“ I wish you could see the look on your face,” Staples said. “It’s priceless.”

Amy Farber lay dead on her kitchen floor, the front of her white blouse soaked in blood. Her eyes stared lifelessly at the ceiling.

Staples sat in her chair, aiming the pistol at my chest. “You were right about one thing,” she said. “You were never going to get within a mile of the Federal Building. Not where anyone could place us together.”

“You knew you were going to kill me.”

“Once I saw how much you knew, yes. Or did you think I invited you out for the pleasure of your company?”

“It’s been known to happen.”

“Not this time.”

“Are you really an FDA agent? Or is the real Christine Staples lying dead somewhere too?”

“I’m the real Christine Staples,” she said.

“The one nobody knows.”

“You got that right,” she said, nowhere near prim now, her smile ugly, almost lascivious. “Let’s face it. A girl can only go so far on what the FDA pays. Steven was able to take me a whole lot farther.”

“So you’d look the other way when the shipments came through.”

“Which is what you should have done. You should have stayed in Canada. You’re in the U.S. of A. now and we do things different here.”

The gun looked like a 9-millimetre. Now-finally, Ryan might have said-I wanted a gun in my hand, my own Beretta Cougar with the slide racked and safety off. But as Ryan had predicted, I was caught empty-handed.

The silencer on the end of her gun was about three feet from my chest. I wondered if I could grab the end of it and twist before she fired.

“You going to shoot me here?” I asked.

“Yes. Then I’ll wait until Hubby gets home from the movies and shoot him too.”

How had this hellish piece of work passed any kind of employment screening?

“When the police find me here, it’ll all blow open. Too many people in Toronto know what I’m working on.”

“But they won’t find you here,” she said. “Frank and Claudio will collect you and dump you elsewhere. Nothing will connect you to the Aikens or their house.”

“Except my blood, my fingerprints and the thirty people who saw me here tonight.”

For a moment she looked less sure of herself. I made my move, lunging across the table to grab the gun barrel. But she pushed her chair back and jumped out of reach. She stood well back of the table, her thin lips stretched in a sick-looking smile. “Nice try, Geller. Quick and decisive. I like that in a man.”

She levelled the gun at me, gripping it in both hands. She looked like she was ready to fire so I kept talking.

“It’s quite an act you put on,” I said.

“You bought it,” she said. “So does everyone at the FDA. I’m the wallflower who jumps if someone says boo. That’s why no one will ever connect me to this.”

“Don’t be so sure. The Toronto Homicide Squad knows about Stone and Bader. How do you know they won’t talk?”

“I know Steven won’t.”

“And Bader?”

“Not a problem.”

“You’re going to kill him too.”

“Me personally? No. Someone else will handle it.”

“Ricky Messina?”

“Oh, you are industrious,” she said.

I felt a surge of pure hatred for this woman, this animal, who could talk about killing people like we were bugs who had made it through her screen door.

“That’s quite a look,” Staples said. “So angry. So vindictive. I think I liked your dumb look better.”

She levelled the gun and I saw the knuckle around the trigger start to pull. I flinched as a sudden roar in my ears made them ring-a noise that came from behind, far too loud for a silenced pistol. Staples’s chest exploded in a cloud of red and she stumbled backward against a butcher-block counter. Another shot and her throat burst open. She made a coarse strangled sound and slumped down to the floor, leaving a thick bloody smear on the cabinets behind her.

I turned around and saw Dante Ryan at the kitchen door, his Glock 20 in hand.

His first rule of a fast exit had been: make sure there’s no one left alive to chase you.

He’d held up his end. I just had to get my ass out the door without kicking Christine Staples’s dead face.
