Chapter Four
“I think you’re going to need a new room, Mr. Decker.”
Decker looked up from the bed where he was sitting, holding a wadded-up pillow case against his wound. The man speaking had introduced himself as Lieutenant Tally of the New York City police department.
“This one’s kind of messed up.”
He looked over at the wall that Decker’s shot had thrown the second man against. The wall was smeared with blood, and the man was still lying against the base of it.
“Do you know these two?” Decker asked.
The first man had already been carried out, and now two men entered to carry the second man out.
“The gun near him is mine,” Decker said. “I’d like it back. Also the knife.”
“You’ll get them,” Tally said. “To answer your question, yeah, I do know them. For a dollar and a half they’d kill their own mother. As a matter of fact, they did.”
“They were brothers?”
“Yes. One was called Boil, the other Clyde.”
“I see.”
“Would you mind telling me what they wanted?”
“They said they wanted me.”
“What for?”
“They said they were going to kill me.”
“What for?”
“They didn’t say that.”
“What did they say?”
“That they followed me from the train station.”
“They say why?”
“To kill me.”
“Are we back to that again?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“And you don’t know why?”
“You have no idea?”
“Have you ever seen them before?”
“Would you like to go to the hospital and get that shoulder looked at?”
“N—I think that would be a fine idea.”
They took him to a hospital on Second Avenue, where Tally walked him down to an area where a lot of people were being treated for wounds.
“What happened here?” Tally asked a doctor.
“Big fight on Broadway,” the man answered. “We’re swamped here. What have you got?”
“Bullet wound.”
“Bad?” the doctor asked, looking at Decker.
“Not too bad,” Decker said.
“I can have a nurse dress it,” the doctor said to Lieutenant Tally.
“That’ll be fine.” Tally turned to Decker and said, “I’ll wait for you outside and take you back to your hotel.”
“I appreciate it.”
“Come with me,” the doctor said.
He led Decker to a small cubicle with a table and chair and said, “Sit on the table and wait. A nurse will be right with you.”
Decker nodded. He waited a full ten minutes, and then a woman entered and pulled a white curtain closed so that they wouldn’t be disturbed. Decker was going to say something, but when she turned, the words caught in his throat.
“Hello,” she said.
She was beautiful, sultry, even in white. She had brown eyes, with heavy eyebrows, and a lush mouth. She was about twenty-four, five five and slender. At the moment her beautiful face looked a little sad, as if she’d seen a lot of pain that night—or that year.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I…got shot.”
“I know that, silly,” she said. “I mean, why were you staring?”
“Was I?” he asked. “I’m sorry.”
She almost said something, then just gave her head a little shake and moved toward him.
“Let me have a look at that.”
She leaned over him to look at the wound, and he could smell her, her hair. She must have been on duty for a while, because he could smell her sweat, a scent that was not at all unpleasant.
She slid his jacket down and looked at his shoulder.
“This doesn’t look too bad.”
“That’s what I told the doctor.”
“Let’s get your shirt off,” she said. “Help me.”
Together they got his shirt off. When she saw the scars on his body, she gasped.
“Well,” she said, “you’ve been through this before.”
“Once or twice.”
“I can count,” she said. She looked the wound over and said, “The bullet is still in there. You didn’t tell the doctor that. I’ll have to get him.”
She started away, and he grabbed her arm.
“You do it.”
“You trust me?”
He moved his hand from her arm to her hand and said, “I trust these hands.”
She smiled at him and said, “OK, cowboy. Let’s get it done.”
After she got the bullet out, she cleaned and dressed the wound, then stepped back to admire her handiwork.
“Not bad, even if I do say so myself.” She was smiling, but there was a touch of sadness in her eyes.
“What’s your name?” he asked her.
“Linda Hamilton.”
“I’m Decker,” he said, putting his hand out.
She hesitated a moment, then put her hand in his.
“Thank you,” he said, shaking it.
“You’re very welcome.”
She helped him get his shirt and jacket back on. Then she smiled at him again. “Good luck,” she said.
“You didn’t even ask me how this happened.”
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious,” she said, “but I’m afraid I don’t have the time. I still have an hour to go on my shift, and we are very busy.”
She had a strand of hair caught on her left eyebrow so that every time she blinked, it moved. He reached up with his left hand and freed it.
“Goodbye,” she said.
She drew the white curtain open and stepped out. He watched her walk down the hall.
Outside, Lieutenant Tally was waiting, smoking a cigarette.
“Finished already?”
“Let’s take a ride to my office and talk a little bit. Feel up to it?”
“Sure. Let’s go.”
Police headquarters was otherwise known as the Central Office. It was located on Mulberry Street, between Houston and Bleecker streets. It was a handsome structure of white marble that extended through the block to Mott Street, where its front was brick.
The Central Office housed the offices of the commissioners and their clerks, the superintendent, the street-cleaning bureau, the detective squad, the chief surgeon and the rogues’ gallery. The building was also connected to each of the city’s thirty-five station houses by special telegraph wire.
Tally was assigned to the detective squad. He didn’t have an office but a desk in an office full of desks.
“Cigarette?” he asked, sitting behind his desk.
“Thanks,” Decker said, accepting one and lighting it from Tally’s.
“You got anything else to tell me, Mr. Decker?”
“Just Decker, no mister.”
“All right, Decker. What else is there?”
“That’s all, Lieutenant. I didn’t know those two, and I don’t know why they would try to kill me.”
“Well, take my advice,” Tally said. “The only reason those two would try to kill you is because they were hired to. That means that the man behind them might still want you.”
“I suppose so.”
“Might be time for you to leave town.”
“I just got here.”
“And already you’ve had more fun than most people do in a lifetime,” Tally said. “You want a ride back to the hotel?”
“No, I think I’d like a ride back to the hospital.”
“Feeling all right?”
“Fine. I met someone inside who’s very curious about how I got shot.”
“That makes two of us,” Tally said. “Oh, here. This is yours.”
He handed Decker Dover’s knife.
“I cleaned it.”
“Thanks,” Decker said. “What about my guns?”
“They’ll be returned to your hotel in the morning, but your rifle is still in your room.”
Decker put the knife into his coat pocket and thanked Tally again.
“Here’s my card,” Tally said. “If you think of something or have any more trouble, let me know.”
“Oh, one more thing, Decker.”
“What’s that?”
“Don’t think I’m buying this act of yours,” the lieutenant said. “I’m just giving you some time to think it over before we talk again—and we will be talking again.”
“I’ll look forward to it, Lieutenant.”