
More than five years have passed, but I never tire of hearing how Sasha and Joy joined forces with the greenies, how Linda ordered Trask and Bey to carry my mind-wiped body to a specially chartered freighter, and Joy forced the Protech computer to supply us with the necessary clearances.

The new me is something of a legend among the greenies, which is just as well, since Dr. Casad is very much alive, and willing to pay a cool one hundred thousand credits for my chrome-plated head. Not for what’s in it, mind you, since the data is gone, but for the satisfaction of seeing me dead.

So, I give the greenies what assistance I can, including interviews like this one, and work at learning all the things a five-year-old should know. I’m way ahead of my experiential age, thanks to special therapy and fast-learn techniques, but still something akin to an over-the-hill teenager.

But, thanks to a nicely crafted blond wig, and some well-executed biosculpting, I can pass for a regular Joe. It wouldn’t be healthy to tell you where Sasha, Joy, and I live, but suffice it to say that we run a little café, and look on the regulars as part of our family.

As for the future, well, who knows? We may have slowed ’em down a little, but one thing’s for sure, they’re working on it.
