

Agrarnaia istoriia Severo-Zapada Rossii XVI veka: Novgorodskie piatiny (Leningrad: Nauka, 1974), pp. 291-2.


E. I. Kolycheva, Agrarnyi stroi Rossii XVIveka (Moscow: Nauka, 1987), pp. 178-95.


PSRL, vol. xiy (Moscow: Nauka, 1965), p. 35.


S.F. Platonov, Ocherki po istorii Smuty v Moskovskom gosudarstve XVI-XVII vv., 5th edn (Moscow: Pamiatniki istoricheskoi mysli, 1995), pp. 125-7.


B. N. Floria, Russko-pol'skie otnosheniia i politicheskoe razvitie Vostochnoi Evropy (Moscow: Nauka, 1978), pp. 133-40.


Platonov, Ocherkipo istorii Smuty, p. 134.


Floria, Russko-pol'skie otnosheniia i politicheskoe razvitie Vostochnoi Evropy, p. 140.


R. G. Skrynnikov, Rossiia nakanune 'Smutnogo vremeni' (Moscow: Mysl', 1981), pp. 58-9.


Tysiachnaia kniga 1550 g. i Dvorovaia tetrad'50-kh godov XVI v., ed. A. A. Zimin (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1950), pp. 53-4; Zakonodatel'nye akty Russkogo gosudarstvavtoroi poloviny XVI-pervoi poloviny XVII veka: Teksty (Leningrad: Nauka, 1986), p. 63.


Boiarskie spiskiposlednei chetverti XVI-nachalaXVII v. i rospis' russkogo voiska 1604 g., comp.

S. P. Mordovina and A. L. Stanislavskii, pt. 1 (Moscow: TsGADA, 1979), pp. 104-76.


A. P. Pavlov, Gosudarev dvor i politicheskaia bor'ba pri Borise Godunove (1584-1605 gg.)

(St Petersburg: Nauka, 1992), pp. 202-3.


A. Ia. Shpakov, Gosudarstvo i tserkov' v ikh vzaimnykh otnosheniiakh v Moskovskom gosu- darstve (Odessa: Tipografiia Aktsionernogo Iuzhno-russkogo obshchestva pechatnogo dela, 1912), pp. 245-341; R. G. Skrynnikov, Gosudarstvo i tserkov' na Rusi XIV-XVI vv. (Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991), pp. 351-61.


A. P. Pavlov, 'Prikazy i prikaznaia biurokratiia (1584-1605 gg.)', IZ 116 (1988): 187-227.


Pavlov, Gosudarev dvor, pp. 239-49.


B. N. Floria, Russko-pol'skie otnosheniia i baltiiskii vopros v kontse XVI-nachale XVII v.

(Moscow: Nauka, 1973), pp. 61-2.


Zakonodatel'nye akty,p.62


S. B. Veselovskii, Feodal'noezemlevladenievsevero-vostochnoiRusi (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1947), p. 107.


VI. Koretskii, Zakreposhchenie krest'ian i klassovaia bor'ba v Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XVI v. (Moscow: Nauka, 1970), pp. I23ff.


V M. Paneiakh, 'Zakreposhchenie krest'ian v XVI v.: novye materialy, kontseptsii, per- spektivy izucheniia (po povoduknigi V I. Koretskogo)', IstoriiaSSSR, 1972, no. 1:157-65; R. G. Skrynnikov 'Zapovednye i urochnye gody tsaria Fedora', Istoriia SSSR, 1973, no. 1:



P. P. Smirnov, Posadskie liudi i ikh klassovaia bor'ba do serediny XVII veka, 2 vols. (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1947-8), vol. 1 (1947), pp. 160-90.


Kolycheva, Agrarnyi stroi, p. 168.


G.N. Anpilogov Novye dokumenty o Rossii kontsa XVI-nachala XVII veka (Moscow: Izda- tel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1967), pp. 77-8.


Dzherom Gorsei, Zapiski o Rossii: XVI-nachalo XVII v. (Moscow: MGU, 1990), p. 101; cf. Lloyd E. Berry and Robert O. Crummey (eds.), Rude and Barbarous Kingdom: Russia in the Accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers (Madison, Milwaukee and London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968), p. 322.


S. F. Platonov, Boris Godunov (Petrograd: Ogni, 1921), pp. 96-7; V K. Klein, Uglichskoe sledstvennoe delo o smerti tsarevicha Dimitriia (Moscow: Imperatorskii Arkheologicheskii institut imeni Imperatora Nikolaia II, I9I3).


I. A. Golubtsov ' "Izmena" Nagikh', Uchenye zapiski instituta istorii RANION, 4 (1929): 70 etc.; Skrynnikov, Rossiia nakanune 'Smutnogo vremeni', pp. 74-85.


A. A. Zimin, V kanun groznykh potriasenii (Moscow: Mysl', 1986), pp. 153-82.


See e.g. V N. Latkin, Zemskie sobory drevnei Rusi (St Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo L. F. Pan- teleeva, 1885), pp. 94-5.


V O. Kliuchevskii, 'Sostav predstavitel'stva na zemskikh soborakh drevnei Rusi', in his Sochineniia, 8 vols. (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi literatury, 1956-9), vol. yiii (1959), pp. 59-61.


S. P. Mordovina, 'Kharakter dvorianskogo predstavitel'stva na zemskom sobore 1598 g.', VI, 1971, no. 2: 55-63; L.V Cherepnin, Zemskie sobory Russkogo gosudarstva v XVI-XVII vv. (Moscow: Nauka, 1978), p. 146; R. G. Skrynnikov, 'Zemskii sobor 1598 goda i izbranie Borisa Godunova na tron', Istoriia SSSR, 1977, no. 3: 141-57; Zimin, V kanun groznykh potriasenii, pp. 212-33.


A. P. Pavlov 'SobornaiautverzhdennaiagramotaobizbraniiBorisaGodunovanaprestol', Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie distsipliny 10 (1978): 206-25.


Donesenie o poezdke v Moskvu M. Shilia 1598 g. (Moscow, 1875), p.17.


RusskaiaIstoricheskaiaBiblioteka, vol. 11 (St Petersburg: Arkheograficheskaia Kommissiia, 1875), cols. 63-6.


Pavlov, Gosudarev dvor, p. 66.


Platonov, Ocherkipo istorii Smuty, pp. 161, 175.


R. G. Skrynnikov Boris Godunov, 3rd edn (Moscow, 1983), pp. 137-8.


Zakonodatel'nye akty,p. 70.


V.I. Koretskii, Formirovaniekrepostnogopravaipervaiakrest'ianskaiavoinavRossii(Moscow: Nauka, i975), p. 365.


1.1. Smirnov Vosstanie Bolotnikova (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo politicheskoi literatury, 1951), pp. 77-83; Koretskii, Formirovanie krepostnogoprava, pp. 192-235.


R. G. Skrynnikov, Rossiia v nachale XVII v. 'Smuta' (Moscow: Mysl', 1988), pp. 58-73.


A. L. Stanislavskii, Grazhdanskaia voina v Rossii XVII v. Kazachestvo na perelome istorii (Moscow: Mysl', 1990), pp. 17-20.


R. G. Skrynnikov Samozvantsy v Rossii vnachale XVII veka: Grigorii Otrep'ev (Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1987).


A. D. Gorskii, Bor'ba krest'ian za zemliu na Rusi v XV-nachale XVI veka (Moscow: MGU, 1974); L. I. Ivina, Krupnaiavotchina Severo-Vostochnoi Rusi kontsa XIV-pervoi poloviny XVI v. (Leningrad: Nauka, 1979), p. 105. Suits between peasants and others overland are the main sources of information for these claims. See also Iu. G. Alekseev, Agrarnaia i sotsial'naia istoriia Severo-Vostochnoi Rusi XV-XVII vv. Pereiaslavskii uezd (Moscow and Leningrad: Nauka, 1966), p. 167 et passim.


N. A. Gorskaia et al. (eds.), Krest'ianstvo v periody rannego i razvitogo feodalizma (Istoriia krest'ianstva SSSR s drevneishikh vremen do velikoi oktiabr'skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii, vol. ii) (Moscow: Nauka 1990), pp. 160,214,230,240; A. D. Gorskii, Ocherki ekonomicheskogo polozheniiakrest'ian Severo-VostochnoiRusi XIV-XV vv. (Moscow: MGU, i960), pp. 61-4.


A. Ia. Degtiarev observed that around 1500 in the Novgorod region 90 per cent of the villages contained only one to five households: Russkaia derevnia v XV-XVII vekakh (Leningrad: LGU, 1980), pp. 23,37. S.B. Veselovskii calculated that Volga-Oka settlements were villages of only one to three households apiece: Selo i derevnia v Severo- Vostochnoi Rusi XIV-XVIvv. (Moscow and Leningrad: OGIZ, 1936), p. 26. These low numbers have been attributed to the Mongol conquest: the way to avoid being raided was to live in villages so small that they were not worth raiding. In general, these figures rose by 1550. In 1588, Nizhnii Novgorod villages contained almost nine households apiece (Degtiarev, Russkaia derevnia, p. 116). Lowfiguresin the two-to-five households per village range can also be found in E. I. Kolycheva, Agrarnyi stroi Rossii XVI veka (Moscow: Nauka, 1987), p. 105. See also N. N. Voronin, Kistorii sel'skogo poseleniiafeodal'noi Rusi. Pogost, svoboda, selo, derevnia (Leningrad: OGIZ, 1935).


A. A. Shennikov, Dvor krest'ian Neudachki Petrova i Shestachki Andreeva. Kak byli ustroeny usad'byrusskikhkrest'ianvXVIveke (St Petersburg: Russkoegeograficheskoe obshchestvo,



Gorskaia, Krest'ianstvo vperiody, p. 158.


Gorskii, Ocherki, pp. 60-2.


A. L. Shapiro et al., Agrarnaia istoriiasevero-zapadaRossii XVIveka. Sever. Pskov. Obshchie itogi razvitiia severo-zapada (Leningrad: Nauka, 1978), p. 25. I must thank the authors for sending me a copy of this book. See also their Agrarnaia istoriia (1971), pp. 33, 35, 168. Gorskaia makes the salient point that, although peasants raised chickens, chicken meat, eggs and geese were typically reserved as rent payments for landlords (Gorskaia, Krest'ianstvo v periody, p. 160). For poignant examples, see Kolycheva, where peasants' eggs and cheese are a major part of the rent obligation (Agrarnyi stroi, pp. 85, 88).


G. M. Karagodin, Kniga o vodke i vinodelii (Cheliabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000), p. 31; Gorskii, Ocherki, pp. 75-81.


Ibid., p. 45. Gorskaia opted for the sixteenth century (Gorskaia, Krest'ianstvo vperiody, p. 160).


Ibid., p. 160; Gorskii, Ocherki, pp. 82-6.


Richard Hellie, The Economy andMaterial Culture ofRussia (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), p. 117 (Fig. 4. Monthly sales of firewood).


A. I. Kopanev Krest'ianstvo Russkogo Severa v XVI v. (Leningrad: Nauka, 1978), pp. 211-13.


Gorskaia, Krest'ianstvo v periody, p. 214.


A. L. Shapiro,Russkoekrest'ianstvoperedzakreposhcheniem(XIV-XVIvv.) (Leningrad: LGU,

I987), p. 3.


G. E. Kochin, Sel'skoe khoziaistvo na Rusi v period obrazovaniiaRusskogo tsentralizovannogo gosudarstva, konets XIII-nachalo XVI v. (Moscow and Leningrad: Nauka, 1965), pp. 129-75, 431-4; Gorskii, Ocherki, pp. 32-7, 55.


V P. Petrov, Podsechnoe zemledelie (Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1968).


Gorskaia, Krest'ianstvo vperiody, pp. 230-2.


Richard Hellie (ed. and trans.), Muscovite Society (Chicago: University of Chicago Syllabus Division, i967, i970), pp. i05-6.


Donald N. McCloskey, 'Scattering in Open Fields', Journal of European Economic History 9 (1980): 209-14, among many other essays on the same theme.


Richard Hellie, 'What Happened? How Didhe Get away with it? Ivan Groznyi's Paranoia and the Problem of Institutional Restraints', RH14 (1987): 199-224; Gorskaia, Krest'ianstvo v periody, pp. 263-5; Kolycheva gives examples from the 1570s where 80 to 100 per cent of the land was fallow, in the years 1584-86 in Moscow province 86.6 per cent (Agrarnyi stroi, pp. 182-3,191).


Relatively precise numbers for the beginning and middle of the sixteenth century the 1580s, and 1620s can be found in Shapiro et al., Agrarnaia istoriia(1978), pp. 9,136.


Richard Hellie, Enserfment andMilitary Change inMuscovy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971), pp. 96-7 et passim; Degtiarev, Russkaia derevnia, pp. 77, 88.


Gorskaia notes that in the 1570s and 1580s much of the land lay fallow, but contends that this was only because of a shortage of labour and did not represent an abandonment of the three-field system per se (Gorskaia, Krest'ianstvo v periody, p. 235).


Richard Hellie, Slavery in Russia 1450-1725 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982). Alekseev presents evidence that at least on one occasion slaves comprised from 17 to 30 per cent of the population (Agrarnaia istoriia, p. 122), but that was exceptional. The major problem with counting slaves in this period is that the only reliable numbers are of the slaves who engaged in agriculture, and they comprised about 2 per cent of rural households. While occasionally the sole 'farmer' a cavalryman had was a slave, the vast majority of slaves were not engaged in production, but were household slaves who were not counted in the 'census records' (land cadastres) of the time. As discussed more in Chapter 23, productive (= farming) slaves presented a real problem to the government. The general rule was that slaves owned nothing, could produce nothing, and therefore could not be taxed. That farming slaves produced nothing was blatantly false, of course, so the government gradually began to tax them. A1678 census revealed that many serfs had nominally/legally been converted into slaves, so in 1679 the government solved the problem by converting all farming slaves into taxpaying serfs.


Hellie, Muscovite Society, pp. 240-2.


Ibid., ch. 7; Hellie, Enserfment, chs. 4-6; V V Mavrodin (ed.), Materialypo istorii krest'ian v Rossii XI-XVII vv. Sbornik dokumentov (Leningrad: LGU, 1958), pp. 39-110; A. E. Vorms


Richard Hellie, 'Thoughts on the Absence of Elite Resistance in Muscovy', Kritika 1 (2001): 5-20. The third factor, capital, was almost irrelevant in this period.


Richard Chancellor, 'The First Voyage to Russia', in Lloyd E. Berry and Robert O. Crum- mey (eds.), Rude and Barbarous Kingdom: Russia in the Accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968), p. 23.


1.1. Ditiatin, Ustroistvo i upravlenie gorodov Rossii (St Petersburg: Tipografiia Merkul'eva, 1875); P. Miliukov, Ocherkipo istorii russkoi kul'tury. Chast'pervaia: naselenie, ekonomicheskii, gosudarstvennyi i soslovnyi stroi (St Petersburg: Mir Bozhii, 1896); Samuel H. Baron, 'The Town in "Feudal" Russia', SR 28 (1969): 116-22; Samuel H. Baron, 'The Weber Thesis and the Failure of Capitalist Development in "Early Modern" Russia', JGO18 (1970): 320-36; V Murvar, 'Max Weber's Urban Typology and Russia', Sociological Quarterly 8 (1967): 481­94; Richard Pipes, Russia under the Old Regime (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1977), pp. 191-211.


Max Weber, The City, trans. and ed. Don Martindale and Gertrud Neuwirth (New York: The Free Press, 1958); Jan de Vries, European Urbanization, 1500-1800 (London: Methuen,


See e.g. A. A. Zimin, 'Sostav russkikh gorodov XVI v.', IZ 52 (1955): 336-47.


K. A. Nevolin, 'Obshchii spisok russkikh gorodov', in his Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. vi (St Petersburg, 1859), pp. 27-96; N. D. Chechulin, Goroda Moskovskogo gosudarstva v XVI veke (St Petersburg: TipografiiaI. N. Skorokhodova, 1889), pp. 14-23; P. P. Smirnov Goroda Moskovskogogosudarstvav pervoipolovine XVIIveke, vol. i, pt. 2 (Kiev: A. I. Grossman, 1919); R. A. French, 'The Early and Medieval Russian Town', in J. H. Bater and R. A. French (eds.), Studies in Russian Historical Geography (London: Academic Press, 1983), pp. 263-4.


de Vries, European Urbanization, pp. 270-8.


Chechulin, Goroda, p. 52.


Ibid., p. 206.


Tikhomirov Rossiia v XVI veke; Henry L. Eaton, 'Decline and Recovery of the Russian Cities from 1500 to 1700', CASS 11 (1977): 220-52.


Tikhomirov Rossiia v XVI veke, pp. 217-18. Astrakhan' was probably a significant centre also, but the sources are imprecise.


de Vries, European Urbanization, pp. 269-87.


Giles Fletcher, 'OftheRusse Commonwealth', in Lloyd E. Berry andRobert O. Crummey (eds.), Rude and Barbarous Kingdom: Russia in the Accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers (Madison: University ofWisconsin Press, 1968), pp. 125, 170.


Eaton, 'Decline and Recovery', p. 229.


Chechulin, Goroda, pp. 156-9, 173; Ocherki istorii SSSR, p. 263.


L. B. Veinberg and A. A. Poltoratskaia, Materialy dlia istorii Voronezhskoi i sosednikh gubernii, vol. ii (Voronezh, 1891), pp. 1-26.


de Vries, European Urbanization, p. 12.


French, 'The Early and Medieval Russian Town', pp. 268-74; L. M. Tverskoi, Russkoe gradostroitel'stvo do kontsa XVII veka (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1953).


As at Voronezh in 1615; see Veinberg and Poltoratskaia, Materialy, pp. 1-26.


Smirnov, Goroda, p. 110.


J. Michael Hittle, The Service City: State and Townsmen in Russia, 1600-1800 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979), pp. 5-9.


Janet Martin, Medieval Russia, 980-1584 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 284-6, 344-7; Brian L. Davies, 'The Town Governors in the Reign of Ivan IV', RH14 (1987): 77-144.


Tikhomirov, Rossiya v XVI veke, p. 30; for details of central administration of towns and districts in the seventeenth century see A. S. Lappo-Danilevskii, Organizatsiia pri- amogo oblozheniia v Moskovskom gosudarstve so vremen smuty do epokhi preobrazovanii (St Petersburg: Tipografiia I. N. Skorokhodova, 1890), pp. 542-50.


Ocherki istorii SSSR, pp. 249-61; Artur Attman, 'The Russian Market in World Trade, 1500-1800', ScandinavianEconomicHistoryReview 29 (1981): 177-80; Kristoff Glamann, 'The Changing Patterns ofTrade', in Cambridge Economic History of Europe, vol. v (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977), pp. 217, 228.


I. Wallerstein, The Modern World-System, vol. ii: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600-1750 (New York: Academic Press, 1980).


But for a positive assessment of the situation before the 1560s, see D. P. Makovskii, Razvitie tovarno-denezhnykh otnoshenii v sel'skom khoziaistve russkogogosudarstvav XVIveke (Smolensk: Smolenskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii institut, 1963); N. E. Nosov, 'Russkii gorod i russkoe kupechestvo v XVI stoletii (k postanovke voprosa)', in Issle- dovaniia po sotsial'no-politicheskoi istorii Rossii (Leningrad: Nauka, 1971), pp. 152-77.


V Snegirev, Moskovskieslobody (Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii, 1947), pp. 56ff., 78; French, 'The Early and Medieval Russian Town', p. 270.


Istoriia Moskvy, vol. I, pp. 156-61.


See e.g. M.V Fekhner, Torgovlia russkogo gosudarstva so stranami Vostoka v XVI veke (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Gosudarstvennogo Istoricheskogo muzeia, 1952); N. Kostomarov, Ocherki torgovli Moskovskogo gosudarstva v XVI i XVII stoletiiakh (St Petersburg: N. Tiblen, 1862); S. V Bakhrushin, Nauchnye trudy, 4 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1952-9); G. S. Rabi- novich, Gorodsoli: StaraiaRussavkontseXVI-seredineXVIIIvekov(Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo


J. Martin, Treasure of the Land of Darkness: The Fur Trade and its Significance for Medieval Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 92-109.


O. N. Vilkov, 'Tobol'sk - tsentr tamozhennoi sluzhby Sibiri XVII v.', in Goroda Sibiri: ekonomika, upravlenie i kul'tura gorodov Sibiri v dosovetskii period (Novosibirsk: Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1974), pp. 131-69.


E. I. Zaozerskaia, U istokov krupnogo proizvodstvav russkoipromyshlennosti XVI-XVIIvv.: k voprosuo genezisekapitalizmavRossii (Moscow: Nauka, 1970); N. V Ustiugov, Solevarennaia promyshlennost' Soli Kamskoi v XVII veke (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1957); R. E. F. Smith and David Christian, Bread and Salt: A Social and Economic History of Food and Drink in Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), pp. 27-73.


Glamann, 'The Changing Patterns', p. 186.


Walther Kirchner, Commercial Relations Between Russia and Europe, 1400-1800: Collected Essays (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1966), p. 92.


Fekhner, Torgovlia, pp. 5-6.


Bushkovitch, The Merchants of Moscow, pp. 87-91.


Kirchner, Commercial Relations, pp. 70-1.


Bushkovitch, The Merchants of Moscow, p. 69.


T. S. Willan, The Early History of the Russia Company, 1553—1603 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1956), pp. 182-3; Bushkovitch, The Merchants of Moscow, pp. 65-7.


VE. Syroechkovskii, Gosti-surozhane(IzvestiiagosudarstvennoiAkademiiIstoriiMaterial'noi Kul'tury, 127) (Moscow and Leningrad: OGIZ, 1935); Fekhner, Torgovlia; Bushkovitch, The Merchants of Moscow, pp. 92-101.


Janet Martin, 'Russian Expansion in the Far North', in Russian Colonial Expansion to 1917, ed. Michael Rywkin (London: Mansell Publishing, 1988), pp. 35-40; Andreas Kappeler, The Russian Empire: A Multiethnic History, trans. Alfred Clayton (Harlow: Longman, 2001), pp. 6-18; M. K. Liubavskii, IstoricheskaiageografiiaRossii v sviazi s kolonizatsiei (Moscow: 1.1. Liubimov, 1909; reprinted St Petersburg: Lan', 2001), pp. 155-62.


Istoriia Urala s drevneishikh vremen do 1861 g. (Moscow: Nauka, 1989), p. 146.


James Forsyth, A History of the Peoples of Siberia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 10.


Prodolzhenie drevnei rossiiskoi vivliofiki, 11 vols. (St Petersburg: Imperatorskaia Akademiia Nauk, 1786-1801; reprinted in Slavic printings and reprintings, 251, ed. C. H. van Schooneveld, The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1970), vol. ix (1793), pp. 60-5.


M. Khudiakov, Ocherki po istorii Kazanskogo khanstva (Kazan': Gosudarstvennoe izda­tel'stvo, 1923; reprinted Kazan': Fond TIAK, 1990), pp. 49-80; Michael Khodarkovsky, Russia's Steppe Frontier: The Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500-1800 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002), pp. 91-100.


Ibid., pp. 81,100-7.


L. A. Iuzefovich, 'Kak vposol'skikh obychaiakh vedetsia . . .' (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, i988), p. 5.


Prodolzhenie drevnei rossiiskoi vivliofiki, vol. ix, pp. 64-6, 80, 81.


Ibid., pp. 122-6,152-6,163-8; V V Trepavlov, IstoriiaNogaiskoi Ordy (Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 2001), pp. 263-4, 297-9.


Akty, sobrannye Kavkazskoi Arkheograficheskoi kommissiei, 12 vols. (Tiflis, 1866-83), vol. i

(i866), p. 9i.


Kabardino-russkie otnosheniia v XVI-XVIII v. Dokumenty i materialy, 2 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1957), vol. i, p. 9.


Ibid., p. 8: Michael Khodarkovsky, 'Of Christianity Enlightenment, and Colonialism: Russia in the North Caucasus, 1500-1800', Journal of Modern History 71 (1999): 412-13.


Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov, Moscow, Krymskie dela, f.123, kn. 13, ll. 57, 66ob., 67, 71ob., 82, 83; E. I. Kusheva, 'Politika russkogo gosudarstva na Severnom Kavkaze v 1552-1572 gg.', IZ 34 (1950): 279-80; A. A. Novosel'skii, Bor'ba Moskovskogo gosudarstva s tatarami vpervoi polovine 17 veka (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1948), pp. 23-7; P. A. Sadikov, 'Pokhod tatar i turok na Astrakhan' v 1569 g.', IZ 22 (1947): 143-50.


Kabardino-russkieotnosheniiavXVI-XVIIIvv., vol . i, no . 10, p. 20; no . 13, p. 26; no . 16, pp. 27­9; Puteshestviia russkikh poslov XVI-XVII vv. Stateinye spiski (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1954), p. 76.


Trepavlov, Istoriia Nogaiskoi Ordy, pp. 118-19; Istoriia Sibiri, 5 vols. (Leningrad: Nauka, 1968), vol. i, pp. 363-72; vol. ii, pp. 26-35; Forsyth, A History of the Peoples of Siberia, pp. 19-27.


Istoriia Uralas drevneishikh vremen do 1861 g., pp. 153-9.


Aleksandr Andreev (comp.), Stroganovy. Entsiklopedicheskoe izdanie (Moscow: Belyi volk- Kraft, 2000), pp. 245-6.


S. V Bakhrushin, 'Ostiatskie i vogul'skie kniazhestva v XVI-XVII vv.', in his Nauchnye trudy, 4 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1952-9), vol. iii, pt. 2 (1955), p. 152.


Ibid.; PSRL, vol. xxvi: Vologodsko-Permskaia letopis' (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1959), p. 277.


Snosheniia Rossii s Kavkazom. Materialy izvlechennye iz Moskovskogo Ministerstva Inostran- nykh del, 1578-1613, comp. S. L. Belokurov (Moscow: Universitetskaia Tipografiia, 1889), no. 10, p. 79; no. 12, p. 112.


Ibid., no. 11, pp. 142-3.


Ibid., no. 4, pp. 28-9.


Ibid., no. 10, p. 77; no. 11, pp. 142-3.


Ibid., no. 11, pp. 142-3; no. 19, p. 305.


Istoriia Sibiri, vol. i, p. 369; S. V Bakhrushin, 'Iasak v Sibiri v XVII v.', in his Nauchnye trudy, 4 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1952-9), vol. iii, pt. 2 (1955), pp. 71-5.


Kabardino-russkie otnosheniia v XVI-XVIII vv., vol. i, no. 10, p. 20; Narody Sibiri, ed. M. G. Levina and L. P. Potapova (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1956), pp. 573-4; Forsyth, A History of the Peoples of Siberia, p. 36.


V V Vel'iaminov-Zernov, Issledovanie o Kasimovskikh tsariakh i tsarevichakh, 4 vols. (St Petersburg: Imperatorskaia Akademiia Nauk, 1863-87), vol. I (1863), pp. 13-28. Edward Keenan observes correctly that Kasimovmust have been given to Kasim upon agreement between Vasilii II and Ulu-Muhammed ('Muscovy and Kazan, 1445-1552: A Study in Steppe Politics', unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, 1965, p. 397). The role of Kasimov in the Muscovite-Crimean relations under Ivan III is discussed by Janet Martin, 'Muscovite Frontier Policy: The Case of the Khanate of Kasimov', RH19 (1992): 169-79.


M. K. Liubavskii, Obzor istorii russkoi kolonizatsii, reprint edn (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1996), pp. 246-7; Janet Martin, 'The Novokshcheny of Novgorod: Assimilation in the Sixteenth Century', Central Asian Survey 9 (1990): 13-38.


AI, 5 vols. (St. Petersburg: various publishers, 1841-2), vol. i (Tipografiia Ekspeditsii zagotovleniia Gosudarstvennykh bumag, 1841), no. 209, p. 449; vol. iii (Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V Kantseliarii, 1841), no. 1542, pp. 244-5.


RusskaialstoricheskaiaBiblioteka, 39 vols. (St Petersburg: Arkheograficheskaiakommissiia, 1872-1927), vol. vi (1908), cols. 622-3, 627-32.


E. B. Emchenko, Stoglav: Issledovanie i tekst (Moscow: Indrik, 2000), p. 255; Evgenii Gol- ubinskii, Istoriia russkoi tserkvi, 2 vols. (Moscow: Universitetskaia Tipografiia, 1900-22), vol. 11, pt. 2, pp. 7-61; Paul Bushkovitch, Religion and Society in Russia (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), pp. 22-3.


E. V Anichkov, Iazychestvo i Drevniaia Rus' (St Petersburg: M. M. Stasiulevich, 1914), p. 306.


AI, vol. i (St. Petersburg: Arkheograficheskaia kommissiia, 1841), p. 147; Francis J. Thom­son, 'The Corpus of Slavonic Translations Available in Muscovy', in Boris Gasparov and


Novgorodskie letopisi (St Petersburg: Akademiia Nauk, 1879), pp. 59-64.


V O. Kliuchevskii, Drevnerusskie zhitiia sviatykh kak istoricheskii istochnik (Moscow: Tipografiia Gracheva, 1871), pp. 227-8; G. Z. Kuntsevich, 'Podlinnyi spisok o novykh chudotvortsakh, Izvestiia Otdela russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti Akademii nauk 15 (1910), bk. 1, pp. 255-7; Bushkovitch, Religion, pp. 75-89.


Emchenko, Stoglav, pp. 313-15, 399-402; Bushkovitch, 'The Epiphany Ceremony of the Russian Court in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries', RR 49 (1990): 12-14.


Daniel H. Kaiser, 'Symbol and Ritual in the Marriages of Ivan IV', RH 14 (1987): 247-62;

Carolyn J. Pouncy (ed.), The Domostroi (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1994),

pp. 204-39.


William Craft Brumfield, A History of Russian Architecture (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni­versity Press, 1993), pp. 89-140,501-15; cf. A. M. Lidov (ed.), Ikonostas (Moscow: Progress- Traditsiia, 2000); and George Majeska, 'Ikonostas', unpublished paper presented May 2003 at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.


Slovar', vol. ii, pt. 2, pp. 365-7; Emchenko, Stoglav, p. 376; David B. Miller, 'The Viskovatyi Affair of 1553-54', RH 8 (1981): 293-332.


K. N. Serbina (ed.), Ustiuzhskii letopisnyi svod (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1950), p. 109; Ioasafovskaia letopis', ed. A. A. Zimin (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1957), pp. 76-7.


Bushkovitch, 'Epiphany', pp. 1-14; Michael S. Flier, 'Breaking the Code: The Image of the Tsar in the Muscovite Palm Sunday Ritual', in Michael S. Flier and Daniel Rowland (eds.), Medieval Russian Culture, vol. 11 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994), pp. 214-32.


P. S. Stefanovich, Prikhod iprikhodskoe dukhovenstvo vRossii v XVI-XVII vekakh (Moscow: Indrik, 2002), pp. 250-1.


E. I. Kolycheva, 'Pravoslavnye monastyri vtoroipolovinyXV-XVI veka', in N. V Sinitsyna (ed.), Monashestvo i monastyri v Rossii, XI-XXveka (Moscow: Nauka, 2002), pp. 82-9.


Daniel H. Kaiser, 'Death and Dying in Early Modern Russia', in Nancy Shields Kollmann (ed.), MajorProblemsinEarlyModernRussianHistory (New York: Garland, 1992), pp. 217-57; Ludwig Steindorff,'Kloster als Zentren der Totensorge in Altrussland', FOG 50 (1995):



Ludwig Steindorff, 'Sravnenieistochnikovob organizatsiipominaniiausopshikhvIosifo- Volokolamskom i Troitse-Sergievom monastyriakh v XVI veke', Arkheograficheskii Ezhe- godnikza 1996g. (Moscow: Nauka, 1998), pp. 65-78.


Nancy S. Kollmann, 'Pilgrimage, Procession and Symbolic Space in Sixteenth-Century Russian Politics', in Michael S. Flier and Daniel Rowland (eds.), MedievalRussian Culture, vol. ii (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994), pp. 163-81; Isolde Thyret, Between God and Tsar: Religious Symbolism and the Royal Women of Muscovite Russia (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2001), pp. 2i-39ff.


Emchenko, Stoglav, pp. 330-5, 339-43; Vlasov 'Christianization', pp. 20-1; Eve Levin, 'Dvoeverie and Popular Religion', in Stephen K. Batalden (ed.), Seeking God: The Recovery of Religious Identity in Orthodox Russia, Ukraine, and Georgia (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1993), pp. 45-6.


Kolycheva, 'Monastyri', pp. 99-109.


A. A. Zimin and Ia. S. Lur'e (eds.), Poslaniia losifa Volotskogo (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1959), pp. 296-319; K. I. Nevostruev(ed.), 'Zhitie prepodobnogo Iosifa Voloko- lamskogo, sostavlennoe Savvoiu, episkopom krutitskim', Chteniia Obshchestva Liubitelei drevneipis'mennosti 2 (1865): 15-18, 24-31, 49-53, 61-5; and K. I. Nevostruev (ed.), 'Zhitie prepodobnogo Iosifa Volokolamskogo, sostavlennoe neizvestnym', ibid., 88-108; Koly­cheva, 'Monastyri', pp. 89-95.


M. S. Borovkova-Maikova, 'Nil Sorskogo predanieiustav', Pamiatnikidrevneipis'mennosti i iskusstva, no. 179 (St Petersburg, 1912), esp. pp. 21-2, 88-9.


E. B. Emchenko, 'Zhenskie monastyri v Rossii', in N. V Sinitsyna (ed.), Monashestvo i monastyri v Rossii, XI-XX veka (Moscow: Nauka, 2002), pp. 90, 245-84.


Russkaia Istoricheskaia Biblioteka, vol. vi, cols. 715-20; N. A. Kazakova and Ia. S. Lur'e, Antifeodal'nye ereticheskie dvizheniia na Rusi XIV - nachala XVI veka (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1955), pp. 309-115, 373-86, 468-73.


Kazakova and Lur'e, Dvizheniia, pp. 265-9, 309-13, 315-73, 391-414.


Ibid., pp. 137-46.


Ibid., pp. 320-73, 377, 391-414, 427-38, 466-77; Iosif Volotskii, Prosvetitel' ili oblichenie eresi zhidovstvuiushchikh, 4th edn (Kazan': Kazan'skii universitet, 1903), pp. 27-304.


Kazakova and Lur'e, Dvizheniia, pp. 74-91, 109-93; Ia. S. Lure', 'Istochniki po istorii "novoiavivsheisia novgorodskoi eresi" ("Zhidovstvuiushchikh")', Jews and Slavs 3 (1995): 199-223; M. Taube, 'The KievanJew Zacharia and the Astronomical Works of the Judaiz- ers', Jews and Slavs 3 (1995): 168-98; M. Taube, 'The "Poem of the Soul" in the Laodicean Epistle and the Literature of the Judaizers', HUS19 (1995): 671-85; M. Taube, 'Posleslovie k "Logicheskim terminam" Maimonida i eres' zhidovstvuiushchikh', in InMemoriam: Sbornik Pamiati la. S. Lur'e (St Petersburg: Atheneum-Feniks, 1997), pp. 239-46.


Kazakova and Lur'e, Dvizheniia, pp. 217-22, 436-8; Iu. V Ankhimiuk, 'Slovo na "Spisanie Iosifa" - pamiatnik rannego nestiazhatel'stva', Zapiski Otdela rukopisei Russkoi gosu- darstvennoi biblioteki 49 (1990): 115-46; N. A. Kazakova, Vassian Patrikeev i ego sochineniia (Moscow and Leningrad: AN, i960), pp. 253-77; A. I. Pliguzov, Polemika v russkoi tserkvi pervoi treti XVIstoletiia (Moscow: Indrik, 2002), pp. 57-80.


Pskovskie letopisi, vol. ii, ed. A. N. Nasonov (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1955), p. 252; ' "Slovo kratka" vzashchitu monastyrskikh imushchestv', ChOIDR (1902), no. 2: pp. 31-2.


Zimin and Lur'e (eds.), Poslaniia Iosifa, pp. 322-6, 367; Kazakova, Vassian, p. 279; Nevostruev (ed.), 'Zhitie, sostavlennoe neizvestnym', pp. 112-20; Iu. K. Begunov,' "Slovo inoe" - novonaidennoe proizvedenie russkoi publitsistiki XVI v. o bor'be Ivan III s zem- levladeniem tserkvi', TODRL 20 (1964): 351-2; PSRL, vol. vi (St Petersburg: Tipografiia Eduarda Pratsa, 1853), p. 49.


Pliguzov, Polemika,pp. 21-56,330-86; R. G. Skrynnikov, Kresti korona. Tserkov' igosudarstvo naRusi IX-XVIIvv. (St Petersburg: Iskusstvo, 2000), pp. 172-84.


Kazakova, Vassian, pp. 36-64, 232-3, 256-7, 272-4, 276-9; Pliguzov, Polemika, pp. 57-178,



Dimitri Obolensky, 'Italy, Mount Athos, and Muscovy: The Three Worlds of Maximos the Greek (c. 1470-1556)', Proceedings of the British Academy 67 (1981): 143-9; Maksim, Sochineniia, 3 vols., 2nd edn (Kazan': Kazan'skii universitet, 1894-7), vol. ii, pp. 89­118, vol. iii, pp. 182-3, 203; V F. Rzhiga, 'Neizdannye sochineniia Maksima "Greka"', Byzantinoslavica 6 (1935-6): 96, 100.


N. N. Pokrovskii, SudnyespiskiMaksimaGrekaiIsakaSobaki (Moscow: Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravleniia, 1971), pp. 90-125, 130-9; Kazakova, Vassian, pp. 285-318; Pliguzov, Polemika,

pp. 207-52.


AAE, vol. I (St. Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V. Kantseliarii, 1836), p. 141.


Maksim, Sochineniia, vol. I, pp. 387, 400-1; vol. ii, p. 149.


Russkaia Istoricheskaia Biblioteka, vol. iv, cols. 1407-12; V I. Zhmakin, 'Mitropolit Daniil i ego sochineniia', ChOlDR (1881), no. 2, app., pp. 1-39, 44-55, 62-76.


Pouncy (ed.), Domostroi, pp. 177, 93, 145, 176-90.


V A. Kuchkin, 'O formirovanii Velikikh Minei Chetii mitropolita Makariia', in A. A.

Sidorov (ed.), Problemy rukopisnoi i pechatnoi knigi (Moscow: Nauka, 1976), pp. 86-101.


Emchenko, Stoglav, pp. 256-9, 328-35, 343-56, 358-72, 376-80, 407-9.


Emchenko, Stoglav, pp. 239,244-5,255, 281-7,297-302,390,394-7,399-405; Jack Kollmann, 'The Stoglav', 66-91.


AAE, vol. i, pp. 240-56; M. V Dmitriev, Dissidents russes, 2 vols. (vols. xix, xx of Andre Seguenny, ed., BibliotekaDissidentium, Baden-Baden: V Koerner, 1998-9), vol. i, pp. 73-5; vol. ii, pp. 15-18, 22, 37, 61-3.


AAE, vol. i, pp. 249, 251-3; A. N. Popov (ed.), 'Poslanie mnogoslovnoe, sochinenie inoka Zinoviia', ChOIDR (1880), bk. 2, pp. 143-4; Russkaia Istoricheskaia Biblioteka, vol. iv, cols.



A. S. Zernova, Knigi kirillovskoi pechati, izdannye v Moskve v XVI-XVII vekakh (Moscow: Gosudarstvennaia biblioteka SSSR, 1958), pp. 11-25.


Iosif, Prosvetitel' (4th edn), p. 547; Zimin and Lur'e (eds.), PoslaniiaIosifa, pp. 183-5, 229-32; Maksim, Sochineniia, vol. ii, pp. 297-8.


SGGD, vol. II (St Petersburg: Tipografiia Vsevolozhskogo, 1819), pp. 94-103; Skrynnikov, Kresti korona, pp. 316-26.


Paul Bushkovitch, 'The Life ofSaint Filipp: Tsar and Metropolitan in the Late Sixteenth Century', in Flier and Rowland (eds.), Medieval Russian Culture, vol. ii, pp. 29-46.


A. I. Pliguzov and I. A. Tikhoniuk (eds.), Smuta v Moskovskom gosudarstve (Moscow: Sovremennik, i989), p. 64.


Konrad Bussov, Moskovskaia khronika, 1584-1613 (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1961), pp. 317, 320-1.


The literature on the Russkaia pravda is enormous. The fundamental edition remains the three volumes edited by B. D. Grekov et al., Pravda russkaia (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1940-63). The best translation into English is by Daniel H. Kaiser in his The Laws of Rus' -Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries (Salt Lake City, Ut.: Charles Schlacks, 1992), pp. 14-40. My favourite article is L. V Cherepnin's 'Obshchestvenno-politicheskie otnosheniia v drevnei Rusi i Russkaia pravda', in A. P. Novosel'tsev et al., Drevnerusskoegosudarstvo i ego mezhdunarodnoe znachenie (Moscow: Nauka, 1965), pp. 128-278.


The late Professor Oswald Prentiss Backus told me shortly before his death that he had discovered on an island in the Baltic a volume which might have been a Scandinavian prototype for the Russkaia pravda, but I have heard no more of this since his demise.


Aleksandr Ianov, Rossiia: U istokov tragedii 1462-1584 (Moscow: Progress, 2001), pp. 122-53.


Ihor Sevcenko, A Neglected Byzantine Source of Muscovite Political Ideology', Harvard Slavic Studies 2 (1954): 141-79.


Richard Hellie, 'Russian Law From Oleg to Peter the Great', the Foreword in Kaiser's Laws ofRus', pp. xxiii-xxiv. Kaiser's translations of the two codes can be found on pp. 66­105. Other relatively recent editions can be found in PRP, 8 vols. (Moscow: Gosiurizdat, 1952-63), vyp. ii: Pamiatnikipravafeodal'no-razdroblennoiRusiXII-XVvv., comp. A. A. Zimin (1953), pp. 210-44 and 282-381 andRZ, 9 vols. (Moscow: Iuridicheskaialiteratura, 1984-94), vol. i: Zakonodatel'stvo Drevnei Rusi, ed. V L. Ianin (1984), pp. 299-389. The Pskov Judicial Charter (Pskovskaia sudnaia gramota) will henceforth be cited as PSG, and the Novgorod Judicial Charter (Novgorodskaia sudnaia gramota) as NSG. The Muscovite Sudebniki can be found in Sudebniki XV-XVI vekov, ed. B. D. Grekov (Moscow and Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1952) and in other collections such as PRP and RZ. They are cited henceforth as: 1497 Sudebnik; 1550 Sudebnik, etc.


PSG, arts. 67, 98.


PSG, arts. 34, 98.


PSG, art. 13.


PSG, art. 9.


PSG, art. 114.


PSG, arts. 46, 47, 56.


PSG, art. 118, here a diseased cow.


PSG, arts. 46, 47.


PSG, arts. 30, 33.


PSG, arts. 30, 31, 32, 36, 38.


PSG, arts. 16,17, 29-32.


PSG, arts. 73, 74.


PSG, arts. 39, 40. Moscow was less favourable to the worker, who lost all his wages if he failed to fulfil the contract by leaving early: 1497 Sudebnik, art. 54,1550 Sudebnik, art. 83, 1589 Sudebnik Short, art. 16,1589 Sudebnik Expanded, art. 148.


PSG, art. 100.


PSG, arts. 88-91.


PSG, art. 58.


PSG, arts. 42, 44, 51, 63, 74-6, 84-7.


The oldest known pravaia gramota dates from 1284, in Smolensk.


PSG, art. 61. See also 1497 Sudebnik, art. 27.


PSG, art. 39. In Muscovy, a worker who quit before his contract was completed lost all of his wages (1497 Sudebnik, art. 54). Half a century later, however, a provision was added that an employer who did not pay his employee his due had to pay double that sum (1550 Sudebnik, art. 83; 1589 Sudebnik, art. 148 increased the penalty to triple).


PSG, art. 44.


PSG, art. 78. This replaced the traditional East Slavic practice of walking the boundaries with a piece of turf on the litigant's head. See Elena Pavlova, 'Private Land Ownership in Northeastern Russia during the Late Appanage Period (Last Quarter of the Four­teenth through the Middle of the Fifteenth Century)', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1998.


A good discussion of trial by combat (pole) can be found in Grekov, Sudebniki, pp. 47-50. Pole appeared only at the end of the fourteenth century, in a Novgorodian Church statute book (kormchaia kniga).


See also PSG, arts. 10, 13, 17,18, 21, 36, 37,101,117,119.


PSG, arts. 68-9.


Richard Hellie, Slavery inRussia 1450-1725 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), pp. 477-8. A poignant quotation from a 1582 report to Ivan IV on slaves in the courtroom is quoted in the above text.


PSG, arts. 25, 26, 39.


PSG, art. 53.


NSG, arts. 2-3.


NSG, art. 25.


NSG, arts. 6, 7.


NSG, art. 42.


NSG, art. 40.


NSG, art. 9.


NSG, arts. 28-9.


NSG, arts. 31, 32.


NSG, arts. 8, 23, 33, 34.


NSG, art. 34.


NSG, arts. 10,11,13.


NSG, arts. 14-15.


NSG, arts. 16-19.


NSG, art. 27.


NSG, art. 25.


Hellie, Slavery in Russia. See also A. I. Iakovlev (ed.), Novgorodskie zapisnye kabal'nye knigi 100-104 i 111 godov (1591-1596 i 1602-1603 gg-) (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1939), which includes the registration of a number of sixteenth-century documents. Another indicator of the importance of slavery in pre-1478 Novgorod is the fact that the famous archaeological excavations took place at the intersections of Slave and High streets. The so-called birch-bark charters were found there because the slave market was one of the most active places in Novgorod and a reader-writer set up business at that busy intersection to serve the needs of the largely illiterate population of the city. Once the professional reader had read the birch-bark message to his illiterate customer, the latter threw it into the muck, which preserved the letter for more than half a millennium.


NSG, art. 36.


S. M. Kashtanov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaia istoriia Rossii kontsaXV-pervoipoloviny XVI veka (Moscow: Nauka, 1967), pp. 4-5.


Ibid., pp. 14-15.


S. M. Kashtanov, 'Feodal'nyi immunitet v gody boiarskogo pravleniia (1538-1548 gg.)', IZ 66 (i960): 240.


S. M. Kashtanov, 'K voprosu ob otmene tarkhanov v 1575/76 g.', IZ 77 (1965): 210-11.


For a superb history and analysis ofjudicial immunities, see Marc David Zlotnik, 'Immu­nity Charters and the Centralization of the Muscovite State', unpublished Ph.D. disser­tation, University of Chicago, 1976, pp. 113-64.


1497 Sudebnik, art. 51. See also below, n. 66.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 26, 36-8, 45, 51; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 15, 20, 22, 23, 28-30, 48, 49, 62, 68, 74, 75; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 20-2, 31, 32, 34, 35, 75, 78, 97-9,116,122, 133,134.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. [theft] 34, 36, 39; [assault] 48, 53; [robbery] 48; [insult] 53; 1550 Sudeb­nik, arts. [arson] 12, 61, 62; [assault] 11, 16, 25, 31; [brigandage] 53, 59, 60, 62, 89; [church theft] 55, 61; [destroying land boundary markers] 87; [espionage, treason] 61; [false accu­sation, slander] 59, 72; [forgery] 59; [insult, injuring someone's honour] 25, 26, 31, 62, 70; [kidnapping] 55; [murder] 12, 59, 60, 62, 71, 72; [notorious criminal] 52, 53, 59-61, 71; [official malfeasance] 3-5,18,21,28,32,53,54; [robbery] 16, 25; [swindling] 58; [theft] 52-55, 57, 60, 62, 71. The 1589 list is the same.


1497 Sudebnik, art. 41; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 22, 24, 48, 60, 62-4, 66-8, 70-2, 75, 96; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 34, 36, 37, 97, 114, 116-18, 125-9,133,134, 198.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 1, 33, 34, 38, 67; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 1, 32, 53, 62, 68, 99; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 1, 80, 96,104,122, 202.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 3-8,15-18,21-6,28-30,36,38-40,44,48,50,53, 64, 65, 68; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 8-12, 15, 16, 18, 28, 30-1, 33-42, 44-6, 49-51, 55, 59, 62, 65, 74, 75, 77; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 10-17, 21, 27, 29, 77-9, 81-91, 94-6, 99,102,116,133,134,139. On summonses, see 1497 Sudebnik, art. 26; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 21, 41; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 168,171.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 27, 32.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 62, 69 mention that some officials are literate, others are not. See also 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 116,123.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 41, 42, 49, 69, 72, 75; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 98, 99, 124, 129,134.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 7, 98; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 8, 201.


Inter alia, see 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 39, 54, 63, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 76, 77, 100; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. ii7, ii9, i20, i2i, i26, i28, i29, i36-40, 204.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 19, 21; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 28,37, 38, 60, 97; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 75, 86, 200.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 3-5,18, 21,32,38,53,54,71; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 3-5, 29, 80,104-6,126. In some sense, the worst official sanction was disgrace (opala), whereby an official became a nobody (1550 Sudebnik, art. 7; 1589 Sudebnik, art. 8).


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 3, 25, 26, 44, 53, 67, 69, 75; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 39, 43,105,123.


1497 Sudebnik, art. 34; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 53, 69, 95, 99. Art. 99 demanded that oral witnesses could report only what they had actually seen (also 1589 Sudebnik, art. 203).


1550 Sudebnik, art. 27.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 46-8, 52, 58; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 16, 19, 25, 27, 93; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 27, 30, 40, 74.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 4-7,38, 48-9,52, 68; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 9-17,19, 62, 89; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 12-22, 27, 28, 30, 180.


A forerunner can be seen in 1497 Sudebnik, art. 53. See especially 1550 Sudebnik, art. 26, which lists a dishonour sum for most residents of Muscovy, including peasants and slaves. See also arts. 25, 31, 62, and 70.1589 Sudebnik, arts. 39, 41-73. These last articles amount essentially to a bezchest'e (dishonour) statute, anticipating chapter 10 ofthe 1649 Ulozhenie.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 46, 47, 52; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 15-18; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 20-2, 27-9.


On the investigation (obysk), see 1497 Sudebnik, arts. 14, 34; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 52, 56, 57, 72; 1589 Sudebnik, art. 205 et al.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 3, 70; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 3,125.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 14,31,35; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 12, 47, 49,54,55,58,70, 72; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 10, 17, 81, 96, 98, 99, 106, 107, 125, 128, 129.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 7-11,13, 33, 34, 46, 53, 55, 58; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 8,11, 16, 18, 105,107.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 56, 57, 59-61; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 108, 109,113-15. See also the earlier discussion ofvarious delicts.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 5, 6, 8, 9, 28, 32-4, 42, 47, 53, 54, 58, 99; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 5, 6, 11,12, 80, 8i, i04-6, ii0.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 8,39. See also n. 62 above. Most interesting is the stress that deserving felons had to be executed and could not be turned over to their victims as slaves to compensate the victims for their losses, even if the felons' property was insufficient to compensate the victims.


See 1497 Sudebnik, art. 34 [torture]; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 52, 56, 57, 72. 74.


1589 Sudebnik, art. 103.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 10, 62; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 5, 6, 28, 55, 58, 87, 99; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 4-6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 80, 81, 102, 103, 105-7, 112, 113, 170, 172, 203, 212, 213. The considerable expansion of savage flogging between 1550 and 1589 is evident just in this list.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 29, 63; 1550 Sudebnik, art. 84. There were no service landholdings in the Dvina Land, so it is not surprising that the 1589 Sudebnik did not mention the subject.


Richard Hellie, EnserfmentandMilitary Change inMuscovy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971), pp. 37-8.


Even today, fences are not as common in Eastern Europe as they are in America. One may assume that the appearance of fences reflects a desire to save labour on herding livestock and to protect crops from grazing livestock, as well as an increasing value of land. See 1497 Sudebnik, art. 61; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 86, 87; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 168,171.


1497 Sudebnik, art. 55. This was elaborated on in 1550 Sudebnik, art. 88, which reflected the introduction of the three-field system of agriculture.


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 17, 18, 23, 40-3, 55, 56, 66. The centrality of slavery in Muscovy is further reflected in 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 26, 35, 40, 54, 59-63, 65-7, 71, 77-81. Article 76 is a miniature slavery statute, and article 90 reflects the increasing use of slaves in military operations; a slave who was captured by enemy forces was freed if he returned to Muscovy. The fact that there were so many articles on slavery in 1589 Sudebnik (arts. 88, ii3, ii5, ii7, ii9-2i, i36-46, i82) is a manifestation of how omni-present the institution was in Muscovy.


1497 Sudebnik, art. 63; 1550 Sudebnik, arts. 24, 84; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 37,149,150,156.


1497 Sudebnik, art. 60; 1550 Sudebnik, art. 92; 1589 Sudebnik, art. 190.


D. P. Makovskii, Razvitie tovarno-denezhnykh otnoshenii v sel'skom khoziaistve Russkogo gosudarstvav XVI veka (Smolensk: Smolenskii pedagogicheskii institut, 1963).


1497 Sudebnik, arts. 53, 55. Note the 1550 Sudebnik expansion: arts. 11,15,16,31,36, 82, 90. See also 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 15, 84,146,147, 181,182.


1550 Sudebnik, art. 36; 1589 Sudebnik, art. 84. This had no precedent.


1550 Sudebnik, arts. 94-6; 1589 Sudebnik, arts. 195-8.


PSRL, vol. vi, pt. 2 (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury 2001), pp. 286-7, 313-14; PSRL, vol. xx, pt. 1 (St Petersburg: Tipografiia M. A. Aleksandrova, 1910), pp. 335, 348.


Donald Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols: Cross-Culturallnfluences on the Steppe Frontier, 1304-1589 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 164-70.


Charles J. Halperin, 'The Russian Land and the Russian Tsar: The Emergence of Mus­covite Ideology, 1380-1408', FOG 23 (1976): 79-82; Jaroslaw Pelenski, 'The Origins of the Official Muscovite Claims to the "Kievan Inheritance" ', HUS1 (1977): 40-2,51-2 and 'The Emergence of the Muscovite Claims to the Byzantine-Kievan "Imperial Inheritance"', HUS 7 (i983): 20-i.


PSRL, vol. viii (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 2001), pp. 212-13.


Deno John Geanakoplos, Byzantine East & Latin West: Two Worlds of Christendom in Middle Ages andRenaissance, Studies in Ecclesiastical and CulturalHistory (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1966), pp. 63-5; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 207-8.


David M. Goldfrank, The Monastic Rule ofIosifVolotsky, rev. edn, Cistercian Studies Series, no. 36 (Kalamazoo, Mich., and Cambridge, Mass.: Cistercian Publications, 2000), p. 42; Daniel Rowland, 'Did Muscovite Literary Ideology Place Limits on the Power of the Tsar (1540s-1660s)?', RR 49 (1990): 126-31; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 199-218.


Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 171-6.


Edward L. Keenan, 'Muscovite Political Folkways', RR 45 (1986): 128-36; Nancy Shields Kollmann, Kinship and Politics: The Making of the Muscovite Political System, 1345-1547 (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1987), pp. 146-87; Kollmann, By Honor Bound, pp. 169-202; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 85-107,135-43,199-218.


Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, p. 218; Michael S. Flier, 'Till the End of Time: The Apocalypse in Russian Historical Experience before 1500', in Valerie A. Kivelson and Robert H. Greene (eds.), Orthodox Russia: Belief and Practice under the Tsars (University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003), pp. 152-8.


I. E. Grabar' (ed.), Istoriia russkogo iskusstva, 13 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1953-64), vol. III (:955), pp. 282-333; T. F. Savarenskaia (ed.), Arkhitekturnye ansambli Moskvy XV-nachala XXvekov: Printsipy khudozhestvennogo edinstva (Moscow: Stroiizdat, 1997), pp. 17-53.


See historical survey with source references in V P. Vygolov, ArkhitekturaMoskovskoiRusi serediny XV veka (Moscow: Nauka, 1988), pp. 177-210.


PSRL, vol. xxv (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1949), p. 324.


T. V Tolstaia, Uspenskii sobor Moskovskogo Kremlia (Moscow: Nauka, 1979), p. 30; G. N. Bocharov, 'Tsarskoe Mesto Ivana Groznogo v Moskovskom Uspenskom sobore', in Pamiatniki russkoi arkhitektury i monumental'nogo iskusstva: Goroda, ansambli, zodchie, ed. V P. Vygolov (Moscow: Nauka, 1985), p. 46.


Herberstein, Notes, vol. ii, pp. 112-42.


Chancellor, 'First Voyage', p. 24.


Ibid., p. 25.


Antonio Possevino, TheMoscoviaof Antonio Possevino, SJ.,ed. andtrans. HughF. Graham, UCIS Series in Russian and East European Studies, no. 1 (Pittsburgh: University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1977), p. 47.


Sir Jerome Horsey 'Travels', in Berry and Crummey (eds.), Rude and Barbarous Kingdom,

p. 303.


Fletcher, 'Russe Commonwealth', pp. 131-2; cf. Herberstein, Notes, vol. ii, pp. 34-8.


L.A. Iuzefovich, 'Kak v posol'skikh obychaiakh vedetsia' (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1988), pp. 115-16.


Nancy Shields Kollmann, 'Pilgrimage, Procession, and Symbolic Space in Sixteenth- Century Russian Politics', in Michael S. Flier and Daniel Rowland (eds.), Medieval Russian Culture, 2 vols. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994), vol. ii, pp. 163-6.


PSRL, vol. xiii (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 2000), pp. 220-8.


Russell E. Martin, 'Dynastic Marriage in Muscovy, i500-i729', unpublished Ph.D. disser­tation, Harvard University 1996, pp. 30-110.


GrigorijKotosixin, O Rossii v carstvovanie Alekseja Mixajlovica: Text and Commentary, ed. A. E. Pennington (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980), fos. 63-64^ 67, 149, 150.


Nancy Shields Kollmann, 'Ritual and Social Drama at the Muscovite Court', SR 45 (1986):



David B. Miller, 'The Velikie minei chetii and the Stepennaia kniga of Metropolitan Makarii and the Origins of Russian National Consciousness', FOG 26 (1979): 264-7, 312-13, 362-8; V M. Zhivov and B. A. Uspenskii, 'Tsar' i Bog: Semioticheskie aspekty sakralizatsii monarkha v Rossii', in lazyki kul'tury i problemy perevodimosti (Moscow: Nauka, 1978), pp. 56-7, 84; Possevino, Moscovia, p. 47.


Daniel Rowland, 'Moscow - the Third Rome or the New Israel?', RR 55 (1996): 602-3.


Dukhovnyeidogovornyegramotyvelikikhiudel'nykhkniazeiXIV-XVIvv., ed.L.V Cherepnin (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1950), p. 8.


R. P. Dmitrieva, Skazanie o kniaz'iakh vladimirskikh (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1955), pp. 164, 177, 190.


In general, the importance of the notion Moscow - Third Rome is grossly exaggerated in the historiography of sixteenth-century Muscovy; see Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 219-43.


Ihor Sevcenko, 'A Neglected Byzantine Source of Muscovite Political Ideology', in his Byzantium and the Slavs in Letters and Culture (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1991), p. 72.


The discussion of these rituals in Moscow is based on information from foreigners, Russian chronicles, published archival documents, and seventeenth-century ceremonial books from Moscow's Dormition cathedral, which reflect directly or indirectly practices from the preceding century (Aleksandr Golubtsov, 'Chinovniki Moskovskogo Uspen- skogo sobora', ChOlDR, 1907, bk. IV pt. I).


Golubtsov, 'Chinovniki', 1-4,147-50, 214, 279; Konstantin Nikol'skii, OsluzhbakhRusskoi tserkvi byvshikh vprezhnikhpechatnykh bogosluzhebnykh knigakh (St Petersburg: Tipografiia Tovarishchestva 'Obshchestvennaia pol'za', 1885), pp. 98-158.


Frank Kampfer, '"RuBland an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit": Kunst, Ideologie und his- torisches BewuBtsein unter Ivan Groznyj',JGO 23 (1975): 509.


Golubtsov 'Chinovniki', 82-5, 242; Nikol'skii, O sluzhbakh, pp. 214-36.


In Eastern Orthodox church decoration, the Last Judgement depicted on the western wall is typically the final image encountered by the faithful as they leave the nave.


V G. Briusova, 'Kompozitsiia "Novozavetnoi Troitsy" v stenopisi Uspenskogo sobora', in E. S. Smirnova (ed.), Uspenskii sobor Moskovskogo Kremlia (Moscow: Nauka, 1985), pp. 88-97.


Golubtsov 'Chinovniki', 35-7,176,218,294-5; Nikol'skii, Osluzhbakh,pp. 287-96; Fletcher, 'Russe Commonwealth', p. 233.


Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations Voiages and Discoveries ofthe English Nation, 2 vols., ed. David Beers Quinn and Raleigh Ashlin Skelton (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965), vol. I, p. 341; Fletcher, 'Russe Commonwealth', pp. 233-4.


Poe (People, p. 48, n. 41) provides a complete list of foreign references for the Epiphany and Palm Sunday rituals.


Fletcher, 'Russe Commonwealth', pp. 233-4.


Hakluyt, Principall Navigations, vol. I, pp. 343-4. Cf. Paul A. Bushkovitch, 'The Epiphany Ceremony of the Russian Court in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries', RR 49 (1990): 1-4.


Rowland, 'Limits', 135.


Golubtsov, 'Chinovniki', 103-8, 250-3; Nikol'skii, O sluzhbakh, pp. 45-97; Michael S. Flier, 'Breaking the Code: The Image of the Tsar in the Muscovite Palm Sunday Ritual', in Flier and Rowland (eds.), Medieval Russian Culture, vol. ii, pp. 213-18, 227-32.


Hakluyt, Principall Navigations, vol. I, pp. 341-2.


Ibid., p. 342.


Fletcher, 'Russe Commonwealth', p. 234.


Hakluyt, Principall Navigations, vol. I, pp. 343-4. Cf. Robert O. Crummey, 'Court Spec­tacles in Seventeenth-Century Russia: Illusion and Reality', in Daniel C. Waugh (ed.), Essays in Honor ofA.A. Zimin (Columbus, Oh.: Slavica Publishers, 1985), p. 134.


Konrad Bussov, Moskovskaiakhronika, 1584-1613, ed. 1.1. Smirnov trans. S. A. Akuliants (Leningrad: AN SSSR, i96i), pp. i85, 320-i.


Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 203-10.


S. F. Platonov, Ocherki po istorii smuty v Moskovskom gosudarstve XVI-XVII vv., [4th edn] (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel'stvo, 1937); 5th edn (Moscow: Pamiatniki istoricheskoi mysli, 1995).


I. I. Smirnov, Vosstanie Bolotnikova, 1606-1607, 2nd edn (Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo politicheskoi literatury, i95i), pp. 493-4.


For example, A. A. Zimin, 'Nekotorye voprosy istorii krest'ianskoi voiny v Rossii v nachale XVII veka', VI1958, no.3: pp. 97-113.


R. G. Skrynnikov, RossiiavnachaleXVIIv. 'Smuta' (Moscow: Mysl', 1988); R. G. Skrynnikov SmutavRossiivnachaleXVIIv. Ivan Bolotnikov (Leningrad: Nauka, 1988); A. L. Stanislavskii, Grazhdanskaiavoinav Rossii XVIIv. Kazachestvo naperelome istorii (Moscow: Mysl', 1990).


Maureen Perrie, Pretenders and Popular Monorchism in Early Modern Russia. The False Tsars of the Time of Troubles (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995); Chester S. L. Dunning, Russia's First Civil War. The Time of Troubles and the Founding of the Romanov Dynasty (University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001).


Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 131-2.


Skrynnikov, Rossiia v nachale XVII v., pp. 79-103: Perrie, Pretenders, pp. 44-50.


A. P. Pavlov, Gosudarev dvor i politicheskaia bor'ba pri Borise Godunove (1584-1605 gg.)

(St Petersburg: Nauka, 1992), pp. 78-9.


Perrie, Pretenders, pp. 55-8.


AAE, vol. II (St Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V Kantseliarii, 1836), no. 26, p. 76.


AAE, vol. II, no. 34, pp. 89-91.


Conrad Bussow, TheDisturbedStateoftheRussianRealm,ed. andtrans. G. EdwardOrchard (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994), p. 50.


V I. Ul'ianovskii, Rossiiskie samozvantsy: Lzhedmitrii I (Kiev: Libid', 1993), pp. 41-124.


Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 201-25.


Zakonodatel'nye akty Russkogo gosudarstva vtoroi poloviny XVI - pervoi poloviny XVII veka. Teksty (Leningrad: Nauka, 1986), nos. 54-5, pp. 73-4.


Ul'ianovskii, Rossiiskie samozvantsy, pp. 170-230; Perrie, Pretenders, pp. 87-9.


VI. Koretskii,Formirovaniekrepostnogopravaipervaiakrest'ianskaiavoinavRossii(Moscow: Nauka, 1975), pp. 243-9.


Ul'ianovskii, Rossiiskie samozvantsy, pp. 125-230.


AAE, vol. II, no. 57, p. 129.


Skrynnikov, Smuta v Rossii, pp. 134-5; Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 304-5.


Vosstanie I. Bolotnikova. Dokumenty i materialy, comp. A. I. Kopanev and A. G. Man'kov (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi literatury, i959), p. 225.


PSRL, vol. xiv (Moscow: Nauka, 1965), p. 89, para.195.


Perrie, Pretenders, pp. 131-4,144-9.


I. O. Tiumentsev, SmutavRossiivnachaleXVIIstoletiia:dvizhenieLzhedmitriiaII(Volgograd: Volgogradskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, 1999), p. 72.


Skrynnikov, Smuta v Rossii, pp. 191-3; Tiumentsev Smuta v Rossii, pp. 72-9; Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 372-3.


Skrynnikov, Smuta v Rossii, pp. 190-202; Tiumentsev, Smuta v Rossii, pp. 74-9; Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 368-72.


Perrie, Pretenders, p. 165.


Tiumentsev SmutavRossii, pp. 112-16.


Perrie, Pretenders, pp. 171-3; Tiumentsev Smuta v Rossii, pp. 116-26; Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 391-2.


Vosstanie I. Bolotnikova, pp. 229-31.


A. Palitsyn, Skazanie Avraamiia Palitsyna (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1955), p. 117.


Tiumentsev SmutavRossii, pp. 298-305, 543-5.


Pskovskieletopisi, ed. A. N. Nasonov vol. ii (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1955), p. 268; cf. Tiument- sev, SmutavRossii, pp. 198-202, 219-55.


Tiumentsev, SmutavRossii, p. 419.


Ibid., pp. 493-5.


Ibid., pp. 508-14.


K. V Chistov Russkie narodnye sotsial'no-utopicheskie legendy XVII-XIX vv. (Moscow: Nauka, 1967), p. 66.


Stanislavskii, Grazhdanskaia voina, pp. 36-9; Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 425-6.


Stanislavskii, Grazhdanskaiavoina, pp. 40-2; Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 429-30.


PSRL, vol. xiv, p. 115, para. 279.


Perrie, Pretenders, pp. 211-16.


AAE, vol. II, no. 194.i1, pp. 333-4.


Perrie, Pretenders, pp. 216-18.


Ibid., pp. 218-28.


Stanislavskii, Grazhdanskaiavoina, pp. 93-152.


Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, p. 459.


Platonov, Ocherki [4th edn], pp. 429-33.


A. P. Pavlov, 'Gosudarev dvor v istorii Rossii XVII veka', FOG 56 (2000): 227-42; Dunning, Russia's First Civil War, pp. 461-80.
