he hadn’t added that bit about the burial. Why would he do a thing like that?”

“Why would Guido do a thing like that?” Costello closed his eyes tightly as if shutting out past memories. “Because that was part of Guido’s style. He always went too far. He thought it was clever. He did foolish things. Other times he bragged so much he made up stuff just to be a big guy.

“In the old days, he’d go out to make a collection. Then he’d come home with the money and tell us he broke the guy’s fingers for making us wait. He’d be a big guy, hot stuff. ‘The Enforcer!’ Then we’d find out he hadn’t done it: He got the money okay but he didn’t do anything to the guy. He’d learn a little. But what he learned was to brag about things we couldn’t check out-at least things he thought we couldn’t check out.”

“So,” Koesler concluded, “in light of his past boasting, it makes perfect sense that Guido would lie to me for no other reason than that he wanted to add a sensational but fictitious touch. Sort of like his signature?”

“Sort of like his signature,” Costello agreed. “Yeah, it got so he couldn’t help himself. If he didn’t think that what he had to do was very imaginative, he’d make up something. Just to impress people. I don’t know where the priest’s body is. Maybe only Guido knew. Now, nobody’ll know.” He shook his head. “I told Guido a hunnert times he had to quit doin’ that. He wouldn’t listen. Now. …”

There was silence for several moments.

“Is that all you wanted to know, Father?” Costello asked finally.

“Yes. You’ve cleared up a lot for me. I couldn’t figure out why he volunteered that bizarre story. I thank you very much for explaining it for me.”

“It is for us to be grateful to you. You went out of your way to get Guido a Catholic burial. We appreciate that, especially Mama. Like I said, we are in your debt. Anytime you want somethin’, you come to me. Hear? You come to me.”

For the life of him, Koesler could not envision a time when he would need any favor that Costello could provide. But one never knew. The future was unpredictable. Koesler rose and accompanied the trio to the front door.

After they left, Koesler reviewed the visit.

There certainly was no doubt who headed that family. Remo was around only to serve and protect Carl Costello. And, after the initial greetings, Mrs. Costello had been so still it was almost as if she had not even been present. So in charge had Costello been, Koesler wondered that the Double C had let Guido get away with his penchant for weird exaggeration. Such a futile vice. It was almost guaranteed to get him in trouble. And in this instance, it certainly had. Koesler could only ascribe Costello’s forbearance to the Indulgent Grandpa Syndrome.

Koesler returned to his office and slumped down in his chair.

At least it was over. Too seldom in life did all the loose ends get tied up in a neat, tidy fashion. When it did happen, it brought a sense of satisfaction. And he was sure that, at least as far as he was concerned, the matter of the missing priest was concluded.

Jake Keating, despite having grown up in a wealthy family, had proven himself a poor gambler when he lost all that money in stocks and bonds. What few people ever knew was that he also was a compulsive gambler. Put the two together-an unlucky and compulsive gambler-and you have the making of a peck of trouble-or tragedy.

So, inevitably, Jake got in over his head Koesler could imagine the bookies or whoever Jake dealt with being at first amused that “Father” lived to gamble and that, in addition, he proved to be a patsy. Then the amusement fading as Father ran up staggering debts. Undoubtedly there were threats. Finally, Don Whoever, the head man, hired Guido Vespa to kill Keating. It certainly would be an outstanding lesson throughout the gambling world that the bookies were deadly serious about collecting what was owed: Even a priest, even the pastor of Detroit’s wealthiest parish, was not untouchable.

If Guido had let it rest there, the gambling community-and they alone-would know what had happened to Jake Keating. The police had written it off as an unsolved case. Koesler and Dunn would have shared a memorable experience they could share with no one else.

But Guido had to add his distinctive touch to the plot. It was one of those exaggerations of his that would satisfy some inner compulsion and, at the same time, be safe, since no one would ever check it out.

Except that Guido didn’t anticipate the exhumation of Jake Keating’s purported resting-in-peace partner, Monsignor Clem Kern.

Guido then decided he had to pick up the pieces of his fumbled plot. He would tell Koesler that the confession had not been genuine, that it had been part of the contract. Then, in some strange way, he felt duty-bound to inform the contractor that he was going to really confess what had really happened-though not sacramentally.

Either Guido told the contractor where the meeting was to take place or he was followed. In any case, Guido was killed and Koesler had come closer to death than he’d ever been.

Thank God the police had no further need of him. There wasn’t anything he could any longer assist with. The case had gone well beyond his field of expertise. The police were looking for the gamblers to whom Keating had been so deeply in debt. Koesler would, naturally, continue his interest in the case, but from the sidelines.

And just as well. The dull discomfort his wound was imposing made it difficult to concentrate on anything for very long. And the helplessness of his right arm was fairly frightening, as well as discouraging. He tried to put his faith in the therapist who promised that, with fidelity to exercise, things would improve.

He promised himself that he would be faithful. A little prayer wouldn’t hurt either.

At least the police wouldn’t need him anymore.
