Chapter Two

The revelation came when the little hottie who’d arrived out of nowhere with a pitiful-looking broom, spoke in a funny language that tickled his skin, and waved her hands at him.

She’s a bloody witch.

Had he not been so busy trying not to ravish her tempting body, he might have recognized the scent she gave off-part ozone swirled with flowers and vanilla. She smelled delicious, temptingly so, and it made him want to dive between her thighs and eat her up, especially since he kept catching tantalizing whiffs of her reciprocated desire. She definitely wasn’t immune to him.

Even more interesting, his inner furry friend liked her, actually more than liked, he yipped and growled in agitation, trying to tell Aidan something. Actually the word that kept coming to mind was mine. Unusual behavior for his usually behaved animal half whose usual demands were eat, hunt, or fuck. Even odder, something about this scenario tickled his brain. He was sure he’d think of the reason why later.

But, back to the matter at hand, her broomstick had obviously experienced some type of breakdown, and, even more evident, she needed his assistance getting somewhere. Much more interesting was the fact she didn’t seem to have a clue he was a werewolf, immune to her magic. Which left him with a choice. Did he laugh and tell her the spell she’d attempted had failed or did he play along and see where she led him? If he was lucky, he would end up naked in bed with her in an interspecies sexual tango.

“Where do you need to go, sweetheart? Your wish is my command.” He took a wild guess as to the purpose of her spell and almost laughed at the look of relief and delight on her face.

“We need to make it to Covenhouse Inn before tomorrow night. So, we need to get going.”

His impish side made him want to ask her where the hell this inn was, but he didn’t want her ditching him for another ride, so biting back a grin at her imperially given order, he put the truck in drive. They evidently had a long way to go.

And lucky for her-and him-he knew of the perfect pit stop on the way to her destination, where they could rest, among other things. His throbbing shaft couldn’t wait.

* * * *

Sophia kept sneaking glances over at Aidan. She admired his strong profile while combating the heat that suffused her at his nearness. She still couldn’t believe her spell of persuasion had worked so well. She’d expected more questions from him for, after all, her spell wasn’t one of pure obedience, but he’d meekly followed her command, a heady feeling indeed. It made her wonder what else he’d be amenable to. Her gaze strayed to his crotch and the bulge within.

A low growl startled her, and she raised her eyes to him, but his gaze remained fixated on the road, and she chewed her lower lip. She must have imagined it, but she thanked the change in direction of her thoughts. Tempting as she found him, to take advantage of his body under these circumstances would be inappropriate, for how could she ensure his response was voluntary and not the spell forcing his will, pleasurable as they both might find it.

“So, Sophia, where are you traveling from?”

She debated lying, but without her last name and given the size of the city she lived in, he’d have a difficult time finding her. Besides, once she’d cast the spell of forgetfulness, he’d never even remember meeting her-what a pity. “Niagara, right on the Canadian and U.S. border.”

“Nice place.”

“Yes, it is.”

They exchanged small talk back and forth. She told him she worked as a legal secretary. He shared the fact he was half-owner of the garage with his brother and that tomorrow just happened to be his day off, so there was no problem with him driving her.

Sophia began to wonder after talking with him for a while if he wouldn’t have driven her even without the spell. Aidan seemed like a genuinely nice guy, one who probably would have extended a helping hand, or in this case a drive, to a lady in need. Too late now, though, with the spell already cast and in effect for around twenty-four hours, or so the manual said.

They’d only driven for about two hours, chatting like old friends-one whose bones she wanted to jump-when he slowed down and pulled off into a roadside diner.

“Why are we stopping?”

“I’m starving. Don’t tell me you’re not hungry, too, for the best burger and greasiest home fries in the whole state?”

Actually, her stomach could use refueling. She hadn’t eaten since the morning. Before she could answer, he got out of the truck. She shrugged and swung the passenger door open, only somewhat surprised to see him already standing in the opening. The man moved incredibly fast.

He reached up and grabbed her around the waist to swing her down out of the truck. Her breath caught for a second at the effortless way he kept handling her. Not just pretty muscle, apparently he had strength to go with it. When he set her on her feet, she swayed for a moment and she automatically put a hand out to steady herself, touching his chest. She snatched her hand away quickly as if scalded. Even through the fabric of his shirt, his skin exuded heat, scorchingly so, and her body responded by pouring a liquid languor throughout all her muscles.

Aidan looked down at her with eyes she could have sworn glowed. He brushed his fingers down her cheek, making her nerve endings tingle rapturously.

“Let’s go eat.” He stroked her cheek with his hand, then he dropped it down and laced his fingers around hers, finally tugging her toward the bustling diner. Sophia, still dazed from his touch, stumbled along in a fog. I know what I want to eat, and I bet it’s not on the menu. Regardless of how hot he made her, though, she needed to remind herself he was under a spell, meaning he was off limits no matter how much her body craved him.

Big trucks with long trailers filled the parking lot. When she entered the restaurant, Sophia became keenly aware of the fact she was the only female client amidst a roomful of men-and more than one turned around for a peek at her. Sophia tucked in closer to Aidan, who released her hand and, as if sensing her trepidation, slung an arm around her waist as he guided her to a table against a wall.

Sophia slid into one chair while Aidan sat down across from her absently, too busy frowning at the room in general. She wondered why. “Is there something wrong?”

He turned to face her, his brow furrowed and his mouth set. “I don’t like the way they looked at you.”

Sophia almost gaped at him. He sounded so…possessive. And she liked it even as she knew she shouldn’t. “It’s probably because I’m the only woman in here other than the waitresses.” Who looked old enough to have birthed most of the men in the restaurant.

Speaking of whom, a frizzy haired blonde with a pencil stuck in a hairdo that had never graced the cover of any magazine slapped two menus down.

“Evening, Aidan. What can I get you and your lady?”

Sophia guessed she shouldn’t be surprised the waitress knew Aidan. He apparently knew the place, and, honestly, who could forget him.

“We’ll have two of your burger specials, Lena. The usual toppings for mine with a coffee. And the lady will take hers…” He eyed her questioningly.

“Fully loaded with water, please.”

Screw calories, she’d given up counting a long time ago. Some women just weren’t meant to be skinny. And she did so enjoy her food.

“Come here often?” she asked when the waitress walked away. Her shouts of their order could easily be heard.

“I’ve got a cabin in the woods not far from here. I’ve been hitting this place going in and out for the last seven years or so. The food is great.”

This was an assessment she agreed with when it arrived and she took her first bite. Massive portions, dripping with greasy goodness. Sophia closed her eyes in bliss.

She heard a chuckle, and she opened her eyes to see Aidan as he grinned at her. “It’s nice to see a woman who knows how to enjoy food.”

Sophia shrugged. “I get grumpy when I’m hungry or if forced to eat salads.”

“I’ll have to remember that,” he said, implying they would partake of more meals together in the future.

Flustered and unsure of a reply, she stuffed a long french fry in her mouth, but the potato was too long and hung out of her mouth. Before she could suck it in, Aidan leaned across the table and bit it off, his lips brushing hers electrically. Sophia sucked in a surprised breath and began choking.

Several whacks on her back later and to the sound of Aidan’s snickers, she managed through watering eyes to take a drink of water and calm her coughing fit. She glared at his smiling mien when he sat back across from her.

“Looks like I’m going to have to teach you to share without trying to kill yourself,” he said with a low chuckle.

“How about you leave the food in my mouth alone,” she replied tartly. Never mind her body had quite enjoyed the brief touch of his lips and was already thinking up scenarios where he ate whipped cream off of certain body parts. She stood abruptly.

“I need to use the ladies room before we get back on the road.”

Aidan stood as well. “I’ll go pay the bill.”

“Here, let me give you some money.” Sophia stuck a hand in her purse to feel around for her wallet.

He tilted her chin up. “My treat. I’ll meet you at the front door when you’re done.”

Then he strutted off to stand in line at the register. Bemused, she walked across the room full of men, keeping her gaze down so as to not look anyone in the eye. A tinkling sound caught her attention, and she looked sideways to see the main door open and a burly fellow in a checkered shirt come in. She ducked her head back down, wishing having witchy powers would give her some courage. Her wish didn’t come true, and she ducked into the ladies room, which was of course empty. She quickly peed and was washing her hands when the door opened. Expecting to see a waitress, her eyes widened in shock when she saw a blur of red behind her. She would have screamed, but a rough, smelly hand clapped itself over her mouth while a thick arm wrapped around her middle.

Caught like a rookie witch without use of her powers, she was still thankful she’d already emptied her bladder or else she would have pissed down her legs when a gravelly voice said, “Hello, pretty thing. You and me are gonna have some fun.”
