I met Esmeralda Ramirez for lunch at a diner near her home. I got there first. The place wasn’t crowded. The economy was slipping further. People were worried.

The weather matched the mood of the country. Typical Midwest February, cold and wet and gloomy. No snow had fallen in several weeks, but sheets of ice lined the streets and sidewalks. I almost took a header walking into the place. Everything was harder to do this time of year.

I didn’t recognize her when she walked in. She was wearing one of those puffy jackets, light blue, and a matching hat with a beanie on top. She looked like a little girl in many ways.

But she wasn’t a little girl. She was a widow. A mother of two. And unemployed, last I checked.

“How are you?” I asked. I hate small-talk intros like that, but I really wanted to know.

From what I could tell of Essie Ramirez, she didn’t like to play the pity card. She gave a bitter smile, like she was actually going to give me a substantive answer, but she quickly retreated. “I’ve had better days,” she said. “And you? Have you succeeded in your quest?”

“Getting there.”

We ordered coffee and took menus.

“I have questions,” I told her.

She wrapped her hands around the coffee. Her youthful face was drawn, sleep-deprived, and lined along the eyes and forehead. She was tired and stressed. I wasn’t having the time of my life these days, either, but I had some money and I didn’t have two children to feed and care for.

She looked up at me.

“You said I’d made some progress with your husband,” I said. “That I’d convinced him to tell me what he knew.”

“Yes. That’s what I thought.”

“And then he came home one night and he said, ‘The truth doesn’t matter. It’s not worth prison.’ Words to that effect?”


“Why ‘prison?’ Why would he be worried about going to prison?”

She took a drink of coffee and savored it. It was actually a pretty good cup for a diner. Hot, dark, and smooth.

I liked Essie. She had very little going for her right now, but she carried herself with quiet dignity. She didn’t complain or even raise her voice when she spoke. And I had to admit, she was attractive. Large, watery brown eyes, long lashes, a small curved face. Ernesto had done well for himself.

She stared at me for a moment. “Are you asking me if my husband was involved in something illegal?”


“Then ask me that.”

That was another thing I liked about her. She was direct. From my limited conversations with her, she had absolutely zero capacity for bullshit.

“Was your husband involved in something illegal?”

“The answer is no.”

“Do you think you would know? I mean, you said he was protective. Old-fashioned. He wouldn’t talk to you about certain things.”

“And I took all of that into account in giving you my answer. I knew him better than anyone. I would have known.”

I believed her. I believed that she would know if her husband was up to no good, even if he tried to shield her from it. And that was saying something, because in my experience, the human capacity for deception knows no bounds.

“Did your husband ever talk about Joseph Espinoza? Or Joey Espinoza?”


“Hector Almundo?”


“Charlie Cimino?”

Third time was a charm. She held on that name. “That one,” she said. “He owned housing, I believe. A slumlord.”

That could be. Charlie was a developer. I thought he handled more commercial than anything, but sure, it was more than possible that Charlie did residential housing, too.

“My husband was part of a protest. He didn’t lead it, but he was part of it. The conditions at the housing unit.”

Interesting. A new connection, possibly. “Anything come of that? The protest?”

She shook her head. “I don’t remember. It was a few years ago. I just don’t remember. All I remember is that Ernesto did not like that man. He thought he took advantage of poor people.”

I made a mental note. Okay, move on.

“Ernesto still had friends in the gangs,” I said.

She nodded. “A fragile truce.”

“Come again?”

“It’s how he referred to his relationship with the gangs. The Lords and the Cannibals. He was trying to steal away their members. He was trying to give those children an alternative. He was a threat to the gangs, in a real way. But he managed to coexist with them. He knew them. He socialized with them. He liked them. He taught some of them.”

I thought back to the day I confronted Ernesto in Liberty Park. The day he was killed. The two gangbangers standing with him. The tattoo of a tiny dagger on their upper arm, the sign of a Latin Lord.

“There was a guy I saw in Liberty Park with your husband,” I said. “A little under six feet, broad-chested. He had a goatee. And a long scar across his forehead.”

Nothing seemed to register, not surprisingly, until I got to the part about the scar on the forehead. Her eyes trailed off. She gave a presumptive nod. She knew whom I meant.

“I’d like to talk to him,” I said.

After lunch, I went to the office. I drafted a couple of motions and prepared for a court appearance tomorrow. Most of the work I was handling was civil in nature, not criminal, as it had come courtesy of Charlie Cimino. Civil cases are different than criminal. The primary way they are different is that they are utterly boring. Pushing all kinds of paper. Preparing four to five years for trial. Not my style. But at least it was all litigation, and it was paying the bills for now.

For now. Until the U.S. attorney shut down its operation and swooped in with all kinds of indictments. Including one for me, as Christopher Moody had promised. It would be, for all practical purposes, the end of my legal career.

I brought some work home and reviewed some legal research. I also thought about Madison Koehler. More to the point, I thought about sex. The sleeping giant-figuratively speaking-had been awakened, and now I wanted more. I wasn’t sure if it was the pure carnal gratification I craved or just the reminder that I was still alive.

I fell asleep on the love seat. I woke with a start somewhere in the middle of the night from a steamy dream. Silk sheets, sweaty bodies, soft moans, and naughty laughter. The woman in the dream, as it happened, was Ernesto Ramirez’s wife.
