MY APPRECIATION TO THE USUAL SUSPECTS: VICTORIA Sanders, Kate Elton, and Kate Miciak. I’d also like to add Gail Rebuck, Susan Sandon, Richard Cable, Margie Seale, Robbert Ammerlaan, Pieter Swinkels, Silvie Kuttny-Walster, Berit Boehm, Per Nasholm, Alysha Farry, Chandler Crawford, and Markus Dohle. And I guess Angela Cheng-Caplan, if she can handle the love.
Isabel Glusman, thank you for your letters, and Emily Bestler, thank you for raising such a great kid. Dr. David Harper helped me figure out how to kill people. Dr. David Worth helped me figure out eyeballs. Any mistakes are my own. Trish Hawkins was instrumental in giving me insight into the complexities of dyslexia. Debbie Teague, you are such a trouper for sharing your experiences; every time I write about Will, I think of your amazing strength of spirit. Mo Hayder: thanks for all the free research on scuba diving, suckah! To Andrew Johnston I offer my apologies for you know what, and no, there’s no compensation. Same goes for you, Miss Kitty.
Thanks to Beth Tindall of Cincinnati Media for all the usual web crap. Jamey Locastro can arrest me anytime. Fiona Farrelly and Ollie Malcolm were very gracious helping me figure my way around the thing that involves the plot of this story, which I won’t mention here in case people read this before they read the actual book, which they shouldn’t be doing anyway. Thanks also to the folks who helped by discussing this subject matter but didn’t want to be named for obvious reasons. To Speaker David Ralston: I thank you very much for introducing me to some great people. GBI Director Vernon Keenan and John Bankhead, thanks for your time. I will never fire a shotgun again without thinking of our lovely day outside the women’s prison. I hope I’ve honored the work y’all and all the agents and support staff at the GBI do for the great state of Georgia.
My daddy made me soup and cornbread during critical times, which I may have conflated because of the cornbread and soup, which-did I mention?-I will probably need more of. D.A. showed amazing perseverance through this whole process. As always, you are my heart.
To my readers: y’all are the best. For further reading, try the GPZ anthology, check out issue 15.05 of Wired magazine, or, if you really want to get upset, investigoogle Jessie Gelsinger. For those of you with a wild hair, is an interesting site as well. Hey, folks, while you’re online, check me out on Facebook or my website, I love getting letters, but please remember this is a work of fiction.