It is a strange universe.
He ponders this without putting it in words. It’s easier that way.
Lately, he has found quite a few means to express ideas without the swarm of busy, smacking, humming, clattering noises that used to run through all his thoughts.
Music and song. Numbers. Pencil sketches. Feelings. And the strange colors cast by those funny living-visors people sometimes wear on this world.
He can think the name of the beasts and is proud of the accomplishment.
As he slowly gets better, he finds he can contemplate important names more clearly.
Sara, Jomah, Prity…
And some other words, occasionally two or three at a time.
Memory, too, is becoming more clarified. He can recall the scoutship, for instance, blasted as he tried a futile diversion, attempting to draw a hunter ship away from its prey.
He failed, taking a jolting series of blows, and there had followed a period that was still a blur to him, a vague impression of rapid movement and change… after which he found himself plummeting, on fire, crashing—
No, no. Think of something else.
Riding. That was a much nicer thing to muse upon.
Riding a saddled animal. A spirited horse. The heady, surprising joy of it, with cool wind in his face, bringing a thousand amazing smells.
How strange to find so many things to like about this new world! About a life robbed of the one thing that makes most humans human. A command of words.
And now he remembers. Something very much like this injury of his happened before. To a friend.
To his captain.
An image swirls through his mind. A handsome, sleek-gray figure. Flukes thrashing through water filled with tiny bubbles. A narrow, bottle-shaped jaw, filled with pointy, grinning teeth. A brain, wounded, but still profoundly wise.
Silently, he mouths three syllables.
Crei… dei… ki…
And all at once this triggers more memories. More friends. A ship. A mission. A need.
An image of watery depths. So deep and black that no light could ever penetrate — a hiding place, but no sanctuary. In all the vast cosmos, there is no sanctuary.
But now, as if released from the prison of his illness, one more thing swarms through his mind, surprising him with sudden recognition.
A name.
My… name.
Slippery from pent-up frustration, it shoots out from wherever it had lain, dammed up for so long. Caroming back and forth, it finally settles down within reach.
It ought never have gone away. It should be the most familiar word in a person’s life, yet only now does it return, as if to say “welcome back.”
Riding through a night washed with exotic moonlight, surrounded by curious beings and a culture unlike any he had ever known, he now laughs aloud, ecstatic to be able to do this simple thing. This one, cherished act.
My… name… is… Emerson.