
While the mad rush of drafting a novel is an inherently solitary act, this story wouldn’t exist without the advice and support of a great many wonderful people.

First and foremost, thank you to my long-time writing group, Earl T Roske, EA Foley, and Trish Henry, for your always insightful critiques. And, of course, for suffering my caffeine-hyped ramblings about plot, characterization, and worldbuilding.

Thank you to my Secret Agent, Sam Morgan, and the whole JABberwocky team for backing up this crazy thing that’s become my writing career.

Thank you to Marc Gascoigne, Phil Jourdan, Michael R Underwood, Penny Reeve, and the Angry Robot team for all your support and insight.

Thank you to Jay Swanson, whose drawings of cats on airships never fail to buoy my spirits.

Thank you to all the wonderful authors who have offered me their support and advice over this last year. There are just too many to list. Your generous spirits and immeasurable talents are what keep the genre community going strong.

Thank you, too, to all the bookstores and wonderful booksellers who have hosted me.

And of course, thank you to Joey Hewitt. I wouldn’t be half so sane without him.

Last but not least, thank you to you. That’s right, you, dear reader, for allowing me to spin you a tale. I hope you’ll stick with me for many more to come.
