
I’m very grateful to Alexandra Pringle, Elizabeth Robinson and Donna Tartt for reading early drafts of the novel and making valuable suggestions. Binky Urban read every draft and was, as always, incredibly helpful and supportive. Gary Fisketjon read the book with his usual close, critical and sympathetic scrutiny and this novel is all the better for it. Ruthie Reisner made the system at Knopf work for us. Thanks to Chip Kidd for another killer book jacket design. I’d also like to thank Lydia Buechler for her sharp eye, Carol Edwards for her sensitive copyediting and Kathleen Fridella for turning the manuscript into a book. Beverly Burris, my much-missed assistant, performed dozens of research and fact-checking missions, great and small. I’d also like to thank Ben Frischer, who did the initial research for the novel. Special thanks to Morgan Entrekin, coach of the Art & Love team. And finally I want to thank my wife, Anne, for her encouragement and support.
